Quarkus CXF 3.18.0 release notes

Important dependency upgrades

New features



#1633 HttpClientHTTPConduitFactory value of *.http-conduit-factory deprecated

The HttpClientHTTPConduitFactory value of quarkus.cxf.http-conduit-factory and quarkus.cxf.client."client-name".http-conduit-factory existed since the inception of those options in Quarkus CXF 2.3.0.

HttpClientHTTPConduit never gained any real traction within Quarkus CXF. When CXF started using it as a default, we were forced to introduce our own default (URLConnectionHTTPConduitFactory) to avoid bugs like #992, CXF-8885, CXF-8951, CXF-8946, CXF-8903 and possibly others. Now that we have VertxHttpClientHTTPConduit, which we can support very well on Quarkus, there are no more reasons for us to spend our resources on HttpClientHTTPConduit.

We should mark it as deprecated in our documentation, add some warnings on startup for the case that somebody is still using it and then at some point remove the item from the io.quarkiverse.cxf.HTTPConduitImpl enum and also remove the tests covering it.

Documentation improvements