Quarkus - Ngrok

This Quarkus extension integrates ngrok into Quarkus Dev Mode thus allowing users to expose their application to the public internet while they are still developing it.

The extension has absolutely no impact on the production Quarkus application


If you want to use this extension, you need to add the io.quarkiverse.ngrok:quarkus-ngrok extension first. In your pom.xml file, add:



  1. Add the extension to the application’s dependencies ./mvnw quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions="io.quarkiverse.ngrok:quarkus-ngrok"

  2. Get a ngrok auth token and configure it using ngrok or set it via quarkus.ngrok.auth-token

  3. A short while after the application has started, you should see something in the application logs like:

    ngrok is running and its web interface can be accessed at: 'http://localhost:4040'
    The application can be accessed publicly over the internet using: 'https://4f59-68-81-186-238.ngrok-free.app'
  4. Use the .ngrok-free.app URL to access the running application from the public internet

Use a stable domain/url

You can get a stable url by setting quarkus.ngrok.domain to a domain you own and have configured in ngrok.

Tip: ngrok at current time of writing offer a free domain per user for free. See details at https://ngrok.com/blog-post/free-static-domains-ngrok-users.

Use ngrok custom configuration

For further customization of ngrok, assign quarkus.ngrok.tunnel-name to a named tunnel specified in your ngrok configuration file for your operating system. Quarkus will then utilize that configuration instead.

Example, set this in your application.properties:


And lets say your app is named quarkus-my-app then in your ngrok.yml file:

version: 2
        proto: http
        addr: 8080
        bind_tls: true
            - "bob:bobpassword"
        domain: my-app.ngrok.io

Then Quarkus will launch ngrok using ngrok start quarkus-my-app and use that specific named tunnel configuration.

Extension Configuration Reference

Configuration property fixed at build time - All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime

Configuration property



Whether ngrok should be started when Quarkus dev-mode is launched.

Environment variable: QUARKUS_NGROK_ENABLED



The directory into which to save the ngrok binary if it doesn’t exist

Environment variable: QUARKUS_NGROK_DIRECTORY



Specify a download URL where the ngrok distribution will be obtained from. If not set, the platform default will be used

Environment variable: QUARKUS_NGROK_DOWNLOAD_URL


The authentication token used to authenticate this client when it connects to the ngrok.com service

Environment variable: QUARKUS_NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN


The region where the ngrok agent will connect to host its tunnels

Environment variable: QUARKUS_NGROK_REGION

united-states, europe, asia-pacific, australia, south-america, japan, india

The port where ngrok will be serving the local web interface and api

Environment variable: QUARKUS_NGROK_PORT


The domain or hostname to use instead of the one ngrok generates. See https://ngrok.com/blog-post/free-static-domains-ngrok-users

Environment variable: QUARKUS_NGROK_DOMAIN


Name of the tunnel to start from ngrok default config instead of Quarkus configuration. Useful to use extended ngrok configuration.

Environment variable: QUARKUS_NGROK_TUNNEL_NAME


API key for ngrok if you need to perform any API operations such as delete-certificate-management-policy.

Environment variable: QUARKUS_NGROK_API_KEY


Reserved domain unique identifier for revoking certificate upon startup. Example: 'rd_2hrGw0rqFLOm9pcXf4dlbdNfrus' If this value is not null the certificate will be revoked upon dev service startup.

