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Quarkus Couchbase

Integrates Couchbase into Quarkus.

This extension is currently in beta status. It supports:

  • Dependency injecting a Couchbase Cluster.

  • Configuring the Cluster through Currently, a minimal set of configuration options is provided.

  • GraalVM/Mandrel/native-image.

  • KV, Query, Transactions, Analytics, Search and Management operations.

  • Micrometer metrics using quarkus-micrometer

  • SmallRye Health checks (Readiness) using quarkus-smallrye-health

  • Dev Services (starts a Couchbase TestContainer, re-usable across tests)

Please try it out and provide feedback, ideas and bug reports on Github.


Add it to your project:


Provide the Couchbase configuration in (usually located in your src/main/resources directory). See the Configuration section for more options and details.


You can now @Inject a Couchbase Cluster into your project:

public class TestCouchbaseResource {
    Cluster cluster;

    public String run() {
        // Get a reference to a particular Couchbase bucket and its default collection
        var bucket = cluster.bucket("travel-sample");
        var collection = bucket.defaultCollection() ;

        // Upsert a new document
        collection.upsert("test", JsonObject.create().put("foo", "bar"));

        // Fetch and print a document
        var doc = bucket.defaultCollection().get("test");
        System.out.println("Got doc " + doc.contentAsObject().toString());

        // Perform a N1QL query
        var queryResult = cluster.query("select * from `travel-sample` where url like 'http://marriot%' and country = 'United States';");

        queryResult.rowsAsObject().forEach(row -> {

        return "Success!";

Micrometer Metrics

You can enable Micrometer metrics by adding the following dependencies to your application:

# Add Quarkus and Couchbase micrometer dependencies

# Here we use Quarkus' Prometheus extension to display metrics in the DevUI

Set quarkus.couchbase.metrics.enabled=true in The emission rate is also configurable with quarkus.couchbase.metrics.emit-interval. It is recommended to enable histograms which aren’t enabled by default. Configuring the MeterRegistry is explained on the Quarkus Docs and Couchbase docs.

Unsupported Features

  • Connecting to a Cluster using TLS.

    • The Capella certificate is packaged with the SDK and trusted by default. This enables the extension to connect to a Capella Cluster with the couchbases:// connection string in dev mode, however there is currently no exposed config item to specify a certificate path or trust store.

  • Using the separate tracing-opentelemetry package for the Couchbase Java SDK.