Quarkus CXF 3.17.1 release notes

Bugfixes in Quarkus CXF

#1630 VertxHttpClientHTTPConduit redirects the request body twice when the body was passed through a single buffer

Quarkus CXF 3.17.0, added support for redirects with VertxHttpClientHTTPConduit. If the request body was small enough to fit into a single Vert.x Buffer, then the request body was cached and subsequently streamed twice into the body of the request to the redirection URI.

If the target SOAP service was implemented using CXF, the second XML document in the request body was ignored and the issue did not show up in any way, unless the schema validation was enabled for incoming requests. See quarkus.cxf.endpoint."/endpoint-path".schema-validation.enabled-for.

Since Quarkus CXF 3.17.1, VertxHttpClientHTTPConduit always sends the body only once when redirecting.