Testing AI-Infused Applications

The quarkus-langchain4j-testing-scorer-junit5 extension provides a pragmatic and extensible testing framework for evaluating AI-infused applications. It integrates with JUnit 5 and offers tools for automating evaluation processes, scoring outputs, and generating evaluation reports using customizable evaluation strategies.

Maven Dependency

To use the ScorerExtension, include the following Maven dependency in your pom.xml:


Using the extension

To use the extension, annotate your test class with @ExtendWith(ScorerExtension.class) or @AiScorer:

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
import io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.scorer.junit5.ScorerExtension;

public class MyScorerTests {

    // Test cases go here

Or, you can use the @AiScorer annotation:

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
import io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.scorer.junit5.AiScorer;

public class MyScorerTests {

    // Test cases go here

This Junit 5 extension can be combined with @QuarkusTest to test Quarkus applications:

import io.quarkus.test.junit.QuarkusTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
import io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.scorer.junit5.AiScorer;

public class MyScorerTests {

    // Test cases go here



The Scorer (io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.testing.scorer.Scorer) is a utility that evaluates a set of samples (represented by io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.testing.scorer.Samples) against a function (part of the application) and a set of evaluation strategies. It can run evaluations concurrently and produces an EvaluationReport summarizing the results and providing the score.

The score is the percentage of passed evaluations (between 0.0 and 100.0). It is calculated as the ratio of the number of passed evaluations to the total number of evaluations.

In general, tests using the Scorer follow this pattern:

@Inject CustomerSupportAssistant assistant; // The AI Service to test

void testAiService(@ScorerConfiguration(concurrency = 5) Scorer scorer, // The scorer instance, with concurrency set to 5
                   @SampleLocation("src/test/resources/samples.yaml") Samples<String> samples) { // The samples loaded from a YAML file

    // Define the function that will be evaluated
    // The parameters comes from the sample
    // The output of this function will be compared to the expected output in the samples
    Function<Parameters, String> function = parameters -> {
        return assistant.chat(parameters.get(0));

    EvaluationReport report = scorer.evaluate(samples, function,
            new SemanticSimilarityStrategy(0.8)); // The evaluation strategy
    assertThat(report.score()).isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(70); // Assert the score


A Sample (io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.testing.scorer.EvaluationSample) represents a single input-output test case. It includes: - a name: the name of the sample, - the parameters: the parameter data for the test, - the expected output: the expected result that will be evaluated, - the tags: metadata that can categorize the sample for targeted evaluation (tags are optional).

When tags are set, the score can be calculated per tag (in addition to the global score).

A list of samples is represented by Samples (io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.testing.scorer.Samples).

Samples can be defined using a builder pattern:

var s1 = EvaluationSample.<String>builder()
            .withExpectedOutput("my expected result2")

    var s2 = EvaluationSample.<String>builder()
            .withExpectedOutput("my expected results")

    Samples<String> samples = new Samples<>(List.of(s1, s2));

Alternatively, samples can be loaded from a YAML file using the @SampleLocation annotation:

- name: Sample1
    - "parameter1"
  expected-output: "expected1"
  tags: ["tag1"]
- name: Sample2
    - "parameter2"
  expected-output: "expected2"
  tags: ["tag1"]

Evaluation Strategy

An EvaluationStrategy (io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.testing.scorer.EvaluationStrategy) defines how to evaluate a sample. The framework includes ready-to-use strategies (detailed below), and you can implement custom ones.

 * A strategy to evaluate the output of a model.
 * @param <T> the type of the output.
public interface EvaluationStrategy<T> {

     * Evaluate the output of a model.
     * @param sample the sample to evaluate.
     * @param output the output of the model.
     * @return {@code true} if the output is correct, {@code false} otherwise.
    boolean evaluate(EvaluationSample<T> sample, T output);


Evaluation Report

The EvaluationReport aggregates the results of all evaluations. It provides:

  • a global score (percentage of passed evaluations).

  • the scores per tag.

  • the possibility to dump the report as Markdown.

Writing Tests with Scorer

Example Test Using Field Injection

public class ScorerFieldInjectionTest {

    @ScorerConfiguration(concurrency = 4)
    private Scorer scorer;

    void evaluateSamples() {
        // Define test samples
        Samples<String> samples = new Samples<>(

        // Define evaluation strategies
        EvaluationStrategy<String> strategy = new SemanticSimilarityStrategy(0.85);

        // Evaluate samples
        EvaluationReport report = scorer.evaluate(samples, parameters -> {
            // Replace with your function under test
            return "actualOutput";
        }, strategy);

        // Assert results

Example Test Using Parameter Injection

public class ScorerParameterInjectionTest {

    // ....

    void evaluateWithInjectedScorer(
        @ScorerConfiguration(concurrency = 2) Scorer scorer,
        @SampleLocation("test-samples.yaml") Samples<String> samples
    ) {
        // Use an evaluation strategy
        EvaluationStrategy<String> strategy = new AiJudgeStrategy(myChatLanguageModel);

        // Evaluate samples
        EvaluationReport report = scorer.evaluate(samples, parameters -> {
            // Replace with your function under test
            return "actualOutput";
        }, strategy);

        // Assert results

Built-in Evaluation Strategies

Semantic Similarity

The SemanticSimilarityStrategy (io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.testing.scorer.similarity.SemanticSimilarityStrategy) evaluates the similarity between the actual output and the expected output using cosine similarity. It requires an embedding model and a minimum similarity threshold.

Maven Dependency:



EvaluationStrategy<String> strategy = new SemanticSimilarityStrategy(0.9);
EvaluationStrategy<String> strategy2 = new SemanticSimilarityStrategy(embeddingModel, 0.85);

AI Judge

The AiJudgeStrategy leverages an AI model to determine if the actual output matches the expected output. It uses a configurable evaluation prompt and ChatModel.

Maven Dependency



EvaluationStrategy<String> strategy = new AiJudgeStrategy(myChatLanguageModel, """
                You are an AI evaluating a response and the expected output.
                You need to evaluate whether the model response is correct or not.
                Return true if the response is correct, false otherwise.

                Response to evaluate: {response}
                Expected output: {expected_output}


Creating a Custom Evaluation Strategy

To implement your own evaluation strategy, implement the EvaluationStrategy interface:

import io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.testing.scorer.*;

public class MyCustomStrategy implements EvaluationStrategy<String> {

    public boolean evaluate(EvaluationSample<String> sample, String output) {
        // Custom evaluation logic
        return output.equalsIgnoreCase(sample.expectedOutput());

Then, use the custom strategy in your test:

EvaluationStrategy<String> strategy = new MyCustomStrategy();
EvaluationReport report = scorer.evaluate(samples, parameters -> {
    return "actualOutput";
}, strategy);

Here is an exmaple of a custom strategy that can be used to verify the correctness of a vector search:

public class TextSegmentEvaluationStrategy implements EvaluationStrategy<List<String>> {

        public boolean evaluate(EvaluationSample<List<String>> sample, List<String> response) {
            List<String> expected = sample.expectedOutput();
            int found = 0;
            for (String seg : expected) {
                // Make sure that the response contains the expected segment
                boolean segFound = false;
                for (String s : response) {
                    if (s.toLowerCase().contains(seg.toLowerCase())) {
                        segFound = true;
                if (!segFound) {
                    System.out.println("Segment not found: " + seg);
            return found == expected.size();


Injecting Samples

You can load samples directly from a YAML file using the @SampleLocation annotation:

- name: Sample1
   - "value1"
  expected-output: "expected1"
  tags: ["tag1"]
- name: Sample2
    - "value2"
  expected-output: "expected2"
  tags: ["tag2"]

Then, inject the samples into your test method:

void evaluateWithSamples(@SampleLocation("test-samples.yaml") Samples<String> samples) {
    // Use samples in your test

Example of tests using Quarkus

Let’s imagine an AI Service used by a Chatbot to generate responses. Let’s also imagine that this AI Service has access to a (RAG) content retriever. The associated tests could be:

package dev.langchain4j.quarkus;

import dev.langchain4j.data.message.UserMessage;
import dev.langchain4j.data.segment.TextSegment;
import dev.langchain4j.model.openai.OpenAiChatModel;
import dev.langchain4j.quarkus.workshop.CustomerSupportAssistant;
import dev.langchain4j.rag.AugmentationRequest;
import dev.langchain4j.rag.RetrievalAugmentor;
import dev.langchain4j.rag.content.Content;
import dev.langchain4j.rag.query.Metadata;
import io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.scorer.junit5.AiScorer;
import io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.scorer.junit5.SampleLocation;
import io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.scorer.junit5.ScorerConfiguration;
import io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.testing.scorer.EvaluationReport;
import io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.testing.scorer.EvaluationSample;
import io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.testing.scorer.EvaluationStrategy;
import io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.testing.scorer.Parameters;
import io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.testing.scorer.Samples;
import io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.testing.scorer.Scorer;
import io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.testing.scorer.judge.AiJudgeStrategy;
import io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.testing.scorer.similarity.SemanticSimilarityStrategy;
import io.quarkus.test.junit.QuarkusTest;
import jakarta.enterprise.context.control.ActivateRequestContext;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import jakarta.inject.Singleton;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.function.Function;

import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;

public class AssistantTest {

    // Just a function calling the AI Service and returning the response as a String.
    AiServiceEvaluation aiServiceEvaluation;

    // The content retriever from the RAG pattern I want to test
    RetrievalAugmentor retriever;

    // Test the AI Service using the Semantic Similarity Strategy
    void testAiService(@ScorerConfiguration(concurrency = 5) Scorer scorer,
                       @SampleLocation("src/test/resources/samples.yaml") Samples<String> samples) {

        EvaluationReport report = scorer.evaluate(samples, aiServiceEvaluation,
                new SemanticSimilarityStrategy(0.8));

    // Test the AI Service using the AI Judge Strategy
    void testAiServiceUsingAiJudge(Scorer scorer,
                                   @SampleLocation("src/test/resources/samples.yaml") Samples<String> samples) {
        var judge = OpenAiChatModel.builder()
                .baseUrl("http://localhost:11434/v1") // Ollama
        EvaluationReport report = scorer.evaluate(samples, aiServiceEvaluation,
                new AiJudgeStrategy(judge));

    // Evaluation strategy can be CDI beans (which means they can easily be injected)
    TextSegmentEvaluationStrategy textSegmentEvaluationStrategy;

    // Test of the RAG retriever
    void testRagRetriever(Scorer scorer, @SampleLocation("src/test/resources/content-retriever-samples.yaml") Samples<List<String>> samples) {
        EvaluationReport report = scorer.evaluate(samples, i -> runRetriever(i.get(0)),
        assertThat(report.score()).isEqualTo(100); // Expect full success

    private List<String> runRetriever(String query) {
        UserMessage message = UserMessage.userMessage(query);
        AugmentationRequest request = new AugmentationRequest(message,
                new Metadata(message, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), List.of()));
        var res = retriever.augment(request);
        return res.contents().stream().map(Content::textSegment).map(TextSegment::text).toList();

    public static class AiServiceEvaluation implements Function<Parameters, String> {

        CustomerSupportAssistant assistant;

        public String apply(Parameters params) {
            return assistant.chat(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), params.get(0)).collect()
                    .in(StringBuilder::new, StringBuilder::append).map(StringBuilder::toString).await().indefinitely();

    public static class TextSegmentEvaluationStrategy implements EvaluationStrategy<List<String>> {

        public boolean evaluate(EvaluationSample<List<String>> sample, List<String> response) {
            List<String> expected = sample.expectedOutput();
            int found = 0;
            for (String seg : expected) {
                // Make sure that the response contains the expected segment
                boolean segFound = false;
                for (String s : response) {
                    if (s.toLowerCase().contains(seg.toLowerCase())) {
                        segFound = true;
                if (!segFound) {
                    System.out.println("Segment not found: " + seg);
            return found == expected.size();


This test class demonstrates how to use the ScorerExtension to evaluate an AI Service and a RAG retriever using different strategies. The associated samples are:

- name: "car types"
    - "What types of cars do you offer for rental?"
  expected-output: |
    We offer three categories of cars:
      1.	Compact Commuter – Ideal for city driving, fuel-efficient, and budget-friendly. Example: Toyota Corolla, Honda Civic.
      2.	Family Explorer SUV – Perfect for family trips with spacious seating for up to 7 passengers. Example: Toyota RAV4, Hyundai Santa Fe.
      3.	Luxury Cruiser – Designed for traveling in style with premium features. Example: Mercedes-Benz E-Class, BMW 5 Series.
- name: "cancellation"
    - "Can I cancel my car rental booking at any time?"
  expected-output: |
    Our cancellation policy states that reservations can be canceled up to 11 days prior to the start of the booking period. If the booking period is less than 4 days, cancellations are not permitted.
- name: "teaching"
    - "Am I allowed to use the rental car to teach someone how to drive?"
  expected-output: |
    No, rental cars from Miles of Smiles cannot be used for teaching someone to drive, as outlined in our Terms of Use under “Use of Vehicle.”
- name: "damages"
    - "What happens if the car is damaged during my rental period?"
  expected-output: |
    You will be held liable for any damage, loss, or theft that occurs during the rental period, as stated in our Terms of Use under “Liability.”
- name: "requirements"
    - "What are the requirements for making a car rental booking?"
  expected-output: |
    To make a booking, you need to provide accurate, current, and complete information during the reservation process. All bookings are also subject to vehicle availability.
- name: "race"
    - "Can I use the rental car for a race or rally?"
  expected-output: |
    No, rental cars must not be used for any race, rally, or contest. This is prohibited as per our Terms of Use under “Use of Vehicle.”
- name: "family"
    - "Do you offer cars suitable for long family trips?"
  expected-output: |
    Yes, we recommend the Family Explorer SUV for long family trips. It offers spacious seating for up to seven passengers, ample cargo space, and advanced driver-assistance features.
- name: "alcohol"
      - "Is there any restriction on alcohol consumption while using the rental car?"
  expected-output: |
    Yes, you are not allowed to drive the rental car while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This is strictly prohibited as stated in our Terms of Use.
- name: "other questions"
   - What should I do if I have questions unrelated to car rentals?
  expected-output: |
    For questions unrelated to car rentals, I recommend contacting the appropriate department. I’m here to assist with any car rental-related inquiries!
- name: "categories"
      - "Which car category is best for someone who values luxury and comfort?"
  expected-output: |
    If you value luxury and comfort, the Luxury Cruiser is the perfect choice. It offers premium interiors, cutting-edge technology, and unmatched comfort for a first-class driving experience.

and for the content retriever:

- name: cancellation_policy_test
    - What is the cancellation policy for car rentals?
    - "Reservations can be cancelled up to 11 days prior to the start of the booking period."
    - "If the booking period is less than 4 days, cancellations are not permitted."

- name: vehicle_restrictions_test
    - What are the restrictions on how the rental car can be used?
    - "All cars rented from Miles of Smiles must not be used:"
    - "for any illegal purpose or in connection with any criminal offense."
    - "for teaching someone to drive."
    - "in any race, rally or contest."
    - "while under the influence of alcohol or drugs."

- name: car_types_test
    - What types of cars are available for rent?
    - "Compact Commuter"
    - "Perfect for city driving and short commutes, this fuel-efficient and easy-to-park car is your ideal companion for urban adventures"
    - "Family Explorer SUV"
    - "Designed for road trips, family vacations, or adventures with friends, this spacious and versatile SUV offers ample cargo space, comfortable seating for up to seven passengers"
    - "Luxury Cruiser"
    - "For those who want to travel in style, the Luxury Cruiser delivers unmatched comfort, cutting-edge technology, and a touch of elegance"

- name: car_damage_liability_test
    - What happens if I damage the car during my rental period?
    - "Users will be held liable for any damage, loss, or theft that occurs during the rental period"

- name: governing_law_test
    - Under what law are the terms and conditions governed?
    - "These terms will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States of America"
    - "Any disputes relating to these terms will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of United States"