Reranking using scoring models
When using RAG, a scoring model can be used to rerank the top-k documents retrieved by the content retriever(s). This can specifically be useful in these cases:
The content retriever retrieves too much irrelevant data because, for example, scoring of documents based on vector similarity isn’t accurate enough. A scoring model might be better tuned to apply domain-specific knowledge than a raw embedding model.
Multiple queries are involved, for example when using an ExpandingQueryTransformer, or multiple content retrievers are involved, and their scoring strategies are mutually incomparable, so using the raw Reciprocal Rank Fusion for merging the lists of documents retrieved by these retrievers is suboptimal.
Quarkus-langchain4j currently supports scoring through Cohere
. Configure a scoring model:
quarkus.langchain4j.cohere.api-key=YOUR_COHERE_API_KEY quarkus.langchain4j.cohere.scoring-model.model-id=MODEL_ID
Currently supported model IDs can be found at |
Then, an instance of ScoringModel
is registered in CDI and can be integrated in a RetrievalAugmentor
, like this:
public class MyRetrievalAugmentor implements Supplier<RetrievalAugmentor> {
ScoringModel scoringModel;
public RetrievalAugmentor get() {
return DefaultRetrievalAugmentor.builder()
// ... other components of the retrieval augmentor
.contentAggregator(new ReRankingContentAggregator(scoringModel,
The minScore
value denotes the minimal score that contents must have to be included in the final result.
If you’re using multiple queries (for example because an ExpandingQueryTransformer
is involved), you also
have to provide a QuerySelector
that selects the query which should be used as the relevant query for
scoring all content (retrieved for all queries) - the default query selector as shown in the example
works when there is only one query.