Quarkus MCP Server

"Model Context Protocol (MCP) is an open protocol that enables seamless integration between LLM applications and external data sources and tools."

This extension provides a declarative API that enables developers to implement the MCP server features easily.


If you want to use this extension, you need to add the io.quarkiverse.mcp:quarkus-mcp-server extension first to your build file.

For instance, with Maven, add the following dependency to your POM file:


Supported server features

A server feature (prompt, resource, or tool) is represented by an annotated business method of a CDI bean. Blocking and non-blocking logic is supported. The execution model is determined by the method signature and additional annotations such as @Blocking and @NonBlocking.

  • Methods annotated with @RunOnVirtualThread, @Blocking or @Transactional are considered blocking.

  • Methods declared in a class annotated with @RunOnVirtualThread are considered blocking.

  • Methods annotated with @NonBlocking are considered non-blocking.

  • Methods declared in a class annotated with @Transactional are considered blocking unless annotated with @NonBlocking.

  • If the method does not declare any of the annotations listed above the execution model is derived from the return type:

    • Methods returning Uni and Multi are considered non-blocking.

    • Methods returning any other type are considered blocking.

  • Kotlin suspend functions are always considered non-blocking and may not be annotated with @Blocking, @NonBlocking or @RunOnVirtualThread and may not be in a class annotated with @RunOnVirtualThread.

  • Non-blocking methods must execute on the connection’s event loop thread.

  • Blocking methods must execute on a worker thread unless annotated with @RunOnVirtualThread or in a class annotated with @RunOnVirtualThread.

  • Methods annotated with @RunOnVirtualThread or declared in class annotated with @RunOnVirtualThread must execute on a virtual thread, each invocation spawns a new virtual thread.


MCP provides a standardized way for servers to expose prompt templates to clients.

import io.quarkiverse.mcp.server.Prompt;
import io.quarkiverse.mcp.server.PromptArg;
import io.quarkiverse.mcp.server.PromptMessage;

// @Singleton (1)
public class MyPrompts {

    @Inject (2)
    FooService fooService;

    @Prompt(description = "Put you description here.") (3)
    PromptMessage foo(@PromptArg(description = "The name") String name) { (4)
        return PromptMessage.withUserRole(new TextContent(fooService.ping(name));

1 The @Singleton scope is added automatically, if needed.
2 MyPrompts is an ordinary CDI bean. It can inject other beans, use interceptors, etc.
3 @Prompt annotates a business method of a CDI bean that should be exposed as a prompt template. By default, the name of the prompt is derived from the method name.
4 The @PromptArg can be used to customize the description of an argument.

The result of a "prompt get" operation is always represented as a PromptResponse. However, the annotated method can also return other types that are converted according to the following rules.

  • If the method returns a PromptMessage then the reponse has no description and contains the single message object.

  • If the method returns a List of PromptMessages then the reponse has no description and contains the list of messages.

  • The method may return a Uni that wraps any of the type mentioned above.

In other words, the return type must be one of the following list:

  • PromptResponse

  • PromptMessage

  • List<PromptMessage>

  • Uni<PromptResponse>

  • Uni<PromptMessage>

  • Uni<List<PromptMessage>>




MCP provides a standardized way for servers to expose tools that can be invoked by clients.

import io.quarkiverse.mcp.server.Tool;
import io.quarkiverse.mcp.server.ToolArg;
import io.quarkiverse.mcp.server.ToolResponse;

// @Singleton (1)
public class MyTools {

    @Inject (2)
    FooService fooService;

    @Tool(description = "Put you description here.") (3)
    ToolResponse foo(@ToolArg(description = "The name") String name) {
        return ToolResponse.success(
                new TextContent(fooService.ping(name)));

1 The @Singleton scope is added automatically, if needed.
2 MyTools is an ordinary CDI bean. It can inject other beans, use interceptors, etc.
3 @Tool annotates a business method of a CDI bean that should be exposed as a tool. By default, the name of the tool is derived from the method name.

A result of a "tool call" operation is always represented as a ToolResponse. However, the annotated method can also return other types that are converted according to the following rules.

  • If the method returns an implementation of io.quarkiverse.mcp.server.Content then the reponse is "success" and contains the single content object.

  • If the method returns a List of Content implementations then the reponse is "success" and contains the list of content objects.

  • The method may return a Uni that wraps any of the type mentioned above.



Extension Configuration Reference

Remove this section if you don’t have Quarkus configuration properties in your extension.

Configuration property fixed at build time - All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime

Configuration property



The root path.

Environment variable: QUARKUS_MCP_SERVER_ROOT_PATH



The name of the server is included in the response to an initialize request as defined by the spec. By default, the value of the quarkus.application.name config property is used.



The version of the server is included in the response to an initialize request as defined by the spec. By default, the value of the quarkus.application.version config property is used.

