Quarkus - OpenAPI Generator - Client
This extension is for REST code generation for client side only. If you’re looking for code generation for the server side, please take a look at the Quarkus OpenAPI Generator Server Extension.
Want to contribute? Great! We try to make it easy, and all contributions, even the smaller ones, are more than welcome. This includes bug reports, fixes, documentation, examples… But first, read this page.
Getting Started
Add the following dependency to your project’s pom.xml
Version 2.x.x of this extension supports Quarkus 3, and version 1.x.x supports Quarkus 2. We strongly recommend you to use version 2.x.x. No updates are planned for version 1.x.x. |
You will also need to add or update the quarkus-maven-plugin
configuration with the following:
You probably already have this configuration if you created your application with Code Quarkus. That said, double-check your configuration not to add another plugin entry.
Now, create the directory openapi
under your src/main/
path and add the OpenAPI spec files there. We support JSON, YAML and YML extensions.
If you want to change the directory where OpenAPI files must be found, use the property quarkus.openapi-generator.codegen.input-base-dir
IMPORTANT: it is relative to the project base directory. For example, if you have a project called MyJavaProject
and decide to place them in MyJavaProject/openapi-definitions
, use the following property:
If you want to change the directory where template files must be found, use the property quarkus.openapi-generator.codegen.template-base-dir
. If not set the templates will be expected in the build directory under classes/templates
IMPORTANT: it is relative to src/main
. For example, if you want your custom templates in src/main/resources/custom-templates
, use the following property:
To fine tune the configuration for each spec file, add the following entry to your properties file. In this example, our spec file is in src/main/openapi/petstore.json
If you want to change the base package in which the classes are generated, use the quarkus.openapi-generator.codegen.spec.<filename>.base-package
If a base package is not provided, it will default to org.openapi.quarkus.<filename>
. For example, org.openapi.quarkus.petstore_json
Configuring additional-model-type-annotations
will add all annotations to the generated model files (extra details can be found in OpenApi Generator Doc).
You can customize the name of generated classes. To do that, you must define the following properties:
You can remove operationId prefix (e.g. User_findAll⇒ findAll). To do that, you must define the following properties:
Character to use as a delimiter for the prefix. Default is '_'.You can define the prefix delimiter (e.g. User.findAll⇒ findAll):
You can define count of delimiter for the prefix (e.g. org.acme.UserResource.findAll⇒ findAll). Use -1 for last Default:
The same way you can add any additional annotations to the generated api files with additional-api-type-annotations
. Given you want to include Foo and Bar annotations, you must define additional-api-type-annotations as:
Note that the file name`petstore_json`is used to configure the specific information for each spec. We follow the Environment Variables Mapping Rules from Microprofile Configuration to sanitize the OpenAPI spec filename. Any non-alphabetic characters are replaced by an underscore _ .
Run mvn compile
to generate your classes in target/generated-sources/open-api-json
- org.acme.openapi
- api
- PetApi.java
- StoreApi.java
- UserApi.java
- model
- Address.java
- Category.java
- Customer.java
- ModelApiResponse.java
- Order.java
- Pet.java
- Tag.java
- User.java
You can reference the generated code in your project, for example:
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import jakarta.ws.rs.GET;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Path;
import jakarta.ws.rs.Produces;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import org.acme.openapi.api.PetApi;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.rest.client.inject.RestClient;
import org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.jaxrs.PathParam;
public class PetResource {
PetApi petApi;
See the integration-tests module for more information of how to use this extension. Please be advised that the extension is on experimental, early development stage.
RESTEasy Reactive and Classic support
You can use the quarkus-openapi-generator
with REST Client Classic or REST Client Reactive respectively. To do so add either the classic or reactive jackson dependency to your project’s pom.xml
RESTEasy Classic
After Version 1.2.1 / 2.1.1 you need to declare the above dependency explicitly! Even if you stay with the REST Client Classic implementation! |
RESTEasy Reactive
To make truly non-blocking calls, you need to also set the mutiny
option to true
. This
will wrap all API return types in a io.smallrye.mutiny.Uni
Configuring Return jakarta.ws.rs.core.Response
This will configure all API calls to return Uni<jakarta.ws.rs.core.Response>
Configuring Return Types for Specific Operations
In cases where you need more granular control over the return types of specific OpenAPI operations, you can configure individual operations to return either a Uni
or a Multi
. By default, when mutiny=true
is enabled, all API methods will return a Uni
. However, if you have operations that should return multiple items reactively, you can specify either Multi
or Uni
for those operations.
To achieve this, use the mutiny.operation-ids
configuration to set the return type for each operation by its operationId
as defined in the OpenAPI specification.
For example:
# Enable Mutiny support for all operations
# Configure return type for specific operation IDs
In this example:
operation will return aUni
. -
operation will return aMulti
This allows fine-grained control over which operations are expected to return a single result (Uni
) and which should handle streams of results (Multi
If an incorrect or unsupported return type is specified for an mutiny.operation-ids , the generator will fallback to returning a Uni by default. Ensure that the return type for each operation is either Uni or Multi to avoid unintended behavior.
When using RESTEasy Reactive:
The client must not declare multiple MIME-TYPES with
You might need to implement a
for each complex type
Returning Response
By default, this extension generates the methods according to their returning models based on the OpenAPI specification Schema Object. If no response model is defined, jakarta.ws.rs.core.Response
is returned.
If you want to return jakarta.ws.rs.core.Response
in all cases instead, you can set the return-response
property to true
Since the most part of this extension work is in the generate-code
execution phase of the Quarkus Maven’s plugin, the log configuration must be set in the Maven context. When building your project, add -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.log.org.openapitools=off
to the mvn
command to reduce the internal generator noise. For example:
mvn clean install -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.log.org.openapitools=off
For more information, see the Maven Logging Configuration and Maven Configuration guides.
Filtering OpenAPI Specification Files
By default, the extension will process every OpenAPI specification file in the given path.
To limit code generation to only a specific set of OpenAPI specification files, you can set the quarkus.openapi-generator.codegen.include
For instance, if you want to limit code generation for include-openapi.yaml
and include-openapi-2.yaml
files, you need to define the property like:
If you prefer to specify which files you want to skip, you can set the quarkus.openapi-generator.codegen.exclude
For instance, if you want to skip code generation for exclude-openapi.yaml
and exclude-openapi-2.yaml
files, you need to define the property like:
exclude supersedes include , meaning that if a file is in both property it will NOT be analysed.
See the module integration-tests/ignore
for an example of how to use this feature.
Authentication Support
If your OpenAPI specification file has securitySchemes
definitions, the inner generator
will register ClientRequestFilter providers for you to
implement the given authentication mechanism.
To provide the credentials for your application, you can use the Quarkus configuration support. The configuration key is composed using this
pattern: quarkus.openapi-generator.[filename].auth.[security_scheme_name].[auth_property_name]
. Where:
is the sanitized name of file containing the OpenAPI spec, for examplepetstore_json
. -
is the sanitized name of the security scheme object definition in the OpenAPI file. Given the following excerpt, we haveapi_key
security schemes:
"securitySchemes": {
"api_key": {
"type": "apiKey",
"name": "api_key",
"in": "header"
"basic_auth": {
"type": "http",
"scheme": "basic"
Note that the securityScheme name used to configure the specific information for each spec is sanitized using the same rules as for the file names. |
varies depending on the authentication provider. For example, for Basic Authentication we haveusername
. See the following sections for more details.
Tip: on production environments you will likely to use HashiCorp Vault or Kubernetes Secrets to provide this information for your application.
If the OpenAPI specification file has securitySchemes
definitions, but no Security Requirement Object definitions, the generator can be configured to create these by default. In this case, for all operations without a security requirement the default one will be created. Note that the property value needs to match the name of a security scheme object definition, eg. api_key
or basic_auth
in the securitySchemes
list above.
Description | Property Key | Example |
Create security for the referenced security scheme |
See the module security for an example of how to use this feature.
Basic HTTP Authentication
For Basic HTTP Authentication, these are the supported configurations:
Description | Property Key | Example |
Username credentials |
Password credentials |
Bearer Token Authentication
Authentication, these are the supported configurations:
Description | Property Key | Example |
Bearer Token |
API Key Authentication
Similarly to bearer token, the API Key Authentication also has the token entry key property:
Description | Property Key | Example |
API Key |
The API Key scheme has an additional property that requires where to add the API key in the request token: header, cookie or query. The inner provider takes care of that for you.
OAuth2 Authentication
The extension will generate a ClientRequestFilter
capable to add OAuth2 authentication capabilities to the OpenAPI operations that require it. This means that you can use
the Quarkus OIDC Extension configuration to define your authentication flow.
The generated code creates a named OidcClient
for each Security Scheme listed in the OpenAPI specification files. For example, given
the following excerpt:
"securitySchemes": {
"petstore_auth": {
"type": "oauth2",
"flows": {
"implicit": {
"authorizationUrl": "https://petstore3.swagger.io/oauth/authorize",
"scopes": {
"write:pets": "modify pets in your account",
"read:pets": "read your pets"
You can configure this OidcClient
The configuration suffix quarkus.oidc-client.petstore_auth
is exclusive for the schema defined in the specification file and the schemaName
is sanitized by applying the rules described above.
For this to work you must add Quarkus OIDC Client Filter Extension to your project.
From version 2.7.0 and onwards you must also add the quarkus-openapi-generator-oidc additional dependency. Please see the details below.
RESTEasy Classic:
RESTEasy Reactive:
If authentication support doesn’t suit your needs you can decide to disable it with enable-security-generation=false
. In such case CompositeAuthenticationProvider and AuthenticationPropagationHeadersFactory wont be generated and used with your api.
The option can be set globally with quarkus.openapi-generator.codegen.enable-security-generation
or per api quarkus.openapi-generator.codegen.spec.my_spec_yml.enable-security-generation
Custom authentication provider can be used with additional-api-type-annotations
See the module generation-tests for an example of how to use this feature.
Authorization Token Propagation
The authorization token propagation can be used with OpenApi operations secured with a security scheme of type "oauth2" or "bearer". When configured, you can propagate the authorization tokens passed to your service and the invocations to the REST clients generated by the quarkus-openapi-generator.
Let’s see how it works by following a simple example:
Imagine that we have a updatePet
operation defined in the petstore.json
specification file and secured with the petstore_auth
security scheme.
The code below shows a simple example of the usage of this operation in a user-programmed service.
import org.acme.api.PetApi;
import org.acme.model.Pet;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.rest.client.inject.RestClient;
* User programmed service.
public class PetResource {
* Inject the rest client generated by the quarkus-openapi-generator.
PetApi petApi;
* User programmed operation.
public Response customUpdatePet(@PathParam("id") long id, PetData petData) {
// Create a new instance of the Pet class generated by the quarkus-openapi-generator and
// populate accordingly.
Pet pet = new Pet();
applyDataToPet(pet, petData);
// Execute the rest call using the generated client.
// The petstore.json open api spec stays that the "updatePet" operation is secured with the
// security scheme "petstore_auth".
// Do other required things and finally return something.
return Response.ok().build();
public static class PetData {
// Represents the Pet modifiable data sent to the user programmed service.
private void applyDataToPet(Pet pet, PetData petData) {
// Set the corresponding values to the Pet instance.
Let’s see what happens when the PetResource service customUpdatePet
operation is invoked by a third party.
Default flow
operation is invoked. -
An authorization token is obtained using the corresponding
OidcClient configuration. (for more information see OAuth2 Authentication) -
The authorization token is automatically passed along the PetApi
operation execution using an automatically generated request filter, etc.
Propagation flow
However, there are scenarios where we want to propagate the authorization token that was initially passed to the PetResource service when the customUpdatePet
operation was invoked instead of having to obtain it by using the OidcClient
The user service
operation is invoked, and an authorization token is passed by the third party typically by using the HTTPAuthorization
header. -
The incoming authorization token is automatically passed along the PetApi
operation execution according to the user-provided configuration.
When configured, the token propagation applies to all the operations secured with the same securityScheme in the same specification file.
Propagation flow configuration
The token propagation can be used with type "oauth2" or "bearer" security schemes. Finally, considering that a given security scheme might be configured on a set of operations in the same specification file when configured, it’ll apply to all these operations.
Property Key | Example |
Circuit Breaker
You can define the CircuitBreaker annotation from MicroProfile Fault Tolerance
in your generated classes by setting the desired configuration in application.properties
Let’s say you have the following OpenAPI definition:
"openapi": "3.0.3",
"info": {
"title": "Simple API",
"version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
"paths": {
"/hello": {
"get": {
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"content": {
"text/plain": {
"schema": {
"type": "string"
"/bye": {
"get": {
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"content": {
"text/plain": {
"schema": {
"type": "string"
And you want to configure Circuit Breaker for the /bye
endpoint, you can do it in the following way:
Add the SmallRye Fault Tolerance extension to your project’s pom.xml
Assuming your Open API spec file is in src/main/openapi/simple-openapi.json
, add the following configuration to your application.properties
# Note that the file name must have only alphabetic characters or underscores (_).
# Enables the CircuitBreaker extension for the byeGet method from the DefaultApi class
With the above configuration, your Rest Clients will be created with a code similar to the following:
package org.acme.openapi.simple.api;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.rest.client.inject.RegisterRestClient;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import jakarta.ws.rs.*;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Response;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
public interface DefaultApi {
@Produces({ "text/plain" })
public String byeGet();
@Produces({ "text/plain" })
public String helloGet();
You can also override the default Circuit Breaker configuration by setting the properties
in application.properties
just as you would for a traditional MicroProfile application:
See the module circuit-breaker for an example of how to use this feature.
Sending multipart/form-data
The rest client also supports request with mime-type multipart/form-data and, if the schema of the request body is known in advance, we can also automatically generate the models of the request bodies.
RESTEasy Reactive supports multipart/form-data out of the box. Thus, no additional dependency is required. |
If you’re using RESTEasy Classic, you need to add the following additional dependency to your pom.xml
For any multipart/form-data operation a model for the request body will be generated. Each part of the multipart is a field in this model that is annotated with the following annotations:
, where the value parameter denotes the part name, -
, where the parameter is the jax-rs MediaType of the part (see below for details), -
and, if the part contains a file,
, with a generated default parameter that will be passed as the fileName sub-header in the Content-Disposition header of the part.
For example, the model for a request that requires a file, a string and some complex object will look like this:
public class MultipartBody {
public File file;
public String fileName;
public MyComplexObject someObject;
Then in the client, when using RESTEasy Classic, the org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.providers.multipart.MultipartForm
annotation is added in front of the multipart parameter:
@RegisterRestClient(baseUri="http://my.endpoint.com/api/v1", configKey="multipart-requests_yml")
public interface MultipartService {
String sendMultipartData(@MultipartForm MultipartBody data);
When using RESTEasy Reactive, the jakarta.ws.rs.BeanParam
annotation is added in front of the multipart parameter:
@RegisterRestClient(baseUri="http://my.endpoint.com/api/v1", configKey="multipart-requests_yml")
public interface MultipartService {
String sendMultipartData(@jakarta.ws.rs.BeanParam MultipartBody data);
See Quarkus - Using the REST Client with Multipart and the RESTEasy JAX-RS specifications for more details.
MultipartForm is deprecated when using RESTEasy Reactive.
value of RegisterRestClient
annotation is extracted from the servers
section of the file, if present. If not, it will be left empty and it is expected you set up the uri to be used in your configuration.
Importantly, if some multipart request bodies contain complex objects (i.e. non-primitives) you need to explicitly tell the Open API generator to create models for these objects by setting
the skip-form-model
property corresponding to your spec in the application.properties
to false
, e.g.:
See the module multipart-request for an example of how to use this feature.
In case the default PartFilename
annotation is not required, its generation can be disabled by setting the generate-part-filename
property (globally or corresponding to your spec) in the application.properties
to false
, e.g.:
By default, the PartFilename
value representing the filename is prefixed by the field name. This can be changed by setting the use-field-name-in-part-filename
property (globally or corresponding to your spec) in the application.properties
to false
, e.g.:
And in case the default PartFilename
value is not suitable (e.g. a conversion service only allows/supports specific extensions), the value can be set by using the part-filename-value
property (globally or corresponding to your spec) in the application.properties
, e.g.:
So for instance, by setting part-filename-value
to some.pdf
and use-field-name-in-part-filename
to false
the generated code will look like this:
public class MultipartBody {
public File file;
And by setting only part-filename-value
to .pdf
, the generated code will look like this:
public class MultipartBody {
public File file;
See the module part-filename for examples of how to use these features.
Default content-types according to OpenAPI Specification and limitations
The OAS 3.0 specifies the following default content-types for a multipart:
If the property is a primitive, or an array of primitive values, the default Content-Type is
If the property is complex, or an array of complex values, the default Content-Type is
If the property is a
type: string
withformat: binary
orformat: base64
(aka a file object), the default Content-Type isapplication/octet-stream
A different content-type may be defined in your api spec, but this is not yet supported in the code generation. Also, this "annotation-oriented" approach of RestEasy (i.e. using @MultipartForm
denote the multipart body parameter) does not seem to properly support the unmarshalling of arrays of the same type (e.g. array of files), in these cases it uses Content-Type equal
to application/json
Supporting unexpected Enum values
If you are generating a client to an unreliable service, Enums could evolve on the service within a same version without new endpoints. In this case, the client could receive enum values that are unexpected.
To circumvent this, you can generate an UNEXPECTED
value with option additional-enum-type-unexpected-member
. You can customise the name of this enum with additional-enum-type-unexpected-member-name
The value can be customised with additional-enum-type-unexpected-member-string-value
Generating files via InputStream
Having the files in the src/main/openapi
directory will generate the REST stubs by default. Alternatively, you can implement
the io.quarkiverse.openapi.generator.deployment.codegen.OpenApiSpecInputProvider
interface to provide a list of `InputStream`s of OpenAPI specification files. This is useful in scenarios where you want to dynamically generate the client code without having the target spec file
saved locally in your project.
See the example implementation here
Skip Deprecated Attributes in Model classes
The domain objects are classes generated in the model
package. These classes might have deprecated attributes in the Open API specification
file. By default, these attributes are generated. You can fine tune this behavior if the deprecated attributes should not be generated.
Use the property key <base_package>.model.MyClass.generateDeprecated=false
to disable the deprecated attributes in the given model. For example org.acme.weather.Country.generatedDeprecated=false
Skip Deprecated Operations in API classes
The client objects are classes generated in the api
package. These classes might have deprecated operations in the Open API specification
file. By default, these operations are generated. You can fine tune this behavior if the deprecated operations should not be generated.
Use the property key <base_package>.api.MyClass.generateDeprecated=false
to disable the deprecated operations in the given API. For example org.acme.openapi.simple.api.DefaultApi.generatedDeprecated=false
package org.acme.openapi.simple.api;
import org.eclipse.microprofile.rest.client.inject.RegisterRestClient;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import jakarta.ws.rs.*;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Response;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
public interface DefaultApi {
@Produces({ "text/plain" })
public String byeGet();
See the module integration-tests/register-provider
for an example of how to use this feature.
Skip OpenAPI schema validation
Use the property key quarkus.openapi-generator.codegen.validateSpec=false
to disable validating the input specification file before code generation. By default, invalid specifications will result in an error.
Type, schema and import mappings
It’s possible to remap types in the generated files. For example, instead of a File
you can configure the code generator to use InputStream
for all file upload parts of multipart request, or you could change all UUID
types to String
. You can configure this in your application.properties
using the following configuration keys:
Description | Property Key | Example |
Type Mapping |
Import Mapping |
Schema Mapping |
Note that these configuration properties are maps. For the type-mapping the keys are OAS data types and the values are Java types.
Another common example is needing java.time.Instant
as type for date-time fields in your POJO classes. You can achieve with these settings:
It’s also possible to only use a type mapping with a fully qualified name, for instance quarkus.openapi-generator.codegen.spec.my_spec_yml.type-mappings.File=java.io.InputStream
. For more information and a list of all types see the OpenAPI generator documentation on Type Mappings and Import Mappings and Schema mapping.
See the module type-mapping for an example of how to use this feature.
Config key
By default, the @RegisterRestClient
property is the sanitized name of the file containing the OpenAPI spec. For example, if the file name is petstore.json
, the configKey
will be petstore_json
/* omitted */
public interface DefaultApi { /* omitted */ }
If you want to use a different configKey than the default one, you can set the quarkus.openapi-generator.codegen.spec.petstore_json.[config-key]
Using the config-key
the extension allow you to define all allowed properties with quarkus.openapi-generator.codegen.spec.[my_custom_config_key].*
prefix. For example:
With it, you will have the following result:
/* omitted */
public interface DefaultApi { /* omitted */ }
If you configure the property config-key, it will override the sanitized file name (will not consider the order of the configurations). For example, having the following configuration: |
The generated code will be:
/* omitted */
public interface DefaultApi { /* omitted */ }
Template Customization
You have the option to swap out the templates used by this extension with your customized versions. To achieve this, place your custom templates under the resources/templates
directory. It’s crucial that the filename of each custom template matches that of the original template.
You can find an example of using customized templates in integration-tests/custom-templates.
While the option to replace templates exists, it’s essential to exercise caution and consider this as a final resort. Prior to altering templates, exhaust all possibilities of achieving your goals through configuration settings. Modifying templates could have broader implications for the extension’s functionality and may introduce complexities. Only resort to template replacement when configuration adjustments prove insufficient for your requirements. |
Furthermore, be aware that customizing templates increases the risk of compatibility issues during future upgrades. Therefore, exercise discretion and weigh the benefits against the potential risks before opting for template customization.
Additional Properties as Attribute
In some cases is necessary to use additionalProperties inside the OpenAPI specification, by default this extension creates an object that inherits a java.util.HashMap
class. It works well, but there are some issues with Jackson on serialize/deserialize:
Serialization throws
exception. -
does ignore plain fields.
If you want to use composition instead inheritance and serialize/deserialize with Jackson without those problems, consider to configure the additional-properties-as-attributes
To map additionalProperties
as attribute, add the following entry to your properties file. In this example, our spec file is in src/main/openapi/petstore.json
This configuration implies that all models using additionalProperties
will be mapped using a java.util.Map
as composition.
Add Additional Request Arguments to each API Method
To add custom request specific parameters you can use the additional-request-args
Should work with:
To use additional-request-args
as attribute, add the following entry to your properties file. In this example, our spec file is in src/main/openapi/petstore.json
quarkus.openapi-generator.codegen.spec.petstore_json.additional-request-args=@CookieParam("cookie") String cookie;@HeaderParam("x-correlation-id") String correlationId
This configuration is applied to every generated method.
Add Bean Validation support to every API method and validation annotations to all models
To enable bean validation support for validation properties specified in OpenApi.
Generate APIs
APIs are generated by default. To disable them set generate-apis
to false:
Generate Models
Models are generated by default. To disable them set generate-models
to false:
Generate Serilazable Models
If you need to have the generated models to implement java.io.Serializable
-interface then set the serializable-model
to true:
Equals and hashcode
By default, hashcode
and equals
methods are automatically generated for all models. These methods are based on all the variables in the model and can not be customized.
To disable set equals-hashcode
to false:
Known Limitations
Supported Arguments
Currently not all arguments are supported by this extension
(You can extend all endpoints with additional-request-args
These are the known limitations of this pre-release version:
Only Jackson support
We will work in the next few releases to address these use cases, until there please provide feedback for the current state of this extension. We also love contributions .
Configuration Properties
Configuration property fixed at build time - All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime
Configuration property |
Type |
Default |
Whether to skip the generation of models for form parameters Environment variable: |
boolean |
Type Mapping is an OpenAPI Generator configuration specifying which Java types (the values) should be used for a given OAS datatype (the keys of this map) Environment variable: |
Map<String,String> |
Import Mapping is an OpenAPI Generator configuration specifying which Java types (the values) should be imported when a given OAS datatype (the keys of this map) is used Environment variable: |
Map<String,String> |
Schema Mapping is an OpenAPI Generator configuration specifying which Java types (the values) should be imported when a given schema type (the keys of this map) is used Environment variable: |
Map<String,String> |
The specified annotations will be added to the generated model files Environment variable: |
string |
Defines if the enums should have an Environment variable: |
boolean |
The specified annotations will be added to the generated api files Environment variable: |
string |
Add custom/additional HTTP Headers or other args to every request Environment variable: |
string |
Defines if the methods should return Environment variable: |
boolean |
Defines if security support classes should be generated Environment variable: |
string |
Defines the normalizer options. Environment variable: |
Map<String,String> |
Enable SmallRye Mutiny support. If you set this to Environment variable: |
boolean |
Defines with SmallRye Mutiny enabled if methods should return Environment variable: |
boolean |
Handles the return type for each operation, depending on the configuration. The following cases are supported:
Environment variable: |
Map<String,String> |
Defines, whether the Environment variable: |
boolean |
Defines the filename for a part in case the Environment variable: |
string |
Defines, whether the filename should also include the property name in case the Environment variable: |
boolean |
Enable bean validation. If you set this to Environment variable: |
boolean |
Enable the generation of APIs. If you set this to Environment variable: |
boolean |
Enable the generation of models. If you set this to Environment variable: |
boolean |
Enable the generation of equals and hashcode in models. If you set this to Environment variable: |
boolean |
Whether to log the internal generator codegen process in the default output or not. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Option to change the directory where OpenAPI files must be found. Environment variable: |
string |
Option to change the directory where template files must be found. Environment variable: |
string |
Whether or not to skip validating the input spec prior to generation. By default, invalid specifications will result in an error. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Option to specify files for which generation should be executed only Environment variable: |
string |
Option to exclude file from generation Environment variable: |
string |
Create security for the referenced security scheme Environment variable: |
string |
Whether to skip the generation of models for form parameters Environment variable: |
boolean |
Type Mapping is an OpenAPI Generator configuration specifying which Java types (the values) should be used for a given OAS datatype (the keys of this map) Environment variable: |
Map<String,String> |
Import Mapping is an OpenAPI Generator configuration specifying which Java types (the values) should be imported when a given OAS datatype (the keys of this map) is used Environment variable: |
Map<String,String> |
Schema Mapping is an OpenAPI Generator configuration specifying which Java types (the values) should be imported when a given schema type (the keys of this map) is used Environment variable: |
Map<String,String> |
The specified annotations will be added to the generated model files Environment variable: |
string |
Defines if the enums should have an Environment variable: |
boolean |
The specified annotations will be added to the generated api files Environment variable: |
string |
Add custom/additional HTTP Headers or other args to every request Environment variable: |
string |
Defines if the methods should return Environment variable: |
boolean |
Defines if security support classes should be generated Environment variable: |
string |
Defines the normalizer options. Environment variable: |
Map<String,String> |
Enable SmallRye Mutiny support. If you set this to Environment variable: |
boolean |
Defines with SmallRye Mutiny enabled if methods should return Environment variable: |
boolean |
Handles the return type for each operation, depending on the configuration. The following cases are supported:
Environment variable: |
Map<String,String> |
Defines, whether the Environment variable: |
boolean |
Defines the filename for a part in case the Environment variable: |
string |
Defines, whether the filename should also include the property name in case the Environment variable: |
boolean |
Enable bean validation. If you set this to Environment variable: |
boolean |
Enable the generation of APIs. If you set this to Environment variable: |
boolean |
Enable the generation of models. If you set this to Environment variable: |
boolean |
Enable the generation of equals and hashcode in models. If you set this to Environment variable: |
boolean |
Base package for where the generated code for the given OpenAPI specification will be added. Environment variable: |
string |
Suffix name for generated api classes Environment variable: |
string |
Suffix name for generated model classes Environment variable: |
string |
Prefix name for generated model classes Environment variable: |
string |
Remove operation id prefix Environment variable: |
boolean |
Remove operation id prefix Environment variable: |
string |
Remove operation id prefix Environment variable: |
int |