Quarkus Roq
Roq allows to easily create a static website or blog using Quarkus super-powers.
The documentation is available in the Roq website.
Roq depends on a set of extensions which can also be used standalone:
Roq Data: Use json/yaml files content from your templates and articles with type safety.
Roq FrontMatter: Create a website from your Markdown/Asciidoc/Html pages using FrontMatter headers (url, layout, seo, data).
Roq Generator: Command to run any Quarkus web application and extract it in a directory as purely static files (html and assets).
Extension Configuration Reference
Configuration property fixed at build time - All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime
Configuration property |
Type |
Default |
The root path of your site (e.g. /blog) relative the quarkus http root path. This is to be used only when the site is living next to a Quarkus application. Use Environment variable: |
string |
the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. http://example.com Environment variable: |
string |
The order of the route which handles the templates. <p> By default, the route is executed before the default routes (static resources, etc.). Environment variable: |
int |
The ignored files in the site directory (you can use glob expressions). Environment variable: |
list of string |
The layout to use for normal html pages if not specified in FM. When empty, the page will not use a layout when it doesn’t specify it in FM. ":theme/" is removed if no theme is defined. Environment variable: |
string |
The directory which contains content (pages and collections) in the Roq site directory. Environment variable: |
string |
The directory (dir name) which contains static files to be served (with 'static/' prefix). Environment variable: |
string |
The directory which contains public static files to be served without processing (dir name) Environment variable: |
string |
The path containing static images (in the public directory) Environment variable: |
string |
When enabled it will select all FrontMatter pages in Roq Generator Environment variable: |
boolean |
Show future documents Environment variable: |
boolean |
This will be used to replace Environment variable: |
string |
Show draft pages Environment variable: |
boolean |
Format for dates Environment variable: |
string |
The default timezone Environment variable: |
string |
Indicates whether file names in the public directory and files attached to pages should be slugified (converted to a URL-friendly format). When enabled, file names will automatically be transformed into a URL-safe format. Additionally, Environment variable: |
boolean |
If this collection is enabled Environment variable: |
boolean |
Show future documents (overrides global future for this collection) Environment variable: |
boolean |
If true, the collection won’t be available on path but consumable as data. Environment variable: |
boolean |
The layout to use if not specified in FM data. When empty, the document will not use a layout when it doesn’t specify it in FM. ":theme/" is removed if no theme defined. Environment variable: |
string |
Configuration property fixed at build time - All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime
Configuration property |
Type |
Default |
Path to the Roq directory (relative to the project root). Environment variable: |
string |
Path to the Roq directory in the resources. Environment variable: |
string |
If enabled, Jackson will fail when encountering unknown properties. You can still override it locally with Environment variable: |
boolean |
If enabled, Jackson will fail when no accessors are found for a type. This is enabled by default to match the default Jackson behavior. Environment variable: |
boolean |
If enabled, Jackson will ignore case during Enum deserialization. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Defines how names of JSON properties ("external names") are derived from names of POJO methods and fields ("internal names"). The value can be one of the one of the constants in The value can also be a fully qualified class name of a Environment variable: |
string |