client-endpoint-url defaults

If you omit the client-endpoint-url property in, the CXF Quarkus extension will assume that the service is published at http://localhost:8080/{service-path}, where {service-path} is derived from

  • Configuration property quarkus.cxf.path (if specified); and the

  • SEI’s class name in lower case

Given quarkus.cxf.path = /ws, the default effective client-endpoint-url of the CalculatorService would be http://localhost:8080/ws/org.jboss.eap.quickstarts.wscalculator.calculator.calculatorservice.

If quarkus.cxf.path is not specified, the client-endpoint-url would be just http://localhost:8080/org.jboss.eap.quickstarts.wscalculator.calculator.calculatorservice.