Configuration property fixed at build time - All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime
Type |
Default |
enable mybatis xml configuration |
boolean |
xml configuration file |
string |
MyBatis environment id |
string |
MyBatis transaction factory |
string |
MyBatis data source |
string |
MyBatis initial sql |
string |
MyBatis cacheEnabled |
boolean |
MyBatis lazyLoadingEnabled |
boolean |
MyBatis aggressiveLazyLoading |
boolean |
MyBatis useColumnLabel |
boolean |
MyBatis useGeneratedKeys |
boolean |
MyBatis autoMappingBehavior |
MyBatis autoMappingUnknownColumnBehavior |
MyBatis defaultExecutorType |
MyBatis defaultStatementTimeout |
int |
MyBatis defaultFetchSize |
int |
MyBatis defaultResultSetType |
MyBatis safeRowBoundsEnabled |
boolean |
MyBatis safeResultHandlerEnabled |
boolean |
MyBatis mapUnderscoreToCamelCase |
boolean |
MyBatis multipleResultSetsEnabled |
boolean |
MyBatis localCacheScope |
MyBatis jdbcTypeForNull |
MyBatis lazyLoadTriggerMethods |
list of string |
MyBatis defaultScriptingLanguage |
string |
MyBatis defaultEnumTypeHandler |
string |
MyBatis callSettersOnNulls |
boolean |
MyBatis returnInstanceForEmptyRow |
boolean |
MyBatis logPrefix |
string |
MyBatis logImpl |
string |
MyBatis proxyFactory |
string |
MyBatis vfsImpl |
string |
MyBatis useActualParamName |
boolean |
MyBatis configurationFactory |
string |
MyBatis shrinkWhitespacesInSql |
boolean |
MyBatis defaultSqlProviderType |
string |
MyBatis mapperLocations |
list of string |
Type |
Default |
MyBatis environment id |
string |
MyBatis transaction factory |
string |
MyBatis initial sql |
string |
MyBatis cacheEnabled |
boolean |
MyBatis lazyLoadingEnabled |
boolean |
MyBatis aggressiveLazyLoading |
boolean |
MyBatis useColumnLabel |
boolean |
MyBatis useGeneratedKeys |
boolean |
MyBatis autoMappingBehavior |
MyBatis autoMappingUnknownColumnBehavior |
MyBatis defaultExecutorType |
MyBatis defaultStatementTimeout |
int |
MyBatis defaultFetchSize |
int |
MyBatis defaultResultSetType |
MyBatis safeRowBoundsEnabled |
boolean |
MyBatis safeResultHandlerEnabled |
boolean |
MyBatis mapUnderscoreToCamelCase |
boolean |
MyBatis multipleResultSetsEnabled |
boolean |
MyBatis localCacheScope |
MyBatis jdbcTypeForNull |
MyBatis lazyLoadTriggerMethods |
list of string |
MyBatis defaultScriptingLanguage |
string |
MyBatis defaultEnumTypeHandler |
string |
MyBatis callSettersOnNulls |
boolean |
MyBatis returnInstanceForEmptyRow |
boolean |
MyBatis logPrefix |
string |
MyBatis logImpl |
string |
MyBatis proxyFactory |
string |
MyBatis vfsImpl |
string |
MyBatis useActualParamName |
boolean |
MyBatis configurationFactory |
string |
MyBatis shrinkWhitespacesInSql |
boolean |
MyBatis defaultSqlProviderType |
string |