Helm Extension for Quarkus
Helm is a package and install manager that standardizes and simplifies packaging and deployment of containerized applications with Kubernetes.
Under the hood, the Quarkus Helm extension uses Dekorate to generate the Helm chart manifests at build time.
Before getting started, make sure you’re using the right Quarkus Helm version that is compatible with the Quarkus version you’re using in your project. See the following table to see the compatibility among versions:
Quarkus Helm Version | Quarkus Version |
1.2.6 |
Quarkus 3.16+ |
1.2.5 |
Quarkus 3.5.0+ |
1.2.4 |
Quarkus 3.5.0+ |
1.2.3 |
Quarkus 3.5.0+ |
1.2.2 |
Quarkus 3.5.0+ |
1.2.1 |
Quarkus 3.5.0+ |
1.2.0 |
Quarkus 3.5.0+ |
1.1.0 |
Quarkus 3.3.0+ |
1.0.9 |
Quarkus 3.2.0+ |
1.0.8 |
Quarkus 3.1.0+ |
1.0.7 |
Quarkus 3.1.0+ |
1.0.6 |
Quarkus 3.0.0+ |
1.0.5 |
Quarkus 3.0.0+ |
1.0.4 |
Quarkus 3.0.0+ |
1.0.3 |
Quarkus 3.0.0+ |
1.0.1 |
Quarkus 3.0.0+ |
1.0.0 |
Quarkus 3.0.0.Alpha - Quarkus 3.0.0.Beta |
0.2.9 |
Quarkus 2.16+ |
0.2.8 |
Quarkus 2.16+ |
0.2.7 |
Quarkus 2.16+ |
0.2.6 |
Quarkus 2.16+ |
0.2.5 |
Quarkus 2.16+ |
0.2.4 |
Quarkus 2.16+ |
0.2.3 |
Quarkus 2.16+ |
0.2.2 |
Quarkus 2.16+ |
0.2.1 |
Quarkus 2.14.2 - 2.14.3 - 2.15+ |
0.2.0 |
Quarkus 2.14.0 - 2.14.1 |
0.1.2 |
Quarkus 2.13 |
0.1.1 |
Quarkus 2.13 |
0.1.0 |
Quarkus 2.13 |
0.0.7 |
Quarkus 2.13 |
0.0.6 |
Quarkus 2.12 |
Apart from all the features supported by the Quarkus Helm extension, in this documentation you will also find several examples about how to use this extension in:
Using the Helm Extension in Kubernetes
To complete this guide, you need:
roughly 10 minutes
JDK 11+ installed with
configured appropriately -
Apache Maven 3.8.1+
Docker installed
Helm command line installed
Have connected/logged to a Kubernetes cluster
Create a Quarkus application with the Helm extension
The Quarkus Helm extension will generate the Helm Chart of a Quarkus application.
In this example, we’ll create a Quarkus application with the Quarkus Helm extension by running the following command:
mvn io.quarkus.platform:quarkus-maven-plugin:3.17.8:create \
-DprojectGroupId=org.acme \
-DprojectArtifactId=helm-quickstart \
-DclassName="org.acme.quickstart.GreetingResource" \
-Dpath="/hello" \
cd helm-quickstart
If you already have your Quarkus project configured, you can add the helm
extension to your project by running the following command in your project base directory:
./mvnw quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions="helm"
This command will add the following dependency to your pom.xml
After you add the Quarkus Helm extension to your project, you can now generate the Helm resources by running the following Maven command:
./mvnw clean package
When using the Quarkus Helm extension, the Quarkus Kubernetes extension will be transitively loaded as well. So, the helm resources will include the following templates at target/helm/kubernetes/<chart name>/
The |
Chart Installation
Let’s now see how to install the previously generated Helm resources on a Kubernetes cluster.
First, you need to build the application container image and push it into a container registry. For doing this, Quarkus provides some container image extensions to ease up this step. Let’s add the Quarkus container image docker extension in this example:
./mvnw quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions="container-image-docker"
Now, we can generate the Helm resources and build/push the application container image at once by running the following Maven command:
./mvnw clean package -Dquarkus.container-image.build=true -Dquarkus.container-image.push=true -Dquarkus.container-image.registry=<your container registry> -Dquarkus.container-image.group=<your container registry namespace>
Make sure the application container image is public and available to be used by your Kubernetes cluster. |
Finally, let’s use Helm to deploy it into the cluster:
helm install helm-example ./target/helm/kubernetes/<chart name>
The above command will use the default values, which are located in ./target/helm/kubernetes/<chart name>/values.yaml
To override the default values, pass as parameter you own value file --values /path/to/another.values.yaml
or set them using --set key1=val1 --set key2=val2
How can I update my deployment?
Either via the
option of Helm command line:
After making changes to your project and regenerating the Helm resources and the application container image, then you need to upgrade your deployment:
helm upgrade helm-example ./target/helm/kubernetes/<chart name>
Or via the
option of Helm command line:
helm upgrade helm-example ./target/helm/kubernetes/<chart name> --set app.replicas=1
Using the Helm Extension in OpenShift
To complete this guide, you need:
roughly 10 minutes
JDK 11+ installed with
configured appropriately -
Apache Maven 3.8.1+
Docker installed
Helm command line installed
Have connected/logged to a OpenShift cluster
Create a Quarkus application with the Helm extension
The Quarkus Helm extension will generate the Helm Chart of a Quarkus application.
In this example, we’ll create a Quarkus application with the Quarkus Helm and the Quarkus OpenShift extensions by running the following command:
mvn io.quarkus.platform:quarkus-maven-plugin:3.17.8:create \
-DprojectGroupId=org.acme \
-DprojectArtifactId=helm-quickstart \
-DclassName="org.acme.quickstart.GreetingResource" \
-Dpath="/hello" \
cd helm-quickstart
If you already have your Quarkus project configured, you can add the helm
extension to your project by running the following command in your project base directory:
./mvnw quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions="helm"
This command will add the following dependency to your pom.xml
If you want to expose your application in OpenShift, you also need to enable the Route resource by adding the following configuration in your application properties:
And since the Quarkus OpenShift extension will also generate the Kubernetes manifests, you need to explicitly specify the deployment target you want to use:
Once we add the Quarkus Helm extension to your project, you can now generate the Helm resources by running the following Maven command:
./mvnw clean package
Then the helm resources will include the following templates at target/helm/openshift/<chart name>/
The |
Chart Installation
Let’s now see how to install the previously generated Helm resources on a OpenShift cluster.
First, you need to build the application container image and push it into a container registry. For doing this, Quarkus provides some container image extensions to ease up this step. Let’s add the Quarkus container image docker extension in this example:
./mvnw quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions="container-image-docker"
Now, we can generate the Helm resources and build/push the application container image at once by running the following Maven command:
./mvnw clean package -Dquarkus.container-image.builder=docker -Dquarkus.container-image.build=true -Dquarkus.container-image.push=true -Dquarkus.container-image.registry=<your container registry> -Dquarkus.container-image.group=<your container registry namespace>
Make sure the application container image is public and available to be used by your Kubernetes cluster. |
Finally, let’s use Helm to deploy it into the cluster:
helm install helm-example ./target/helm/openshift/<chart name>
The above command will use the default values, which are located in ./target/helm/openshift/<chart name>/values.yaml
To override the default values, pass as parameter you own value file --values /path/to/another.values.yaml
or set them using --set key1=val1 --set key2=val2
How can I update my deployment?
Either via the
option of Helm command line:
After making changes to your project and regenerating the Helm resources and the application container image, then you need to upgrade your deployment:
helm upgrade helm-example ./target/helm/openshift/<chart name>
Or via the
option of Helm command line:
helm upgrade helm-example ./target/helm/openshift/<chart name> --set app.replicas=1
Generating the Helm Values file
By default, the Quarkus Helm extension will generate the Helm values file (values.yaml
) by mapping the following pre-configured properties:
The Kubernetes/Openshift replicas
The Kubernetes/Openshift image
The Kubernetes/Openshift Env Var values (only for plain values - secrets or configmaps are not supported yet)
The Kubernetes ingress host
The Openshift S2i builder image
If you would like to automatically map any other pre-configured properties, please submit a feature request at this repository, and we’ll work on it. |
For example, if you set 3 replicas for your deployment:
quarkus.helm.description=Description of my Chart
# Set replicas to 3
The extension will generate the next Helm values file at target/helm/<deployment target>/<chart name>/values.yaml
replicas: 3
And the Deployment file at target/helm/<deployment target>/<chart name>/templates/deployment.yaml
will have a reference to this value:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: helm-on-kubernetes-example
replicas: '{{ .Values.app.replicas }}'
This is done transparently to users.
Adding custom properties to the Helm Values file using YAMLPath expressions
As we have introduced in the previous section, the Quarkus Helm extension will automatically map some properties like the replicas
or the images
to the Values helm file. Still, some users might need to map more properties. For example, let’s see the following YAML resource:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: helm-on-kubernetes-example
The property at metadata.name
, with value helm-on-kubernetes-example
, will not be replaced with {{ .Values.app.name }}
in the Helm templates.
However, the extension allows users to define YAMLPath expressions to map these properties into the Helm values file. Let’s see how to do it using the above example to map the property metadata.name
with {{ .Values.app.name }}
. You only need to add the following properties to your configuration:
quarkus.helm.description=Description of my Chart
# Map all the metadata name resources
The resulting values.yaml
file will look like as:
name: helm-on-kubernetes-example
The app.name
value is set automatically by the Quarkus Helm extension. However, users can provide other values using the value
quarkus.helm.description=Description of my Chart
# Map all the metadata name resources
## Overwrite value:
And the values.yaml
file will now contain:
name: this-is-another-name
Using values in the application properties
We can directly use the configuration from the generated Values yaml file in the application.properties
file. For example, if the generated values.yaml
greetings: Hello
We can map this value into the application.properties
as this property was a system property:
Now, when installing the Helm chart, we can configure the greetings message by doing:
helm install helm-example ./target/helm/kubernetes/<chart name> --set app.greetings=Hola
Mapping System Properties
Mapping system properties only works with string/text properties. For mapping other types, you would need to use the Kubernetes Config extension. See example here. |
It’s a very common use case to expose some properties to be configurable when installing the Helm chart. For example, the data source JDBC url:
If we add the above properties into the application.properties
file, the connection to the datasource is hardcoded to use a Postgresql instance at jdbc:postgresql://host:1111/database
, and you won’t be able to change it when installing the Helm chart.
To allow some properties to be configurable at installing the Helm chart, you have several options:
Using the Quarkus Kubernetes Config extension.
This extension allows mounting ConfigMap and/or Secret resources where to take the application properties from. You can find more information about how to use it, in the official guide.
Using system properties:
You can map the actual configuration you would like to change at installing the Helm chart using system properties, for example:
In Quarkus, you can specify system properties using the pattern |
Next, the Quarkus Helm extension will detect that you’re using system properties in your application properties file and will configure the env var resources at the generated Deployment resource, and also map these properties into the generated Helm Chart values file:
POSTGRESQL_URL: jdbc:postgresql://host:1111/database
The Quarkus Helm extension does not force you to use a specific naming convention and by consequence, you can declare the system property using one the following:
The extension will use the property names declared as such under the
Therefore, you can now change these values when installing or updating the Helm chart by using:
helm install helm-example ./target/helm/kubernetes/<chart name> --set app.envs.POSTGRESQL_URL=foo --set app.envs.POSTGRESQL_USERNAME=bar --set app.envs.POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=tar
The mapping of system properties is enabled by default. If you want to disable it, you need to add this property |
Mapping multiple properties at once
What about if the properties are located in different places, for example:
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: helm-on-kubernetes-example ## (1)
- host: my-host
- backend:
name: helm-on-kubernetes-example ## (2)
name: http
path: /
pathType: Prefix
From this example, we need to map the value helm-on-kubernetes-example
which is used in two places: (1) metadata.name
and (2) spec.rules..http.paths..backend.service.name
to the same property name
. For doing this, we need to provide a comma-separated list of YAMLPath expressions to be mapped to app.name
quarkus.helm.description=Description of my Chart
# Map all the metadata name resources
## Comma separated list of YAMLPath expressions:
quarkus.helm.values.name.paths=metadata.name,(kind == Ingress).spec.rules.http.paths.backend.service.name
Now, the extension will first map the expression metadata.name
and then the expression (kind == Ingress).spec.rules.http.paths.backend.service.name
(this expression only applies to Ingress
Alias name
The alias name is the name used to keep all the properties linked as:
replicas: 3
The alias name in the above example is "app" which is the default value. You can modify it using the property "quarkus.helm.values-root-alias=myAppName" and then the generated Helm resources will look like:
replicas: 3
Adding Helm dependencies
Sometimes, your application requires of some other services to work. The typical scenario is when your application needs of a database to store the application data in. In this scenario, you need to declare the database service as a Helm dependency. For example, let’s declare the Postgres Bitnami Helm dependency as database instance:
- name: postgresql
version: 11.6.22
repository: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
alias: database # this is optional. The default value is the `name`.
Before installing or packaging your Helm chart, you need to download the dependencies (you can use the Helm command |
Next, you can configure the dependencies adding the dependency configuration into the values.yaml
file. For example, following the previous Postgres Bitnami dependency:
database: # the value in the `alias` property, or the `name` if unset.
database: my_db_name
postgresPassword: secret
Let’s now see how you can add this configuration using the Quarkus Helm extension, so the chart.yaml
and the values.yaml
files are properly populated using a Helm dependency. You simply need to add the following properties:
The Quarkus Helm extension will check whether the property set in quarkus.helm.values.xxx.property
starts with a dependency alias or name. If so, it will use directly the value set. Otherwise, it will interpret that the property is an application property and will add the prefix set in the property quarkus.helm.values-root-alias
(default value is app
Alternatively, you can provide the properties of your dependency by providing the file values.yaml
or the file Chart.yaml
at src/main/helm
(the path is configurable using the property quarkus.helm.input-directory
). Let’s see an example:
database: # the value in the `alias` property, or the `name` if unset.
database: my_db_name
postgresPassword: secret
This configuration will be aggregated in the autogenerated values file at target/helm/<deployment target>/<chart name>/values.yaml
Install the Helm Dependencies in order
By default, Helm will start the Helm dependencies and the application at the same time. This might cause issues when running your application (as one of the dependencies might not have been started yet, for example, the database).
The good news is that you can force the dependency installation order using the Quarkus Helm extension by adding the property quarkus.helm.dependencies.XX.wait-for-service=<service name>
The service name strongly depends on the Helm dependency to be installed, so you need to know the service name that the chart will expose beforehand. |
This configuration will add the following init-containers in the Deployment resource of your Quarkus application:
target/helm/kubernetes/<chart name>/templates/deployment.yaml
- image: alpine:3.16.2
- -c
- for i in $(seq 1 200); do nc -z -w3 chart-database && exit 0 || sleep 3; done; exit 1
- sh
You can configure the image and the argument template to use with the properties quarkus.helm.dependencies.XX.wait-for-service-image
, quarkus.helm.dependencies.0.wait-for-service-port-command-template
and quarkus.helm.dependencies.0.wait-for-service-only-command-template
Validating the input
Helm allows validating the input provided by the user when installing/updating the Helm charts. For example, we might want that the minimum value of the replicas is 3, so if users set a lesser value, Helm rejects it.
These validation rules are specified in the values.schema.json
file which this extension will automatically generate with:
- A description of the automatically mapped properties.
- The structure of the properties.
Therefore, to implement your validation rule, all you would need is to set the minimum value for app.replicas
to 3 as follows:
Apart from minimum, you can also specify a maximum value, or a pattern that the value has to follow or use the required flag.
Using Helm templates/functions
The Quarkus Helm extension partially supports Helm extensions via Helm templates and functions. You can make use of the templates and more complex functions using Helm expressions:
# Example of expressions
quarkus.helm.expressions.0.path=(kind == Service).metadata.annotations.'app.quarkus.io/commit-id'
quarkus.helm.expressions.0.expression={{ .Values.app.favorite.drink | default "tea" | quote }}
# Example of multiline expression
quarkus.helm.expressions.1.path=(kind == ConfigMap && metadata.name == my-configmap).data
quarkus.helm.expressions.1.expression={{- range $key, $val := .Values.app.favorite }}\n\
{{ indent 2 $key }}: {{ $val | quote }}\n\
{{- end }}
The Quarkus Helm extension will replace the specified path with the provided expression.
To provide your custom templates, you can add them into the folder src/main/helm/templates/_helpers.tpl
, for example:
Expand the name of the chart.
{{- define "foo.name" -}}
{{- default .Chart.Name .Values.nameOverride | trunc 5 }}
{{- end }}
And next, you can use this function using the Helm include primitive:
quarkus.helm.expressions.0.path=(kind == Service).metadata.annotations.'app.quarkus.io/build-timestamp'
quarkus.helm.expressions.0.expression={{ include "foo.name" . }}
Moreover, you can specify your Helm templates to only a concrete kind resource, for example, only for Service resources. To do this, you need to add the resource src/main/helm/templates/<kind>.yaml
(following the example src/main/helm/templates/service.yaml
). For example, the following resource will add two template functions called "mychart.labels" and "mychart.not-used":
{{- define "mychart.labels" }}
generator: helm
{{- end }}
{{- define "mychart.not-used" }}
used: !
{{- end }}
And let’s use the template "mychart.labels":
quarkus.helm.expressions.0.path=(kind == Service && metadata.name == quarkus-helm-integration-tests-kubernetes-with-templates).metadata.labels
quarkus.helm.expressions.0.expression={{- template "mychart.labels" }}
Note that the content of these resources at src/main/helm/templates/<kind>.yaml
will only be added at the beginning of the generated resource at target/helm/kubernetes/<chart name>/templates/<kind>.yaml
, by no means, it will be merged. If you want to merge existing Kubernetes/OpenShift resources to the autogenerated ones, you need to follow this guide which does not support Helm expressions.
Push to Helm Repositories
A Helm chart repository is a location where packaged charts can be used and shared across the community.
We can configure the Quarkus Helm extension to automatically push the generated Helm charts into Helm repositories using the following configuration:
# To enable pushing to a Helm repository
# The Helm repository type. Options are: `CHARTMUSEUM`, `ARTIFACTORY`, and `NEXUS`.
quarkus.helm.repository.url=<chart museum url>
# Optional
# Optional
Note: At the moment, OCI Helm Repositories like Amazon ECR, Azure Container Registry, … are not supported. #371 for future reference and support.
All the previous properties can be set via system properties at build time. |
Let’s see a practical example. First, we need to deploy a Helm repository. The easiest way to set up one, it’s installing ChartMuseum via docker:
docker run --rm -u 0 -it -d -p 8080:8080 -e DEBUG=1 -e STORAGE=local -e STORAGE_LOCAL_ROOTDIR=/charts -v $(pwd)/charts:/charts chartmuseum/chartmuseum:latest
The ChartMuseum data will be stored in the "./charts" folder.
Next, we’re going to build the Helm chart with the push to a repository enabled and using the just created helm repository:
mvn clean install -Dquarkus.helm.repository.push=true -Dquarkus.helm.repository.url=http://localhost:8080/api/charts -Dquarkus.helm.repository.type=CHARTMUSEUM
For the local ChartMuseum, we don’t need to provide either the username or the password.
Finally, let’s install the Helm chart from the Helm repository:
helm repo add local http://localhost:8080
helm install --devel my-quarkus local/quarkus-hello-world
Helm Profiles
By default, all the properties are mapped to the same Helm values file values.yaml
. However, the Quarkus Helm extension also supports the generation of Helm values by profiles.
For example, let’s say we have two environments: one for testing and another one for production; each environment has a different ingress host where your Kubernetes applications will be exposed.
We can configure our application as:
# Mapped to `values.yaml` by the preconfigured Ingress decorator
# Helm Chart
## Overwrite the value of `quarkus.kubernetes.host` to `values.<profile-name>.yaml`:
quarkus.helm.values.host.paths=(kind == Ingress).spec.rules.host
This configuration will generate the values.yaml
using the value set at the property quarkus.kubernetes.ingress.host
host: my-host
But as you are now using a profile named test
(see quarkus.helm.values.host.profile
) in one of your mapped properties, it will also generate a values.test.yaml
file with the content:
host: my-test-host
By default, Quarkus Helm uses the "." character in the filename of profile specific values files i.e. |
Conditionally enable/disable resources
Based on a boolean property that is available part of the values.yaml
, you can specify whether you want to install or not any resource. For example, we want to install the generated Ingress resource only if I pass the following property app.ingress.enabled=true
when installing the chart. Let’s see how to do this using the quarkus.helm.add-if-statement
This configuration will add the app.ingress.enabled
property in the values.yaml
enabled: false
So, when installing the chart, the Ingress resource won’t be installed by default.
Now, to install it, you need to explicitly set the app.ingress.enabled=true
property as helm install quarkus local/chart --set app.ingress.enabled=false
and then the Ingress resource would be installed.
Command line interface
Using the helm
binary requires the user to specify things like name
and path
for each chart, which is a repetitive process.
Moreover, on multi-module projects it requires the command to be run for each of the modules providing a chart.
This extension provides a CLI utility that can be used along with the official Quarkus CLI. To use the Quarkus CLI, install the latest version of the Quarkus CLI. Use quarkus -v
to verify the version number.
The plugin is enabled automatically when the Quarkus CLI is running from within a module that is using the helm extension.
Note: If the plugin is not added automatically, it is possible that the extension catalog has not yet been updated with a quarkus-helm
version that contains the CLI plugin. Until, then please use the manual installation steps.
Manual installation
To manually enable the CLI plugin for quarkus-helm
quarkus plug add io.quarkiverse.helm:quarkus-helm-cli:{quarkus-helm-version} -d "Helm CLI"
Using the CLI
Listing charts
To list the available charts of the current projects or its sub-modules:
quarkus helm list
To select a specific platform (e.g. kubernetes or openshift):
quarkus helm list --platform kubernetes
Installing charts
To install all the available charts of the current project or its sub-modules;
quarkus helm install
The command supports the --platform
option too.
The command also supports the --set
option from the original helm cli:
quarkus helm install --set app.replicas=3
In case you want to select a single chart among multiple modules for installation (e.g. user-service
quarkus helm install user-service
Configuration Reference
Configuration property fixed at build time - All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime
Type |
Default |
Enabled the generation of Helm files. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Name of the Helm chart. If not set, it will use the application name. Environment variable: |
string |
Project’s home page of the Helm chart. It must be a URL. Environment variable: |
string |
The Helm chart list of URLs to source code for this project. Environment variable: |
list of string |
Version of the Helm chart. If not set, it will use the application version. Environment variable: |
string |
The Helm chart single-sentence description. Environment variable: |
string |
List of keywords to add to the chart. Environment variable: |
list of string |
Icon of the Helm chart. It must be a URL to an SVG or PNG image. Environment variable: |
string |
The Chart API version. The default value is Environment variable: |
string |
The condition to enable this chart. Environment variable: |
string |
Tags of this chart. Environment variable: |
string |
The version of the application enclosed of this chart. Environment variable: |
string |
Whether this chart is deprecated. Environment variable: |
boolean |
KubeVersion is a SemVer constraint specifying the version of Kubernetes required. Environment variable: |
string |
Specifies the chart type: application or library. Environment variable: |
string |
Alias of the root element in the generated values file. Environment variable: |
string |
Notes template to be generated. Environment variable: |
string |
Extension of the Helm tarball file. Default is Environment variable: |
string |
Classifier to be appended into the generated Helm tarball file. Environment variable: |
string |
If Helm tar file is generated. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Whether to generate the Environment variable: |
boolean |
Whether to generate the Environment variable: |
boolean |
The input folder in which to place the user-defined Helm files. These files will be used as inputs to populate the generated Helm files. At the moment, the supported Helm files are: README.md, LICENSE, values.schema.json, app-readme.md or app-README.md, questions.yml or questions.yaml, the "crds" directory, and requirements.yml or requirements.yaml. Moreover, you can provide a custom Environment variable: |
string |
The output folder in which to place the Helm generated folder. The folder is relative to the target output directory in Quarkus that is also configurable using the property Environment variable: |
string |
If true, it will perform the upload to a Helm repository. Environment variable: |
boolean |
The deployment target to push. Options are: Environment variable: |
string |
The Helm repository type. Options are: Environment variable: |
The Helm repository URL. Environment variable: |
string |
The Helm repository username. Environment variable: |
string |
The Helm repository password. Environment variable: |
string |
If enabled, the extension will check whether there are properties using system properties in the form of Environment variable: |
boolean |
If true, the naming validation will be disabled. The naming validation rejects property names that contain "-" characters. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Configuration for the separator string in the filename of profile specific values files i.e. values.profile.yaml, defaults to "." Environment variable: |
string |
Title of the values schema json file. Environment variable: |
string |
Name of the maintainer. Environment variable: |
string |
Email of the maintainer. Environment variable: |
string |
URL profile of the maintainer. Environment variable: |
string |
Annotations are additional mappings uninterpreted by Helm, made available for inspection by other applications. Environment variable: |
Name of the dependency. Environment variable: |
string |
Version of the dependency. Environment variable: |
string |
required |
Repository of the dependency. Environment variable: |
string |
required |
Dependency condition. If the property starts with Environment variable: |
string |
Dependency tags. Environment variable: |
list of string |
Whether this dependency should be loaded. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Alias of the dependency. Environment variable: |
string |
Instruct the application to wait for the service that should be installed as part of this Helm dependency. You can set only a service name or a combination of a service name plus the service port (service:port). Environment variable: |
string |
If wait for service is set, it will use this image to configure the init-containers within the deployment resource. Environment variable: |
string |
If wait for service is set, it will use this command to run the init-containers within the deployment resource. Environment variable: |
string |
If wait for service is set, it will use this command to run the init-containers within the deployment resource. Environment variable: |
string |
The name of the property that will be present in the Helm values file. If the property starts with Environment variable: |
string |
A comma-separated list of YAMLPath expressions to map the Dekorate auto-generated properties to the final Helm values file. Environment variable: |
list of string |
The profile where this value reference will be mapped to. For example, if the profile is Environment variable: |
string |
The value that the property will have in the Helm values file. If not set, the extension will resolve it from the generated artifacts. Environment variable: |
string |
The integer value that the property will have in the Helm values file. If not set, the extension will resolve it from the generated artifacts. Environment variable: |
int |
The boolean value that the property will have in the Helm values file. If not set, the extension will resolve it from the generated artifacts. Environment variable: |
boolean |
The map value that the property will have in the Helm values file. If not set, the extension will resolve it from the generated artifacts. Environment variable: |
A list separated by comma that the property will have in the Helm values file. If not set, the extension will resolve it from the generated artifacts. Environment variable: |
list of string |
If not provided, it will use Environment variable: |
string |
Description of the property. Environment variable: |
string |
Minimum value allowed for this property. Environment variable: |
int |
Maximum value allowed for this property. Environment variable: |
int |
Pattern to validate the value of this property. Environment variable: |
string |
If true, then this property is mandatory. Environment variable: |
boolean |
The YAMLPath path where to include the template within the resource. Environment variable: |
string |
required |
The expression template to include. Environment variable: |
string |
required |
The property to use in the if statement. If the property starts with Environment variable: |
string |
The resource kind where to include the if statement. Environment variable: |
string |
The resource kind where to include the if statement. Environment variable: |
string |
The default value of the property Environment variable: |
boolean |
Provide custom description of the Environment variable: |
string |
Name of the property to add or update. Example: Environment variable: |
string |
Description of the property. Environment variable: |
string |
Type of the property. Environment variable: |
string |
Minimum value allowed for this property. Environment variable: |
int |
Maximum value allowed for this property. Environment variable: |
int |
Pattern to validate the value of this property. Environment variable: |
string |
If true, then this property is mandatory. Environment variable: |
boolean |