Quarkus Playwright
Playwright is an open-source automation library designed for browser testing and web scraping. This extension supports two primary use cases:
Testing: Perform end-to-end tests for your Quarkus web application.
Runtime: Leverage Playwright for screen scraping or other browser tasks in your runtime application, including support for GraalVM native compilation.
Test Usage
The primary use case for Playwright is integration with @QuarkusTest
for end-to-end testing of your application. You can easily create effective cross-browser end-to-end tests for your Quarkus web application using Playwright with frameworks such as Qute, Quinoa, Renarde, Web-Bundler, and MyFaces. Playwright Test was specifically designed to meet the requirements of end-to-end testing. It supports all modern rendering engines, including Chromium, WebKit, and Firefox. You can run tests on Windows, Linux, and macOS—either locally or in CI—both in headless and headed modes, with native mobile emulation for Google Chrome on Android and Mobile Safari.
Just add the dependency as <scope>test</scope>
to your pom.xml
Write your tests:
public class WithDefaultPlaywrightTest {
BrowserContext context;
URL index;
public void testIndex() {
final Page page = context.newPage();
Response response = page.navigate(index.toString());
Assertions.assertEquals("OK", response.statusText());
String title = page.title();
Assertions.assertEquals("My Awesome App", title);
// Make sure the web app is loaded and hits the backend
final ElementHandle quinoaEl = page.waitForSelector(".toast-body.received");
String greeting = quinoaEl.innerText();
Assertions.assertEquals("Hello from RESTEasy Reactive", greeting);
Use the annotation @WithPlaywright()
to change the browser (Chromium, Firefox, Webkit), headless, enable debug, logs, and other options.
Debug your tests with the Playwright inspector @WithPlaywright(debug=true)
Runtime Usage
Leverage Playwright for screen scraping or other browser tasks in your runtime application, including support for GraalVM native compilation.
Just add the runtime
dependency to pom.xml
If you plan on running in a Docker image we highly recommend you use a pre-built image from Microsoft mcr.microsoft.com/playwright:v1.48.1
which is based on Ubuntu and already has all libraries and tools necessary for PlayWright.
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/playwright:v1.48.1-noble
WORKDIR /work/
RUN chown 1001:root /work \
&& chmod g+rwX /work \
&& chown 1001:root /work
COPY --chown=1001:root target/*.properties target/*.so /work/
COPY --chown=1001:root target/*-runner /work/application
# Make application executable for all users
RUN chmod ugo+x /work/application
USER 1001
CMD ["./application", "-Dquarkus.http.host="]