Renarde renarde head Web Framework Security guide

Renarde renarde head can help you deal with security and user registration, either manually, using OIDC, or a mix of both.


Renarde comes with built-in support for Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection, via the (already imported) quarkus-rest-csrf module dependency.

To be safe, make sure that all your GET, HEAD and OPTIONS endpoints do not alter application state, and always include a CSRF token to your POST, PUT, DELETE (and other) endpoints. On your endpoint side, you do not need to do anything, we will check the token for you. But on your form end, you need to include the CSRF token, which can be done by using the {#form/} tag to create your form, or the {#authenticityToken/} to generate a hidden form element with the token, or by writing the form element manually:

<input type="hidden" name="{inject:csrf.parameterName}" value="{inject:csrf.token}"/>

Tests when using CSRF

When writing tests, if you are using @QuarkusTest and RestAssured to test endpoints secured with CSRF protection, you will need to make sure you obtain and pass the appropriate CSRF token to your POST (and similar) endpoints.

There are two ways to deal with this.

The easy way

Import the quarkus-renarde-test module:


This will automatically register a JUnit Extension which makes sure RestAssured has a filter set up for each of your test methods, which will pass a generated valid CSRF token as both cookie and form parameter. Not that this is only done for POST (and related) methods which contain either no body, or a form body (url-encoded or multipart).

you can use the @DisableCSRFFilter annotation on your test method or class in order to disable the CSRF filter. For example, if you want to handle it yourself.

The hard way

You will need to obtain a CSRF token from any GET endpoint, and resend it as part of your POST requests:

public void test() {
  String csrfToken = RestAssured
  // now we can call POST
    // for CSRF protection
    .cookie("csrf-token", csrfToken)
    .param("csrf-token", csrfToken)
    // for your actual endpoint
    .param("param", "value")

Disable CSRF for non Form Endpoints

You can set the following configuration value to disable CSRF protection for non-form endpoints, such as REST APIs, in Quarkus:

# disable csrf validation for non form endpoints

This configuration ensures that CSRF protection is only applied to form submissions, allowing REST API endpoints to operate without CSRF checks.

Custom authentication with JWT

In order to handle your own authentication by storing users in your database, you can use JWT tokens. Start with importing the renarde-security module:


And set those configuration values:

# Must be set to get proper error reporting

Your entity should extend RenardeUser and can look like this:

package model;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import jakarta.persistence.Column;
import jakarta.persistence.Entity;
import jakarta.persistence.EnumType;
import jakarta.persistence.Enumerated;
import jakarta.persistence.Table;

import io.quarkus.hibernate.orm.panache.PanacheEntity;

@Table(name = "user_table")
public class User extends PanacheEntity implements RenardeUser {

    @Column(nullable = false)
    public String email;
    @Column(unique = true)
    public String userName;
    public String password;
    public String firstName;
    public String lastName;
    public boolean isAdmin;

    @Column(unique = true)
    public String confirmationCode;

    @Column(nullable = false)
    public UserStatus status;

    public boolean isRegistered(){
        return status == UserStatus.REGISTERED;

    public Set<String> getRoles() {
        Set<String> roles = new HashSet<>();
        if(isAdmin) {
        return roles;

    public String getUserId() {
        return userName;

    // Helpers

    public static User findUnconfirmedByEmail(String email) {
        return find("LOWER(email) = ?1 AND status = ?2", email.toLowerCase(), UserStatus.CONFIRMATION_REQUIRED).firstResult();

    public static User findRegisteredByUserName(String username) {
        return find("LOWER(userName) = ?1 AND status = ?2", username.toLowerCase(), UserStatus.REGISTERED).firstResult();

    public static User findByUserName(String username) {
        return find("LOWER(userName) = ?1", username.toLowerCase()).firstResult();

    public static User findForContirmation(String confirmationCode) {
        return find("confirmationCode = ?1 AND status = ?2", confirmationCode, UserStatus.CONFIRMATION_REQUIRED).firstResult();

Now tell Renarde how to map the JWT cookies to your user model by implementing RenardeUserProvider:

package util;

import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;

import model.User;

public class MySecuritySetup implements RenardeUserProvider {

    RenardeSecurity security;

    public RenardeUser findUser(String tenantId, String id) {
        return User.findByUserName(id);

With this, Renarde will make sure that we produce a user named bean containing the current user if there is a logged-in user. You can then use it in your views with inject:user or by injecting it in your endpoints.

Renarde also provides a ControllerWithUser class which you can extend to access the current user for all controllers that need a user.

Now you can write your login and registration page like this:

{#include main.html }

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-5">
    {#form uri:Login.manualLogin()}
            {#formElement name="userName" label="User Name"}
                {#input name="userName"/}
            {#formElement name="password" label="Password"}
                {#input name="password" type="password"/}
            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Login</button>
  <div class="col-md-5">
    {#form uri:Login.register()}
            {#formElement name="email" label="Email"}
                {#input name="email"/}
            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Register</button>


As for your registration page, it can look like this:

{#include main.html }
{#title}Complete registration{/title}

{#form uri:Login.complete(newUser.confirmationCode)}

    <legend>Complete registration for {}</legend>
    {#formElement name="userName" label="User Name"}
        {#input name="userName" value=newUser.userName/}
    {#formElement name="password" label="Password"}
        {#input name="password" type="password"/}
    {#formElement name="password2" label="Password Confirmation"}
        {#input name="password2" type="password"/}
    {#formElement name="firstName" label="First Name"}
        {#input name="firstName" value=newUser.firstName/}
    {#formElement name="lastName" label="Last Name"}
        {#input name="lastName" value=newUser.lastName/}
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Complete registration</button>


And your login and registration endpoint can look like this to handle user registration and login:

package rest;

import java.util.UUID;

import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import jakarta.validation.constraints.Email;
import jakarta.validation.constraints.NotBlank;

import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Length;
import org.jboss.resteasy.reactive.RestForm;
import org.jboss.resteasy.reactive.RestQuery;

import email.Emails;
import io.quarkiverse.renarde.router.Router;
import io.quarkiverse.renarde.util.StringUtils;
import io.quarkus.qute.CheckedTemplate;
import io.quarkus.qute.TemplateInstance;
import model.User;
import model.UserStatus;

public class Login extends ControllerWithUser<User> {

    RenardeSecurity security;

    static class Templates {
        public static native TemplateInstance login();
        public static native TemplateInstance register(String email);
        public static native TemplateInstance confirm(User newUser);
        public static native TemplateInstance logoutFirst();
        public static native TemplateInstance welcome();

     * Login page
    public TemplateInstance login() {
        return Templates.login();

     * Welcome page at the end of registration
    public TemplateInstance welcome() {
        return Templates.welcome();

     * Manual login form
    public Response manualLogin(@NotBlank @RestForm String userName,
            @NotBlank @RestForm String password) {
        if(validationFailed()) {
        User user = User.findRegisteredByUserName(userName);
        if(user == null
                || !BcryptUtil.matches(password, user.password)) {
            validation.addError("userName", "Invalid username/pasword");
        NewCookie cookie = security.makeUserCookie(user);
        return Response.seeOther(Router.getURI(Application::index)).cookie(cookie).build();

     * Manual registration form, sends confirmation email
    public TemplateInstance register(@RestForm @NotBlank @Email String email) {
        User newUser = User.findUnconfirmedByEmail(email);
        if(newUser == null) {
            newUser = new User();
   = email;
            newUser.status = UserStatus.CONFIRMATION_REQUIRED;
            newUser.confirmationCode = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        // send the confirmation code again
        return Templates.register(email);

     * Confirmation form, once email is verified, to add user info
    public TemplateInstance confirm(@RestQuery String confirmationCode){
        User newUser = checkConfirmationCode(confirmationCode);
        return Templates.confirm(newUser);

    private void checkLogoutFirst() {
        if(getUser() != null) {

     * Link to logout page
    public TemplateInstance logoutFirst() {
        return Templates.logoutFirst();

    private User checkConfirmationCode(String confirmationCode) {
        // can't use error reporting as those are query parameters and not form fields
            flash("message", "Missing confirmation code");
            flash("messageType", "error");
        User user = User.findForContirmation(confirmationCode);
        if(user == null){
            flash("message", "Invalid confirmation code");
            flash("messageType", "error");
        return user;

    public Response complete(@RestQuery String confirmationCode,
            @RestForm @NotBlank String userName,
            @RestForm @Length(min = 8) String password,
            @RestForm @Length(min = 8) String password2,
            @RestForm @NotBlank String firstName,
            @RestForm @NotBlank String lastName) {
        User user = checkConfirmationCode(confirmationCode);


        validation.required("password", password);
        validation.required("password2", password2);
        validation.equals("password", password, password2);

        if(User.findRegisteredByUserName(userName) != null)
            validation.addError("userName", "User name already taken");

        user.userName = userName;
        user.password = BcryptUtil.bcryptHash(password);
        user.firstName = firstName;
        user.lastName = lastName;
        user.confirmationCode = null;
        user.status = UserStatus.REGISTERED;

        ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.seeOther(Router.getURI(Login::welcome));
        NewCookie cookie = security.makeUserCookie(user);

You can now use the @Authenticated and @RolesAllowed("admin") annotations on your endpoints.

Private/public keys

In DEV mode, your private/public keys will be generated for you at startup if they do not exist and are not specified. Cleaning your project will remove those keys, so previous JWT tokens won’t be valid anymore on restart.

In production environments you will need to generate and specify your private and public keys using the following commands:

$ openssl genrsa -out rsaPrivateKey.pem 2048
$ openssl rsa -pubout -in rsaPrivateKey.pem -out src/main/resources/publicKey.pem
$ openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -inform pem -in rsaPrivateKey.pem -outform pem -out src/main/resources/privateKey.pem

You can then point to those files in your Quarkus configuration:



Using OIDC for login

OIDC (Open ID Connect) is a way to delegate user login to external services, such as:

If you use OIDC, you can skip the email validation phase, and avoid storing passwords for your users, but you may likely still need to store a user representation in your data store, and associate it to the external identity provider using the provider name and its own ID.

The recommended set up is to place each provider in its own tenant, and disable the default tenant if you want to leave it free for the manual user registration and authentication we already covered:

# Google

# Github

# Manual context

# Default is just disabled

# Get rid of keycloak dev services

# Must be set to get proper error reporting

Make sure you import the renarde-oidc module in your pom.xml:


We first adapt our User model to handle OIDC users by adding tenantId and authId fields:

package model;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import jakarta.persistence.Column;
import jakarta.persistence.Entity;
import jakarta.persistence.EnumType;
import jakarta.persistence.Enumerated;
import jakarta.persistence.Table;
import jakarta.persistence.UniqueConstraint;

import io.quarkus.hibernate.orm.panache.PanacheEntity;

@Table(name = "user_table", uniqueConstraints = @UniqueConstraint(columnNames = {"tenantId", "authId"}))
public class User extends PanacheEntity implements RenardeUser {

    @Column(nullable = false)
    public String email;
    @Column(unique = true)
    public String userName;
    public String password;
    public String firstName;
    public String lastName;
    public boolean isAdmin;

    @Column(unique = true)
    public String confirmationCode;

    public String tenantId;
    public String authId;

    @Column(nullable = false)
    public UserStatus status;

    public boolean isRegistered(){
        return status == UserStatus.REGISTERED;

    public Set<String> getRoles() {
        Set<String> roles = new HashSet<>();
        if(isAdmin) {
        return roles;

    public String getUserId() {
        return userName;

    public boolean isOidc() {
        return tenantId != null;

    // Helpers

    public static User findUnconfirmedByEmail(String email) {
        return find("LOWER(email) = ?1 AND status = ?2", email.toLowerCase(), UserStatus.CONFIRMATION_REQUIRED).firstResult();

    public static User findRegisteredByUserName(String username) {
        return find("LOWER(userName) = ?1 AND status = ?2", username.toLowerCase(), UserStatus.REGISTERED).firstResult();

    public static User findByUserName(String username) {
        return find("LOWER(userName) = ?1", username.toLowerCase()).firstResult();

    public static User findByAuthId(String tenantId, String authId) {
        return find("tenantId = ?1 AND authId = ?2", tenantId, authId).firstResult();

    public static User findForContirmation(String confirmationCode) {
        return find("confirmationCode = ?1 AND status = ?2", confirmationCode, UserStatus.CONFIRMATION_REQUIRED).firstResult();

Now you need to provide implementations of RenardeUserProvider and RenardeOidcHandler which you can group:

package util;

import java.util.UUID;

import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import jakarta.transaction.Transactional;

import io.quarkiverse.renarde.oidc.RenardeOidcHandler;
import io.quarkiverse.renarde.oidc.RenardeOidcSecurity;
import io.quarkiverse.renarde.router.Router;
import io.quarkiverse.renarde.util.Flash;
import io.quarkiverse.renarde.util.RedirectException;
import model.User;
import model.UserStatus;
import rest.Application;
import rest.Login;

public class MySecuritySetup implements RenardeUserProvider, RenardeOidcHandler {

    RenardeSecurity security;

    RenardeOidcSecurity oidcSecurity;

    Flash flash;

     * This allows us to map tenant/id to our users: manually or via OIDC
    public RenardeUser findUser(String tenantId, String id) {
        if(tenantId == null || tenantId.equals("manual")) {
            return User.findByUserName(id);
        } else {
            return User.findByAuthId(tenantId, id);

     * This will be called on every successful OIDC authentication,
     * be it a first-time user registration, or existing user login
    public void oidcSuccess(String tenantId, String authId) {
        User user = User.findByAuthId(tenantId, authId);
        URI uri;
        if(user == null) {
            // registration
            user = new User();
            user.tenantId = tenantId;
            user.authId = authId;

   = oidcSecurity.getOidcEmail();
            user.firstName = oidcSecurity.getOidcFirstName();
            user.lastName = oidcSecurity.getOidcLastName();
            user.userName = oidcSecurity.getOidcUserName();

            user.status = UserStatus.CONFIRMATION_REQUIRED;
            user.confirmationCode = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

            // go to registration
            uri = Router.getURI(Login::confirm, user.confirmationCode);
        } else if(!user.isRegistered()) {
            // user exists, but not fully registered yet
            // go to registration
            uri = Router.getURI(Login::confirm, user.confirmationCode);
        } else {
            // regular login
            uri = Router.getURI(Application::index);
        throw new RedirectException(Response.seeOther(uri).build());

     * This will be called if the existing user has a valid OIDC session,
     * and attemps to login again, so we check if the user exists, and is
     * fully registered.
    public void loginWithOidcSession(String tenantId, String authId) {
        RenardeUser user = findUser(tenantId, authId);
        // old cookie, no such user
        if(user == null) {
            flash.flash("message", "Invalid user: "+authId);
            throw new RedirectException(security.makeLogoutResponse());
        // redirect to registration
        URI uri;
        if(!user.isRegistered()) {
            uri = Router.getURI(Login::confirm, ((User)user).confirmationCode);
        } else {
            flash.flash("message", "Already logged in");
            uri = Router.getURI(Application::index);
        throw new RedirectException(Response.seeOther(uri).build());

We have to adapt our registration page to account for users coming in from OIDC, by skipping the password if the user is an OIDC user:

{#include main.html }
{#title}Complete registration{/title}

{#form uri:Login.complete(newUser.confirmationCode)}

    <legend>Complete registration for {}</legend>
    {#formElement name="userName" label="User Name"}
        {#input name="userName" value=newUser.userName/}
    {#if !newUser.authId}
        {#formElement name="password" label="Password"}
            {#input name="password" type="password"/}
        {#formElement name="password2" label="Password Confirmation"}
            {#input name="password2" type="password"/}
    {#formElement name="firstName" label="First Name"}
        {#input name="firstName" value=newUser.firstName/}
    {#formElement name="lastName" label="Last Name"}
        {#input name="lastName" value=newUser.lastName/}
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Complete registration</button>


And the corresponding controller:

    public Response complete(@RestQuery String confirmationCode,
            @RestForm @NotBlank String userName,
            @RestForm @Length(min = 8) String password,
            @RestForm @Length(min = 8) String password2,
            @RestForm @NotBlank String firstName,
            @RestForm @NotBlank String lastName) {
        User user = checkConfirmationCode(confirmationCode);


        // is it OIDC?
        if(!user.isOidc()) {
            validation.required("password", password);
            validation.required("password2", password2);
            validation.equals("password", password, password2);

        if(User.findRegisteredByUserName(userName) != null)
            validation.addError("userName", "User name already taken");

        user.userName = userName;
        if(!user.isOidc()) {
            user.password = BcryptUtil.bcryptHash(password);
        user.firstName = firstName;
        user.lastName = lastName;
        user.confirmationCode = null;
        user.status = UserStatus.REGISTERED;

        ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.seeOther(Router.getURI(Login::welcome));
        if(!user.isOidc()) {
            NewCookie cookie = security.makeUserCookie(user);

And finally we can add the OIDC login options to the login page:

{#include main.html }

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-2">
        <div class="d-grid gap-2">
          <a class="btn btn-block btn-light" href="{uri:RenardeOidcController.loginUsingOidc('github')}" role="button"><img src="/images/signin-github.svg" height="16px" style="vertical-align: text-top"/> GitHub</a>
          <a class="btn btn-block btn-light" href="{uri:RenardeOidcController.loginUsingOidc('google')}" role="button"><img src="/images/signin-google.svg" height="16px" style="vertical-align: text-top"/> Google</a>
          <a class="btn btn-block btn-light" href="{uri:RenardeOidcController.loginUsingOidc('microsoft')}" role="button"><img src="/images/signin-microsoft.svg" height="16px" style="vertical-align: text-top"/> Microsoft</a>
          <a class="btn btn-block btn-light" href="{uri:RenardeOidcController.loginUsingOidc('facebook')}" role="button"><img src="/images/signin-facebook.svg" height="16px" style="vertical-align: text-top"/> Facebook</a>
          <a class="btn btn-block btn-light" href="{uri:RenardeOidcController.loginUsingOidc('apple')}" role="button"><img src="/images/signin-apple.svg" height="16px" style="vertical-align: text-top"/> Apple</a>
          <a class="btn btn-block btn-light" href="{uri:RenardeOidcController.loginUsingOidc('twitter')}" role="button"><img src="/images/signin-twitter.svg" height="16px" style="vertical-align: text-top"/> Twitter</a>
  <-- ... Manual login and registration ... -->


Setting up OIDC for Github

In order to set up OIDC for Github you need to create a new OAuth application in your GitHub developer settings:

oidc github 1

Make sure to fill in the appropriate details, but more importantly the Authorization Callback URL, set to http://localhost:8080/_renarde/security/oidc-success (if you intend to test this using the Quarkus DEV mode).

Now click on Register application and you’ll be shown your application page:

oidc github 2

You need to click on Generate a new client secret, confirm your credentials, and write down your Client ID and Client secret (especially that one, because you will not be able to see it again later from that page, but you can always recreate one, do don’t worry too much):

oidc github 3

Now add the following configuration to your

quarkus.oidc.github.client-id=<Client ID>

Setting up OIDC for Google

In order to set up OIDC for Google you need to create a new project in your Google Cloud Platform console:

Pick a project name and click on CREATE.

oidc google 1

Now make sure you select your project in the top selector, and click on the left-hand bar menu on APIs and Services > OAuth consent screen:

oidc google 2

Select External to authorise any Google user to log in to your application and press CREATE:

oidc google 3

Now you can fill in your application name, your support email, your developer contact information and press SAVE AND CONTINUE:

oidc google 4

Do not add any scopes on the next page, and press SAVE AND CONTINUE:

oidc google 5

Do not add any test user on the next page, and press SAVE AND CONTINUE:

oidc google 6

Click on the top menu CREATE CREDENTIALS > OAuth client ID:

oidc google 7

Select Web application as Application type, and add http://localhost:8080/_renarde/security/oidc-success in the Authorised redirect URIs list, then press CREATE:

oidc google 8

Copy your Client ID and Client Secret:

oidc google 9

You can now configure your<Client ID><Secret>

Setting up OIDC for Microsoft

In order to set up OIDC for Microsoft you need to go to your Microsoft Azure Portal, and search for Azure Active Directory, then click on it:

oidc microsoft 1

Once there, on the left side under Manage, click on App registrations then click on New registration:

oidc microsoft 2

Fill in your application name, select Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts (e.g. Skype, Xbox) to allow anyone to log in, and add a Web Redirect URI as http://localhost:8080/_renarde/security/oidc-success, then click on Register:

oidc microsoft 3

On that resulting page, copy the Client Id (under Application (client) ID, then click on Add a certificate or secret:

oidc microsoft 4

Now, under Client secrets (0), click on New client secret:

oidc microsoft 5

Click on Add in that dialog without changing anything:

oidc microsoft 6

On the resulting page, copy your Secret ID:

oidc microsoft 7

You can now configure your<Client ID><Secret>

Setting up OIDC for Apple

In order to set up OIDC for Apple you need to create a developer account, and sign up for the 99€/year program, but you cannot test your application on localhost like most other OIDC providers: you will need to run it over https and make it publicly accessible, so for development purposes you may want to use a service such as ngrok.

Go to Create a new identifier and press +

oidc apple 1

Dont touch anything, keep App IDs selected, and press Continue:

oidc apple 2

Dont touch anything, keep App selected, and press Continue:

oidc apple 3

Enter a description and a Bundle ID (use your application package name):

oidc apple 4

Then scroll down to find the Sign in with Apple Capability, select it, and press Continue:

oidc apple 5

Write down your App ID Prefix, then press Register:

oidc apple 6

Back on the Identifiers page, press +:

oidc apple 7

Select Service IDs and press Continue:

oidc apple 8

Enter a description and Bundle ID (use your application package name), then press Continue:

oidc apple 9

Now press Register:

oidc apple 10

Back on the service list, click on your newly created service:

oidc apple 11

Enable Sign in with Apple and press Configure:

oidc apple 12

Add your domain and return URL (set to <host>/_renarde/security/oidc-success) and press Next:

oidc apple 13

Now press Done:

oidc apple 14

Now press Continue:

oidc apple 15

And now press Save:

oidc apple 16

Go to the Keys page on the left menu, and press +:

oidc apple 17

Fill in a key name, enable Sign in with Apple, and press Configure:

oidc apple 18

Select your Primary App ID and press Save:

oidc apple 19

Back on the key page, press Continue:

oidc apple 20

Now press Register:

oidc apple 21

Write down your Key ID, download your key and save it to your Quarkus application in src/main/resources/AuthKey_<KEYID>.p8:

oidc apple 22

You can now configure your<Bundle ID><Key ID>.p8<Key ID><App ID Prefix><Bundle ID}

Setting up OIDC for Facebook

Facebook you will not be let you test your application on localhost like most other OIDC providers: you will need to run it over https and make it publicly accessible, so for development purposes you may want to use a service such as ngrok.

In order to set up OIDC for Facebook start by Creating an application, select None as an app type, and press Next:

oidc facebook 1

Now enter an application name, and contact email, and press Create app:

oidc facebook 2

On the app page, click Set up on the Facebook login product:

oidc facebook 3

Quick the Quickstarts page and click on Facebook login > Settings on the left menu:

oidc facebook 4

Enter your Redirect URIs (set to <host>/_renarde/security/oidc-success) and press Save changes:

oidc facebook 5

Now go to Settings > Basic on the left hand menu, and write down your App ID and App secret:

oidc facebook 6

You can now configure your

quarkus.oidc.facebook.client-id=<App ID>
quarkus.oidc.facebook.credentials.secret=<App secret>

Setting up OIDC for Spotify

In order to set up OIDC for Spotify start by Creating an app, enter an app name, and http://localhost:8080/_renarde/security/oidc-success as Redirect URI, check the checkbox accepting the terms, and press Save:

oidc spotify 1

Now click on Settings:

oidc spotify 2

And click on View client secret in order to reveal your secret:

oidc spotify 3

Now copy your Client ID and Client secret into your

quarkus.oidc.spotify.client-id=<Client ID>
quarkus.oidc.spotify.credentials.secret=<Client Secret>

Setting up OIDC for Twitter

You can use Twitter for OIDC login, but at the moment, it restricts access to the user’s email, which means you will have to obtain it and verify it yourself.

In order to set up OIDC for Twitter start by Creating a project, enter a project name, and press Next:

oidc twitter 1

Enter a use case, and press Next:

oidc twitter 2

Enter a project description, and press Next:

oidc twitter 3

Now enter an application name, and press Next:

oidc twitter 4

Write down your keys, because they will not be displayed again, and press App Settings:

oidc twitter 5

Navigate down to the User authentication settings section and press Set up:

oidc twitter 6

Check the OAuth 2.0 check box:

oidc twitter 7

Select Web App as application type, then fill in your application details (use <host>/_renarde/security/oidc-success for the Callback URI).

Twitter doesn’t require https usage in practice, but won’t accept your Website URL without it, so you can still use ngrok for it.

Now press Save:

oidc twitter 8

You can now copy your Client ID and Client Secret and press Done:

oidc twitter 9

You can now configure your

quarkus.oidc.twitter.client-id=<Client ID>
quarkus.oidc.twitter.credentials.secret=<Client Secret>

Testing OIDC providers

As soon as you integrate OIDC providers in your application, testing them becomes problematic, because you probably don’t want to hit those external OIDC systems from your tests. But you still want to test that your integration works well, and make it as fast as possible.

Renarde provides you with custom test resources that will start mock OIDC providers that you can use in place of the real online OIDC providers. All you need to do is import this module:


And place one of these annotations on your test resource:

Annotation Role


Starts a mock Apple OIDC provider


Starts a mock Facebook OIDC provider


Starts a mock Github OIDC provider


Starts a mock Google OIDC provider


Starts a mock Microsoft OIDC provider


Starts a mock Spotify OIDC provider


Starts a mock Twitter OIDC provider

All these mock OIDC providers will automatically log you in for a single fixed user with the following properties:

Provider TenantId AuthId Username First name Last name Email




null (Not provided by Apple)

null (Not provided by Apple)

null (Not provided by Apple)




null (Not provided by Facebook)












null (Not provided by Google)





USERID (Microsoft uses the email)






null (Not provided by Spotify)






null (Not provided by Twitter)

