Quarkus logo Web Bundler - Testing

With end-to-end testing

The Web Bundler is a really good fit with e2e testing using extensions such as Quarkus Playwright. This way you can very easilly test your full-stack application as a box and taking advantage of all the Quarkus dev services.


public class WithDefaultPlaywrightTest {

    BrowserContext context;

    URL index;

    public void testIndex() {
        final Page page = context.newPage();
        Response response = page.navigate(index.toString());
        Assertions.assertEquals("OK", response.statusText());


        String title = page.title();
        Assertions.assertEquals("My Awesome App", title);

        // Make sure the web app is loaded and hits the backend
        final ElementHandle quinoaEl = page.waitForSelector(".toast-body.received");
        String greeting = quinoaEl.innerText();
        Assertions.assertEquals("Hello from RESTEasy Reactive", greeting);

With UI component testing

It is currently not possible to run javascript tests with the Web Bundler.

If you want to do UI component testing with Quarkus, here two solutions:

  • Switch to Quinoa as it will allow to use the NPM ecosystem for testing.

  • Extract components which need to be tested in a npm published library, then you can use it from the web bundler through mvnpm.org.