Command Line Interface


This project also provide a Quarkus CLI plugin that can be used to generate and install Backstage related entities. More specifically, it can: - Entities - Generate Backstage catalog-info.yaml from the Quarkus application - Install the generated catalog-info.yaml to the Backstage back end - List all installed entities - Uninstall an entity - Templates - Generate a Backstage template from the Quarkus application (reverse engineer a template) - Install the generated template to the Backstage back end - List all installed templates - Uninstall a template


The CLI plugin is installable to all Quarkus projects using the quarkus-backstage extension. However, it can also be used even without the extension. In this case, the CLI plugin needs to be added manually.

quarkus plug add io.quarkiverse.backstage:quarkus-backstage-cli:<version>
install backstage cli plugin

Using the CLI

Generate commands, can be used out of the box, once the plugin is installed. Command that interact with the backstage back end require the back end URL and the token to be set.

Setting the Backstage back end token

To talk the backstage back end, the CLI needs to know: - The URL to the back end - The Token used by the back end for Service to Service communication

Both can be set either using environment: - environment variables: QUARKUS_BACKSTAGE_URL and QUARKUS_BACKSTAGE_TOKEN - quarkus.backstage.url and quarkus.backstage.token

Connecting to the Backstage Dev Service

For ease of use, it is possible to connect the CLI to the Dev Service, without having to set the URL and token (as mentioned above). Instead, the CLI provides the following flag --dev-service. Commands that support this flag, will try to connect to the Dev Service.

Connection is performed using the ephemeral file: .quarkus/dev/backstage/<container id>.yaml that is created by the Dev Service when created.

Note: This feature requires that the command is executed from within the project that is running the Dev Service.

Entities Subcommand

Regenerating the entities (catalog-info.yaml):

To re-trigger the catalog-info.yaml generation:

quarkus backstage entities generate

Installing the generated entities (catalog-info.yaml):

To install generated entities:

quarkus backstage entities install

To uninstall:

quarkus backstage entities uninstall

Listing entities

To list all entities installed

quarkus backstage entities list
Generating a Template using the CLI

To generate a backstage template from an existing Quarkus application:

quarkus backstage template generate
generate template using the cli
Generating a Backstage Template

To generate a backstage template from an existing Quarkus application:

quarkus backstage template generate

The command generates a template under the .backstage/templates directory. The template can then be manually imported to backstage.

Installing a Backstage Template

The generated template can be installed to backstage using the following command:

quarkus backstage template install

This requires the application to be added to SCM. The command will commit the template related files to the backstage branch and push it to origin. The branch name and remote name can be optionally configured using the following flags.

quarkus backstage template install --branch <branch> --remote <remote>

Getting Template information

It is often desired to get information about a template without using the Backstage UI. Also, its often needed to get details that are not listed in the UI.

The following command summarizes the template information:

quarkus backstage template info my-template

The output includes:

  • uid

  • name

  • namespace

  • parameters

  • steps

Instantiating Templates

To instantiate a template (create an application using the template):

quarkus backstage template instantiate my-template

The command above will create an application using the template my-template using the default values for all parameters. A custom value file can be optionally specified using the --values-file flag.

quarkus backstage template instantiate my-template --value-file values.yaml

Where values.yaml is a file containing the values for the parameters.

The values.yaml file that contains the defaults for the parameter can be obtain using the info command with the --show-default-values flag.

quarkus backstage template info my-template --show-default-values


The CLI provides an MCP command that exposes part of the CLI functionality via MCP. The command starts an mcp server via stdio that can be integrated to tools supporting extension by MCP.

quarkus backstage mcp

At the moment the only actions supported are:

  • Listing entities by kind

  • Instantiating templates

Example integration with goose

The yaml below show how the command can be integrated with a tool like goose:

    - backstage
    - mcp
    cmd: quarkus
    enabled: true
      QUARKUS_BACKSTAGE_URL: http:localhost:7007
    name: backstage
    type: stdio