Quarkus logo Web Bundler - Examples


All those demos application enjoy the Web Bundler:


github A Todo using with Renarde and Htmx

github An example board game with OIDC login using Renarde, htmx, Hyperscript and Bootstrap

github A Note taking app with Markdown support using Renarde, htmx and Bootstrap


github A Todo Demo application using Lit and Vaadin Web Components

github: A Star Rating full-stack web component using Lit


github A minimalist demo SPA with React Bootstrap

github A minimalist demo SPA with Patternfly React


github A JQuery example with Bootstrap

github The same on top of Gradle

Real world

The Web Bundler is also used in production applications:

github The Code Quarkus app generator, a single page app made with React: code.quarkus.io

github The mvnpm single page app made with Lit: mvnpm.org

github The Riviera Dev Conference website made with Renarde (MVC): rivieradev.fr

github Quarkus guides search is a Lit full-stack web-component quarkus.io/guides