Configuration property fixed at build time - All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime
Configuration property |
Type |
Default |
The name of the configured Postgres datasource to use for this store. If not set, the default datasource from the Agroal extension will be used. Environment variable: |
string |
The table name for storing embeddings Environment variable: |
string |
The dimension of the embedding vectors. This has to be the same as the dimension of vectors produced by the embedding model that you use. For example, AllMiniLmL6V2QuantizedEmbeddingModel produces vectors of dimension 384. OpenAI’s text-embedding-ada-002 produces vectors of dimension 1536. Environment variable: |
int |
required |
Use index or not Environment variable: |
boolean |
index size Environment variable: |
int |
Whether the table should be created if not already existing. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Whether the table should be dropped prior to being created. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Whether the PG extension should be created on Start. By Default, if it’s dev or test environment the value is overridden to true Environment variable: |
boolean |
Metadata type:
Default value: COMBINED_JSON Environment variable: |
Metadata Definition: SQL definition of metadata field(s). By default, "metadata JSON NULL" configured. This is only suitable if using the JSON metadata type. If using JSONB metadata type, this should in most cases be set to If using COLUMNS metadata type, this should be a list of columns, one column for each desired metadata field. Example: condominium_id uuid null, user uuid null Environment variable: |
list of string |
Metadata Indexes, list of fields to use as index. For instance:
Environment variable: |
list of string |
Index Type:
Environment variable: |
string |