Google Cloud Services - Firebase Dev Services
This extension implements DevServices for applications developed on with the Google Firebase platform. The DevService runs the appropriate emulators of the Firebase platform based on your configuration.
Be sure to have read the Google Cloud Services extension pack global documentation before this one, it contains general configuration and information.
Current status
The following emulators have been verified to work:
Firebase Auth
Firebase Firestore
Firebase Emulator UI
Realtime Database
Cloud Storage
Firebase Hosting
The following emulators are currently not supported: * EventArc
Currently you can specify a custom firebase.json
file but suport for this is limited. A
future version will support reading the configuration from the firebase.json
instead of from the Quarkus configuration.
Bootstrapping the project
First, we need a new project. Create a new project with the following command (replace the version placeholder with the correct one):
mvn io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin:${quarkusVersion}:create \
-DprojectGroupId=org.acme \
-DprojectArtifactId=firebase-admin-quickstart \
cd firebase-admin-quickstart
This command generates a Maven project, importing the Google Cloud Firebase extension.
If you already have your Quarkus project configured, you can add the quarkus-google-cloud-firebase
extension to your project by running the following command in your project base directory:
./mvnw quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions="quarkus-google-cloud-firebase"
This will add the following to your pom.xml:
If you already have a firebase project (which you can create using the firebase tools by running firebase init
), you need to make the following changes to get going:
* Add "host" : ""
to all emulator entries
* Add the hub, logging and UI emulators to the emulators configuration
"emulators" : {
"ui": {
"port": 4000,
"enabled": true,
"host": ""
"hub": {
"port": 4400,
"host": ""
"logging": {
"port": 4500,
"host": ""
If you use Firestore, also set the Firestore Websocket port
{ "emulators" : { "firestore": { "port": 8080, "websocketPort" : 9150, "host": "" } } }
For both entries, you can of course use your own custom ports, where needed.
The extension will try to read the firebase.json
file from the current working directory the
process was started in (it will not attempt to traverse the directory upwards to try to find the
file). In some cases you may need to specify this working directory. E.g. when using Gradle:
quarkusDev {
workingDirectory = rootProject.projectDir
Base image caching
This extension builds a custom Docker image to execute the firebase emulators. To reduce startup times, an aggressive
caching strategy is used. The extension will build an internal base image (called
) and will only rebuild this image if it cannot be found.
If you need the image to be regenerated, you manually need to remove the docker image.
Currently the base image builder uses the following steps: - Select the base image (based on the image name, see below) - Clean up the image and install needed dependencies - Create a user and group if needed - Assign ownership to the selected user/group - Switch to the specified user - Download and cache all Firebase emulators
This means that if you need to alter any of the steps previously mentioned, you need to remove the mentioned base image.
Custom Docker image
To run the emulators, a custom Docker image is build on the fly to run the Firebase emulators. This image is based on a NodeJS based image (refer to the configuration of the default value of
to see the base image).
You can configure a custom image if needed as base image to run the Firebase Emulators in. This image has the following requirements:
The image must support NodeJS in a version compatible with the required Firebase Tools
The image must be
based (or at least able to install the following packages usingapk
: )-
Custom Firebase JSON
If emulators are configured via the configuration options, a firebase.json
file is generated inside the image to configure the various emulators. You can configure the Dev Services to use your own custom firebase.json file (e.g generated using the Firebase tools CLI). The following requirements are defined for this file:
Each of the emulators must be exposed on
as host as described here. If this is not done, the Emulators will not be reachable from the Docker host. -
Emulators need to be configured to use the default ports. Customizing the ports on which they run is currently not supported (this might change in a future version).
Details on specific Devservices
The following sections provide documentation in interaction with specific emulators.
Hosting emulator
If you use the hosting emulator, where Quarkus is the backend, you will need to include a CORS configuration, as REST requests will originate from another Origin (host). See the Quarkus CORS documentation for more info.
A simple setup would be
"%dev" /.*/
Note that a redirect from the hosting emulator to the Quarkus instance is currently not supported by the emulator.
Auth emulator
You can use the features provided by Mircoprofile JWT (e.g. injecting a @Claim
value) by including the smallrye-jwt
extension and disabling smallrye-jwt using the following property. This will prevent SmallRye JWT from handling the JWT
validation (leaving that to the Firebase Auth module and the Auth emulator), but using the provided JWT to allow injecting
of these beans.
Interaction with other extensions
The following extensions support Dev Services which conflicts with the Dev Services exposed by the Firebase Emulators.
When including this module, these Dev Services will automatically be disabled, as the Firebase emulator should feature wise be on-par or more extensive than the individual emulators.
Configuration Reference
Configuration property fixed at build time - All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime
Configuration property |
Type |
Default |
Google Cloud project ID. The project is required to be set if you use the Firebase Auth Dev service. Environment variable: |
string |
Indicates to use the dev service for Firebase. The default value is true. This indicator is used to detect the Firebase DevService and disable the DevServices for extensions which conflict with the Firebase DevService. Environment variable: |
boolean |
The version of the firebase tools to use. Default is to use the latest available version. Environment variable: |
string |
Sets the Docker image name for the Google Cloud SDK. This image is used to emulate the Pub/Sub service in the development environment. The default value is 'node:23-alpine'. See also the documentation on Custom Docker images for more info about this image. Environment variable: |
string |
Id of the docker user to run the firebase executable. This is needed in environments where Docker does not perform a mapping to the user running Docker. In a Docker Desktop setup, Docker automatically performs this mapping and the data written by the emulator can be read by the user running the build. This is not the case in a regular (non-Desktop) setup, so you may need to set the user id and Environment variable: |
int |
Id of the group to which the Environment variable: |
int |
Try to read the Environment variable: |
string |
Try to read the Environment variable: |
string |
Automatically try to detect the Environment variable: |
boolean |
Pipe Stdout of the container to the Quarkus logging Environment variable: |
boolean |
Pipe Stedd of the container to the Quarkus logging Environment variable: |
boolean |
The token to use for firebase authentication. Run Environment variable: |
string |
Sets the JAVA tool options for emulators based on the Java runtime environment like -Xmx. See also here Environment variable: |
string |
Allow to import and export data. Specify a path relative to the current working directory of the executable (for most unit tests, this is the root of the build directory) to be used for import and export of emulator data. The data will be written to a subdirectory called "emulator-data" of this directory. See also here Environment variable: |
string |
Indicate whether to import, export or both the data specified in Environment variable: |
Indicates the set of experimental features from firebase to enable (using the firebase experiment:enable command line option). Environment variable: |
list of string |
Enable firebase emulators debugging. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Indicate to use a custom firebase.json file instead of the automatically generated one. The custom firebase.json file MUST include a setting of
to ensure the ports of the emulator are exposed correctly at the docker container level. See the section on Custom Firebase Json in the docs for more info. Environment variable: |
string |
Indicates whether the service should be enabled or not. The default value is 'false'. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Specifies the emulatorPort on which the service should run in the development environment. The default is to expose the service on a random port. Environment variable: |
int |
Port on which to expose the logging endpoint port. This is needed in case you want to view the logging via the Emulator UI. Environment variable: |
int |
Port on which to expose the hub endpoint port. This is needed if you want to use the hub API of the Emulator UI. Environment variable: |
int |
Indicates whether the DevService should be enabled or not. The default value is 'false'. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Specifies the emulatorPort on which the service should run in the development environment. The default is to expose the service on a random port. Environment variable: |
int |
Indicates whether the DevService should be enabled or not. The default value is 'false'. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Specifies the emulatorPort on which the service should run in the development environment. The default is to expose the service on a random port. Environment variable: |
int |
Path to the hosting files. Environment variable: |
string |
Indicates whether the DevService should be enabled or not. The default value is 'false'. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Specifies the emulatorPort on which the service should run in the development environment. The default is to expose the service on a random port. Environment variable: |
int |
Indicates whether the DevService should be enabled or not. The default value is 'false'. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Specifies the emulatorPort on which the service should run in the development environment. The default is to expose the service on a random port. Environment variable: |
int |
Port on which to expose the websocket port. This is needed in case the Firestore Emulator UI needs is used. Environment variable: |
int |
Path to the firestore.rules file. Environment variable: |
string |
Path to the firestore.indexes.json file. Environment variable: |
string |
Indicates whether the DevService should be enabled or not. The default value is 'false'. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Specifies the emulatorPort on which the service should run in the development environment. The default is to expose the service on a random port. Environment variable: |
int |
Indicates whether the DevService should be enabled or not. The default value is 'false'. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Specifies the emulatorPort on which the service should run in the development environment. The default is to expose the service on a random port. Environment variable: |
int |
Indicates whether the DevService should be enabled or not. The default value is 'false'. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Specifies the emulatorPort on which the service should run in the development environment. The default is to expose the service on a random port. Environment variable: |
int |
Path to the storage.rules file. Environment variable: |
string |