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Quarkus Azure App Configuration Extension

Quarkus Azure Services Extensions are developed and supported by Microsoft as part of their commitment to Open Standard Enterprise Java. For more information, see Jakarta EE on Azure.

Azure App Configuration is a fast, scalable parameter storage for app configuration. This extension allows to inject a io.smallrye.config.SmallRyeConfig object inside your Quarkus application so you can access the app configuration stored in Azure.


If you want to use this extension, you need to add the io.quarkiverse.azureservices:quarkus-azure-services extension first to your build file.

For instance, with Maven, add the following dependency to your POM file:


How to Use It

Once you have added the extension to your project, follow the next steps, so you can inject io.smallrye.config.SmallRyeConfig object in your application to store and read blobs.

Setup your Azure Environment

First thing first. For this sample to work, you need to have an Azure account as well as Azure CLI installed. The Azure CLI is available to install in Windows, macOS and Linux environments. Checkout the installation guide. Then, you need an Azure subscription and log into it by using the az login command. You can run az version to find the version and az upgrade to upgrade to the latest version.

Create an Azure resource group with the az group create command. A resource group is a logical container into which Azure resources are deployed and managed.

az group create \
    --name rg-quarkus-azure-app-configuration \
    --location eastus

Create an Azure App Configuration store with the following command:

az appconfig create \
    --name appcs-quarkus-azure-app-configuration \
    --resource-group rg-quarkus-azure-app-configuration \
    --location eastus

Then create some key-value properties with the following commands:

az appconfig kv set --name appcs-quarkus-azure-app-configuration --yes --key myKeyOne --value "Value 1"
az appconfig kv set --name appcs-quarkus-azure-app-configuration --yes --key myKeyTwo --value "Value 2"

You can list the key-value properties with the following command:

az appconfig kv list --name appcs-quarkus-azure-app-configuration

If you log into the Azure portal, you can see the resource group and the key-value you created.

Azure Portal showing the app configuration

Configure the Azure App Configuration Client

As you can see below in the Configuration Reference section, this extension has several configuration options. To be able to connect to the Azure App Configuration that we’ve just created, you must get the URL of the endpoing, it’s id and secret. For that, execute the following Azure CLI command:

az appconfig credential list --name appcs-quarkus-azure-app-configuration

You’ll get the following output:

  "connectionString": "Endpoint=;Id=xxxxxx;Secret=xxxxxx",
  "id": "xxxxxx",
  "name": "Primary",
  "readOnly": false,
  "value": "xxxxxx"

Then, in the file, add the following property according to the output of the previous command:

Inject the SmallRyeConfig

Now that your Azure environment is ready and that you have configured the extension, you can inject the SmallRyeConfig object in your application, so you can interact with Azure App Configuration.

public class ConfigResource {

  SmallRyeConfig config;

  public Response configValue(@PathParam("name") final String name) {
      return Response.ok(config.getConfigValue(name)).build();

To execute this sample you can run the following cURL commands:

  • curl -X GET localhost:8080/config/myKeyOne

  • curl -X GET localhost:8080/config/myKeyTwo

Extension Configuration Reference

Configuration property fixed at build time - All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime

Configuration property



The endpoint of the app configuration




The id of the app configuration




The secret of the app configuration




The label filter of the app configuration. Use comma as separator for multiple label names



Quarkus Azure Key Vault Extension

Quarkus Azure Services Extensions are developed and supported by Microsoft as part of their commitment to Open Standard Enterprise Java. For more information, see Jakarta EE on Azure.

Azure Key Vault is a cloud service for securely storing and accessing secrets. A secret is anything that you want to tightly control access to, such as API keys, passwords, certificates, or cryptographic keys. This extension allows you to create and retrieve secret from Azure Key Vault by injecting the following object inside your Quarkus application.



The extension produces SecretClient and SecretAsyncClient using DefaultAzureCredential. Developers who want more control or whose scenario isn’t served by the default settings should build client using other credential types.


If you want to use this extension, you need to add the io.quarkiverse.azureservices:quarkus-azure-services extension first to your build file.

For instance, with Maven, add the following dependency to your POM file:


How to Use It

Once you have added the extension to your project, follow the next steps, so you can inject or object in your application to manage secret.

Setup your Azure Environment

First thing first. For this sample to work, you need to have an Azure account as well as Azure CLI installed. The Azure CLI is available to install in Windows, macOS and Linux environments. Checkout the installation guide. Then, you need an Azure subscription and log into it by using the az login command. You can run az version to find the version and az upgrade to upgrade to the latest version.

Create an Azure resource group with the az group create command. A resource group is a logical container into which Azure resources are deployed and managed.

az group create \
    --name rg-quarkus-azure-keyvault \
    --location eastus

Create a general-purpose key vault with the following command:

az keyvault create --name kvquarkusazurekv0423 \
    --resource-group rg-quarkus-azure-keyvault \
    --location eastus

Key Vault provides secure storage of generic secrets, such as passwords and database connection strings. All secrets in your key vault are stored encrypted. The Azure Key Vault service encrypts your secrets when you add them, and decrypts them automatically when you read them.

Access Control for secrets managed in Key Vault, is provided at the level of the Key Vault. The following command uses your Azure AD account to authorize the operation to manage secret. Even if you are the key vault owner, you need explicit permissions to perform operations against secret.

Assign all secret permissions(backup, delete, get, list, purge, recover, restore, set) to yourself:

az ad signed-in-user show --query id -o tsv \
    | az keyvault set-policy \
    --name kvquarkusazurekv0423 \
    --object-id @- \
    --secret-permissions all

If you log into the Azure portal, you can see the key vault you created. Select ObjectsSecrets, you will find the Secrets page.

Azure Portal showing Key Vault Secrets

Configure the Azure Key Vault Secret Client

As you can see below in the Configuration Reference section, the configuration option is mandatory. To get the endpoint, execute the following Azure CLI command:

az keyvault show --name kvquarkusazurekv0423 \
    --resource-group rg-quarkus-azure-keyvault \
    --query properties.vaultUri \
    --output tsv

Then, in the file, add the following property:

Inject the Azure Key Vault Secret Client

Now that your Azure environment is ready and that you have configured the extension, you can inject the object in your application, so you can interact with Azure Key Vault Secret.

This is a Quarkus CLI application. The application will:

  • Ask for a secret value.

  • Create a secret with name mySecret and set its value.

  • Retrieve and print the secret value.

  • Delete the secret.

You can build and run the application in development mode using command:

quarkus dev
public class KeyVaultSecretApplication implements QuarkusApplication {

    SecretClient secretClient;

    public int run(String... args) throws Exception {

        Console con = System.console();

        String secretName = "mySecret";
        System.out.println("Create secret: " + secretName);

        System.out.println("Please provide the value of your secret > ");

        String secretValue = con.readLine();

        System.out.println("Creating a secret called '" + secretName + "' with value '" + secretValue + "' ... ");

        secretClient.setSecret(new KeyVaultSecret(secretName, secretValue));

        System.out.println("Retrieving your secret...");

        KeyVaultSecret retrievedSecret = secretClient.getSecret(secretName);

        System.out.println("Your secret's value is '" + retrievedSecret.getValue() + "'.");
        System.out.println("Deleting your secret ... ");

        SyncPoller<DeletedSecret, Void> deletionPoller = secretClient.beginDeleteSecret(secretName);

        return 0;

After running the application, if you log into the Azure portal, you can see the key vault and the secret you created. As the secret is deleted, you will find the secret from ObjectsSecretsManage deleted secrets.

Azure Portal showing the deleted secrets

You can also inject object to your application. For more usage, see

Extension Configuration Reference

Configuration property fixed at build time - All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime

Configuration property



The endpoint of Azure Key Vault.




Quarkus Azure Blob Storage Extension

Quarkus Azure Services Extensions are developed and supported by Microsoft as part of their commitment to Open Standard Enterprise Java. For more information, see Jakarta EE on Azure.

Azure Blob Storage is a massively scalable and secure object storage for cloud-native workloads, archives, data lakes, high-performance computing, and machine learning. This extension allows you to store and retrieve blobs from Azure Blob Storage by injecting a object inside your Quarkus application.


If you want to use this extension, you need to add the io.quarkiverse.azureservices:quarkus-azure-services extension first to your build file.

For instance, with Maven, add the following dependency to your POM file:


How to Use It

Once you have added the extension to your project, follow the next steps, so you can inject object in your application to store and read blobs.

Setup your Azure Environment

First thing first. For this sample to work, you need to have an Azure account as well as Azure CLI installed. The Azure CLI is available to install in Windows, macOS and Linux environments. Checkout the installation guide. Then, you need an Azure subscription and log into it by using the az login command. You can run az version to find the version and az upgrade to upgrade to the latest version.

Create an Azure resource group with the az group create command. A resource group is a logical container into which Azure resources are deployed and managed.

az group create \
    --name rg-quarkus-azure-storage-blob \
    --location eastus

Create a general-purpose storage account with the following command:

az storage account create \
    --name stquarkusazurestorageblo \
    --resource-group rg-quarkus-azure-storage-blob \
    --location eastus \
    --sku Standard_ZRS \
    --encryption-services blob

Blobs are always uploaded into a container. You can organize groups of blobs in containers similar to the way you organize your files on your computer in folders. The following command uses your Azure AD account to authorize the operation to create the container. Before you create the container, assign the Storage Blob Data Contributor role to yourself. Even if you are the account owner, you need explicit permissions to perform data operations against the storage account. For that, get your subscription id with:

az account show \
    --query id

Then, assign the role to yourself with (change <subscription> with your subscription id):

az ad signed-in-user show --query id -o tsv | az role assignment create \
    --role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" \
    --assignee @- \
    --scope "/subscriptions/<subscription>/resourceGroups/rg-quarkus-azure-storage-blob/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/stquarkusazurestorageblo"
az storage container create \
    --account-name stquarkusazurestorageblo \
    --name container-quarkus-azure-storage-blob \
    --auth-mode login

If you log into the Azure portal, you can see the resource group and the storage account you created.

Azure Portal showing the blob container

Configure the Azure Storage Blob Client

As you can see below in the Configuration Reference section, this extension has several configuration options. But one of them is mandatory, and that is the To get the connection string, execute the following Azure CLI command:

az storage account show-connection-string \
    --resource-group rg-quarkus-azure-storage-blob \
    --name stquarkusazurestorageblo \
    --output tsv

Then, in the file, add the following property:;;AccountName=stquarkusazurestorageblo;AccountKey=xxxxxxx==;BlobEndpoint=;FileEndpoint=;QueueEndpoint=;TableEndpoint=

Inject the Azure Storage Blob Client

Now that your Azure environment is ready and that you have configured the extension, you can inject the object in your application, so you can interact with Azure Blob Storage.

The uploadBlob method first gets the container that we’ve created (`container-quarkus-azure-storage-blob), sets some text to a text file, and then uploads the text to the container. The `downloadBlob method downloads the text file from the container and prints the text to the console.

To execute this sample you can run the following cURL commands:

  • curl -X POST localhost:8080/quarkus-azure-storage-blob

  • curl localhost:8080/quarkus-azure-storage-blob

public class StorageBlobResource {

    BlobServiceClient blobServiceClient;

    public Response uploadBlob() {
        BlobContainerClient blobContainerClient = blobServiceClient
        BlobClient blobClient = blobContainerClient.getBlobClient("quarkus-azure-storage-blob.txt");
        blobClient.upload(BinaryData.fromString("Hello quarkus-azure-storage-blob at " +, true);

        return Response.status(CREATED).build();

    public String downloadBlob() {
        BlobContainerClient blobContainerClient = blobServiceClient
        BlobClient blobClient = blobContainerClient.getBlobClient("quarkus-azure-storage-blob.txt");

        return blobClient.downloadContent().toString();

You can go back to the Azure portal and see the container and the blob that you’ve created.

Azure Portal showing the containt of the file

Reactive code pitfall

In case you plan to use BlobServiceClient (that provides all other clients for interacting with Azure BlobStore), note that it cannot be used within the reactive code as it blocks the event loop due to the fact that BlobServiceClient is a wrapper around the BlobServiceAsyncClient and it uses blocking calls such as blockingGet.

Using it in reactive code such as RestEasy Reactive or Reactive Messaging will cause indefinite hang of the application that prevents it from further functioning or shutdown.

Extension Configuration Reference

Configuration property fixed at build time - All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime

Configuration property



Whether a health check is published in case the smallrye-health extension is present.




If DevServices has been explicitly enabled or disabled. DevServices is generally enabled by default, unless there is an existing configuration present.

When DevServices is enabled Quarkus will attempt to automatically configure and start an azurite instance when running in Dev or Test mode and when Docker is running.




The container image name to use, for container based DevServices providers.



Optional fixed port the Dev services will listen to.

If not defined, the port will be chosen randomly.



Indicates if the azurite instance managed by Quarkus Dev Services is shared. When shared, Quarkus looks for running containers using label-based service discovery. If a matching container is found, it is used, and so a second one is not started. Otherwise, Dev Services for Azure Storage Blob starts a new container.

The discovery uses the quarkus-dev-service-azure-storage-blob label. The value is configured using the service-name property.

Container sharing is only used in dev mode.




The value of the quarkus-dev-service-azure-storage-blob label attached to the started container. This property is used when shared is set to true. In this case, before starting a container, Dev Services for Azure Storage Blob looks for a container with the quarkus-dev-service-azure-storage-blob label set to the configured value. If found, it will use this container instead of starting a new one. Otherwise it starts a new container with the quarkus-dev-service-azure-storage-blob label set to the specified value.

This property is used when you need multiple shared azurite instances.




The connection string of Azure Storage Account.


