Quarkus Easy Retrofit
Describe what the extension does here. |
Quarkus Easy Retrofit
is an extension of the easy-retrofit
library in Quarkus. This extension is based on the ability of Quarkus Arc container dependency injection, which implicitly injects retrofit object instances into the container, simplifying the creation code of retrofit in use
easy-retrofit, which is a specialized library that provides retrofit
injection for various web frameworks and is based on OkHttp3 interceptors
Provide extension.
If you want to use this extension, you need to add the io.quarkiverse.retrofit:quarkus-easy-retrofit
extension first to your build file.
For instance, with Maven, add the following dependency to your POM file:
Add @EnableRetrofit
The @EnableRetrofit
Annotation will enable to use quarkus-easy-retrofit
if your application has main class, you can add @EnableRetrofit
Annotation to your main class.
public class QuarkusRetrofitClientDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Quarkus.run(RetrofitDemoApplication.class, args);
public static class RetrofitDemoApplication implements QuarkusApplication {
public int run(String... args) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Do startup logic here");
return 0;
if your application has no main class, you can add @EnableRetrofit
Annotation to your resource class.
public class EasyRetrofitResource{
You need specify basePackages like @EnableRetrofit(basePackages = "xxx.yyy.zzz"), "xxx.yyy.zzz" is your retrofit APIs folder name.
Create an Interface file, and use @RetrofitBuilder
will create a Retrofit.Builder()
object, and it will be managed by Quarkus Arc container
can be a URL string or a properties in a resource file
@RetrofitBuilder(baseUrl = "${quarkus.retrofit.baseUrl}")
public interface BaseApi {
Call<ResponseBody> hello();
and application.properties file
Use Retrofit API in Resource
Use @Inject
to inject API Interface, the quarkus-easy-retrofit will help you to create instance of API
Interface file.
public class EasyRetrofitResource {
BaseApi baseApi;
public String hello() throws IOException {
Call<ResponseBody> hello = baseApi.hello();
return hello.execute().body().string();
Yes, Congratulations, your code should work normally.
The current document is being improved. For more comprehensive usage methods, please refer to the documentation of easy-retrofit-spring-boot
-starter first.
Of course, please note to replace Quarkus @Inject
and Springboot @Resource