Designing AI services
An AI Service employs a declarative approach to define interactions with the LLM, serving as the pivotal interaction point between your application and the LLM. It operates as an intermediary, known as an ambassador.
The AI Service serves as the core connection point between your application and the LLM. It abstracts the LLM specifics, encapsulating and declaring all interactions within a singular interface.
Leveraging @RegisterAiService
The @RegisterAiService
annotation is pivotal for registering an AI Service, placed on an interface:
public interface MyAiService {
// methods.
Once registered, you can inject the AI Service into your application:
@Inject MyAiService service;
The beans created by @RegisterAiService
are @RequestScoped
by default. The reason for this is that it enables removing chat memory objects.
This is a good default when a service is used during when handling an HTTP request, but it’s inappropriate in CLIs or in WebSockets (WebSocket support is expected to improve in the near future).
For example when using a service in a CLI, it makes sense to have the service be @ApplicationScoped
and the extension allows this simply if the service is annotated with @ApplicationScoped
AI method declaration
Within the interface annotated with @RegisterAiService
, you model interactions with the LLM using methods. These methods accept parameters and are annotated with @SystemMessage
and @UserMessage
to define instructions directed to the LLM:
@SystemMessage("You are a professional poet.")
Write a poem about {topic}. The poem should be {lines} lines long. Then send this poem by email.
String writeAPoem(String topic, int lines);
System Message
The @SystemMessage
annotation defines the scope and initial instructions, serving as the first message sent to the LLM. It delineates the AI service’s role in the interaction:
You are working for a bank, processing reviews about financial products. Triage reviews into positive and negative ones, responding with a JSON document.
User Message (Prompt)
The @UserMessage
annotation defines primary instructions dispatched to the LLM. It typically encompasses requests and the expected response format:
Your task is to process the review delimited by ---.
Apply a sentiment analysis to the review to determine if it is positive or negative, considering various languages.
For example:
- "I love your bank, you are the best!" is a 'POSITIVE' review
- "J'adore votre banque" is a 'POSITIVE' review
- "I hate your bank, you are the worst!" is a 'NEGATIVE' review
Respond with a JSON document containing:
- the 'evaluation' key set to 'POSITIVE' if the review is positive, 'NEGATIVE' otherwise
- the 'message' key set to a message thanking or apologizing to the customer. These messages must be polite and match the review's language.
TriagedReview triage(String review);
Parameter Passing and Referencing
AI methods can take parameters referenced in system and user messages using the {parameter}
@SystemMessage("You are a professional poet")
Write a poem about {topic}. The poem should be {lines} lines long. Then send this poem by email.
String writeAPoem(String topic, int lines);
The value of |
AI Method Return Type
If the prompt defines the JSON response format precisely, you can map the response directly to an object:
// ... See above for the prompt
TriagedReview triage(String review);
In this instance, Quarkus automatically creates an instance of TriagedReview
from the LLM’s JSON response.
To enhance the flexibility of prompt creation, the {response_schema}
placeholder can be used within the prompt. This placeholder is dynamically replaced with the defined schema of the method’s return object.
By default, if the placeholder |
Receiving User Message as a Parameter
For situations requiring the user message to be passed as a parameter, you can use the @UserMessage
annotation on a parameter. Exercise caution with this feature, especially when the AI has access to tools:
String chat(@UserMessage String userMessage);
The annotated parameter should be of type String
Receiving MemoryId as a Parameter
The memory encompasses the cumulative context of the interaction with the LLM. To manage statelessness in LLMs, the complete context must be exchanged between the LLM and the AI service.
Hence, the AI Service can store the latest messages in a memory, often termed context. The @MemoryId
annotation enables referencing the memory for a specific user in the AI method:
String chat(@MemoryId int memoryId, @UserMessage String userMessage);
We’ll explore an alternative approach to avoid manual memory handling in the memory section.
Configuring the Chat Language Model
While LLMs are the base AI models, the chat language model builds upon them, enabling chat-like interactions. If you have a single chat language model, no specific configuration is required.
However, when multiple model providers are present in the application (such as OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, HuggingFace, etc.) each model needs to be given a name, which is then referenced by the AI service like below. The same also applies when you want to use different models that use the same provider (e.g. via OpenAI-APIs).
EmbeddingModel embeddingModel;
The configuration of the various models could look like so:
# ensure that the model with the name 'm1', is provided by OpenAI
# ensure that the model with the name 'm2', is provided by HuggingFace
# ensure embedding model with the name 'm3', is provided by OpenAI again
# configure the various aspects of each model
Configuring the Context (Memory)
As LLMs are stateless, the memory — comprising the interaction context — must be exchanged each time. To prevent storing excessive messages, it’s crucial to evict older messages.
The chatMemoryProviderSupplier
attribute of the @RegisterAiService
annotation enables configuring the
. The default value of this annotation is RegisterAiService.BeanChatMemoryProviderSupplier.class
which means that the AiService
will use whatever ChatMemoryProvider
bean is configured by the application or the default one provided by the extension.
The extension provides a default implementation of ChatMemoryProvider
which does two things:
It uses whatever bean
bean is configured, as the backing store. The default implementation
If the application provides its own
bean, that will be used instead of the defaultInMemoryChatMemoryStore
It leverages the available configuration options under
to construct theChatMemoryProvider
The default configuration values result in the usage of
with a window size of ten. -
By setting
will be used. Note that this requires the presence of adev.langchain4j.model.Tokenizer
The topic of However, in cases where more fine-grained control is needed (which is the case when the bean is declared as |
When using an AiService that is expected to use to chat memory, it is very important to use |
If your use case requires that no memory should be used, then be sure to use |
An |
Advanced usage
Although the extension’s default ChatMemoryProvider
is very configurable making unnecessary in most cases to resort to a custom implementation, such a capability is possible. Here is a possible example:
package io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.samples;
import jakarta.inject.Singleton;
import dev.langchain4j.memory.ChatMemory;
public class CustomChatMemoryProvider implements ChatMemoryProvider {
private final ChatMemoryStore store;
public CustomChatMemoryProvider() { = createCustomStore();
private static ChatMemoryStore createCustomStore() {
// TODO: provide some kind of custom store
return null;
public ChatMemory get(Object memoryId) {
return createCustomMemory(memoryId);
private static ChatMemory createCustomMemory(Object memoryId) {
// TODO: implement using memoryId and store
return null;
If for some reason different AI services need to have a different ChatMemoryProvider
(i.e. not use the globally available bean), this is possible by configuring the chatMemoryProviderSupplier
attribute of the @RegisterAiService
annotation and implementing as custom provider.
Here is a possible example:
package io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.samples;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import dev.langchain4j.memory.ChatMemory;
public class CustomProvider implements Supplier<ChatMemoryProvider> {
private final InMemoryChatMemoryStore store = new InMemoryChatMemoryStore();
public ChatMemoryProvider get() {
return new ChatMemoryProvider() {
public ChatMemory get(Object memoryId) {
return MessageWindowChatMemory.builder()
and configuring the AiService as so:
chatMemoryProviderSupplier = MySmallMemoryProvider.class)
For non-memory-reliant LLM interactions, you may skip memory configuration. |
Configuring Tools
Tools are methods that LLMs can invoke to access additional data. These methods, declared using the @Tool
annotation, should be part of a bean:
public class CustomerRepository implements PanacheRepository<Customer> {
@Tool("get the customer name for the given customerId")
public String getCustomerName(long id) {
return find("id", id).firstResult().name;
The @Tool
annotation can provide a description of the action, aiding the LLM in tool selection. The @RegisterAiService
annotation allows configuring the tool provider:
@RegisterAiService(tools = {TransactionRepository.class, CustomerRepository.class })
Ensure you configure the memory provider when using tools. |
Be cautious to avoid exposing destructive operations via tools. |
More information about tools is available in the Agent and Tools page.
Configuring a Document Retriever
A document retriever fetches data from an external source and provides it to the LLM. It helps by sending only the relevant data, considering the LLM’s context limitations.
This guidance aims to cover all crucial aspects of designing AI services with Quarkus, ensuring robust and efficient interactions with LLMs.
By default, @RegisterAiService annotated interfaces don’t moderate content. However, users can opt in to having the LLM moderate
content by annotating the method with @Moderate
For moderation to work, the following criteria need to be met:
A CDI bean for
must be configured (thequarkus-langchain4j-openai
provide one out of the box)
Advanced usage
An alternative to providing a CDI bean is to configure the interface with @RegisterAiService(moderationModelSupplier = MyCustomSupplier.class)
and implement MyCustomModerationSupplier
like so:
import dev.langchain4j.model.moderation.ModerationModel;
public class MyCustomModerationSupplier implements Supplier<ModerationModel> {
public ModerationModel get(){
// TODO: implement
Observability is built into services created via @RegisterAiService
and is provided in the following form:
Metrics are enabled when
is part of the application -
Traces are enabled when
is part of the application
Each AI method is automatically timed and the timer data is available using the langchain4j.aiservices.timed
metric with the appropriate tags.
A counter is also available using the langchain4j.aiservices.counted
For example, if the AI service looks like:
public interface PoemAiService {
@SystemMessage("You are a professional poet")
@UserMessage("Write a poem about {topic}. The poem should be {lines} lines long")
String writeAPoem(String topic, int lines);
and one chooses to use quarkus-micrometer-registry-prometheus
, then the metrics could be:
# HELP langchain4j_aiservices_timed_seconds
# TYPE langchain4j_aiservices_timed_seconds summary
langchain4j_aiservices_timed_seconds_count{aiservice="PoemAiService",method="writeAPoem",} 1.0
langchain4j_aiservices_timed_seconds_sum{aiservice="PoemAiService",method="writeAPoem",} 4.241446681
# HELP langchain4j_aiservices_timed_seconds_max
# TYPE langchain4j_aiservices_timed_seconds_max gauge
langchain4j_aiservices_timed_seconds_max{aiservice="PoemAiService",method="writeAPoem",} 4.241446681
# HELP langchain4j_aiservices_counted_total
# TYPE langchain4j_aiservices_counted_total counter
langchain4j_aiservices_counted_total{aiservice="PoemAiService",exception="none",method="writeAPoem",result="success",} 1.0
Each AI method creates its own span using the langchain4j.aiservices.$interface_name.$method_name
template for the name.
Furthermore, tool invocations also create a span using$tool_name
template for the name.
For example, if the AI service looks like:
@RegisterAiService(tools = EmailService.class)
public interface PoemAiService {
@SystemMessage("You are a professional poet")
@UserMessage("Write a poem about {topic}. The poem should be {lines} lines long. Then send this poem by email.")
String writeAPoem(String topic, int lines);
a tool that looks like:
public class EmailService {
Mailer mailer;
@Tool("send the given content by email")
public void sendAnEmail(String content) {"Sending an email: " + content);
mailer.send(Mail.withText("", "A poem for you", content));
and invocation of the AI service that looks like:
public class EmailMeAPoemResource {
private final MyAiService service;
public EmailMeAPoemResource(MyAiService service) {
this.service = service;
public String emailMeAPoem() {
return service.writeAPoem("Quarkus", 4);
then an example trace is:

In the trace above we can see the parent span which corresponds to the handling the GET HTTP request, but the real
interesting thing is the langchain4j.aiservices.MyAiService.writeAPoem
span which corresponds to the invocation of the AI service.
The child spans of this span correspond (from to right) to calling the OpenAI API, invoking the sendEmail
tool and finally invoking calling the OpenAI API again.
Custom span data
if you have the need for custom span data, you can simply add a bean implemtenting ChatModelSpanContributor
import io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.runtime.listeners.ChatModelSpanContributor;
import io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Span;
public class CustomSpanDataContributor implements ChatModelSpanContributor {
public void onRequest(ChatModelRequestContext requestContext, Span currentSpan) {
span.addAttribute("example", "request");
public void onResponse(ChatModelResponseContext responseContext, Span currentSpan) {
span.addAttribute("example", "response");
default void onError(ChatModelErrorContext errorContext, Span currentSpan) {
span.addAttribute("example", "failure");
Traces can be exported to LangFuse simply by making the following configuration in
quarkus.otel.exporter.otlp.headers=Authorization=Basic <base64 of public:key>
The extension allows users to audit the process of implementing an AiService by observing normal CDI events. The following example shows a class that audits all events.
These methods do not all need to live in the same class and the name of the class and the methods do not matter. It is only shown this way for demonstration purposes. |
public class AuditingListener {
public void initialMessagesCreated(@Observes InitialMessagesCreatedEvent initialMessagesCreatedEvent) {
// Invoked when the original user and system messages have been created
public void llmInteractionComplete(@Observes LLMInteractionCompleteEvent llmInteractionCompleteEvent) {
// Invoked when the final result of the AiService method has been computed
public void llmInteractionFailed(@Observes LLMInteractionFailureEvent llmInteractionFailureEvent) {
// Invoked when there was an exception computing the result of the AiService method
public void responseFromLLMReceived(@Observes ResponseFromLLMReceivedEvent responseFromLLMReceivedEvent) {
// Invoked with a response from an LLM.
// It is important to note that this can be invoked multiple times when tools exist.
public void toolExecuted(@Observes ToolExecutedEvent toolExecutedEvent) {
// Invoked with a tool response from an LLM.
// It is important to note that this can be invoked multiple times when tools exist.
Working with images
An AI Service can also be used when working with images, both to describe an image and to generate one. The following code presents examples of both cases:
@RegisterAiService(chatMemoryProviderSupplier = RegisterAiService.NoChatMemoryProviderSupplier.class)
public interface ImageDescriber {
@UserMessage("This is image was reported on a GitHub issue. If this is a snippet of Java code, please respond"
+ " with only the Java code. If it is not, respond with 'NOT AN IMAGE'")
String describe(@ImageUrl String url); (1)
public interface ImageGenerator {
Image generate(String prompt); (2)
1 | The use of @ImageUrl is what configures the AI Service with the necessary image. The parameter in this case is a publicly available URL, but if a local image needs to be used, one can use . In this case no @ImageUrl is needed and the Image can create it like so: Image.builder().base64Data(encodeFileToBase64(someImage)).mimeType("image/png").build() . |
2 | By returning , AI Service knows that it has been configured to generate images.
For this to work, the application must be using a Quarkus LangChain4j extension that provides an dev.langchain4j.model.image.ImageModel (such as quarkus-langchain4j-openai ) |
Generating images with an AI Service comes with restrictions compared to text generating AI Services.