Quarkus Docker Client

The Quarkus Docker Client extension provides seamless integration with Docker through a native Java API. It supports multiple named clients, automatic platform-specific socket detection, and built-in health checks.

Key features:

  • Multiple named Docker client instances for different environments

  • Automatic platform-specific Docker daemon socket detection

  • Health check integration for Docker daemon connectivity

  • Registry authentication support

  • TLS/SSL configuration for secure daemon communication


If you want to use this extension, you need to add the io.quarkiverse.docker:quarkus-docker-client extension first to your build file.

For instance, with Maven, add the following dependency to your POM file:



Default Client

Inject the default Docker client:

DockerClient dockerClient;

// Use the client

Named Clients

Configure and use multiple Docker clients:

# Default client configuration

# Production client configuration
DockerClient productionClient;

Health Checks

Enable health checks to monitor Docker daemon connectivity:


Extension Configuration Reference