Quarkus Azure App Configuration Extension
Quarkus Azure Services Extensions are developed and supported by Microsoft as part of their commitment to Open Standard Enterprise Java. For more information, see Jakarta EE on Azure.
Azure App Configuration is a fast, scalable parameter storage for app configuration.
This extension allows to inject a io.smallrye.config.SmallRyeConfig
object inside your Quarkus application so you can access the app configuration stored in Azure.
If you want to use this extension, you need to add the io.quarkiverse.azureservices:quarkus-azure-app-configuration
extension first to your build file.
For instance, with Maven, add the following dependency to your POM file:
How to Use It
Once you have added the extension to your project, follow the next steps, so you can inject io.smallrye.config.SmallRyeConfig
object in your application to store and read blobs.
Setup your Azure Environment
First thing first.
For this sample to work, you need to have an Azure account as well as Azure CLI installed.
The Azure CLI is available to install in Windows, macOS and GNU/Linux environments.
Checkout the installation guide.
Then, you need an Azure subscription and log into it by using the az login
You can run az version
to find the version and az upgrade
to upgrade to the latest version.
Create an Azure resource group with the az group create command. A resource group is a logical container into which Azure resources are deployed and managed.
az group create \
--name rg-quarkus-azure-app-configuration \
--location eastus
Create an Azure App Configuration store with the following command:
az appconfig create \
--name appcs-quarkus-azure-app-configuration \
--resource-group rg-quarkus-azure-app-configuration \
--location eastus
Then create some key-value properties with the following commands:
az appconfig kv set --name appcs-quarkus-azure-app-configuration --yes --key myKeyOne --value "Value 1"
az appconfig kv set --name appcs-quarkus-azure-app-configuration --yes --key myKeyTwo --value "Value 2"
You can list the key-value properties with the following command:
az appconfig kv list --name appcs-quarkus-azure-app-configuration
If you log into the Azure portal, you can see the resource group and the key-value you created.
Configure the Azure App Configuration Client
As you can see below in the Configuration Reference section, this extension has several configuration options. To be able to connect to the Azure App Configuration that we’ve just created, you must get the URL of the endpoing, it’s id and secret. For that, execute the following Azure CLI command:
--resource-group rg-quarkus-azure-app-configuration \
--name appcs-quarkus-azure-app-configuration \
--query endpoint -o tsv)
credential=$(az appconfig credential list \
--name appcs-quarkus-azure-app-configuration \
--resource-group rg-quarkus-azure-app-configuration \
| jq 'map(select(.readOnly == true)) | .[0]')
export QUARKUS_AZURE_APP_CONFIGURATION_ID=$(echo "${credential}" | jq -r '.id')
export QUARKUS_AZURE_APP_CONFIGURATION_SECRET=$(echo "${credential}" | jq -r '.value')
Notice that you get the endpoint, id and secret and set them to environment variables QUARKUS_AZURE_APP_CONFIGURATION_ENDPOINT
, instead of setting them to properties quarkus.azure.app.configuration.endpoint
, quarkus.azure.app.configuration.id
and quarkus.azure.app.configuration.secret
in the application.properties
Although technically both approaches work, using environment variable is recommended and more secure as there’s no risk of committing the connection credentials to source control.
Inject the SmallRyeConfig
Now that your Azure environment is ready and that you have configured the extension, you can inject the SmallRyeConfig
object in your application, so you can interact with Azure App Configuration.
public class ConfigResource {
SmallRyeConfig config;
public Response configValue(@PathParam("name") final String name) {
return Response.ok(config.getConfigValue(name)).build();
To test this sample you can run the following cURL commands after the application is started:
curl -X GET localhost:8080/config/myKeyOne
curl -X GET localhost:8080/config/myKeyTwo
Extension Configuration Reference
Configuration property fixed at build time - All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime
Configuration property |
Type |
Default |
The flag to enable the app configuration. If set to false, the app configuration will be disabled Environment variable: |
boolean |
The endpoint of the app configuration. Required if quarkus.azure.app.configuration.enabled is set to true Environment variable: |
string |
The id of the app configuration. Required if quarkus.azure.app.configuration.enabled is set to true Environment variable: |
string |
The secret of the app configuration. Required if quarkus.azure.app.configuration.enabled is set to true Environment variable: |
string |
The label filter of the app configuration. Use comma as separator for multiple label names Environment variable: |
string |