Quarkus Artemis JMS

This extension enables the use of the Apache ActiveMQ Artemis JMS client in Quarkus.

It provides configuration properties to configure the JMS client and native executable support.

For general considerations about the JMS support in Quarkus, it is recommended to read the JMS guide.


Table 1. Compatibility Table
Quarkus version Quarkus JMS version End of Life


latest 3.7.x



latest 3.5.x



latest 3.2.x


Versions that reached their End of Life
Table 2. Compatibility Table for versions that reached their End of Life
Quarkus version Quarkus JMS version End of Life

3.16.x, 3.17.x, 3.18.x

latest 3.7.x



latest 3.4.x



latest 3.4.x


3.12.x, 3.11.x, 3.10.x

latest 3.3.x


3.7.x, 3.6.x, 3.5.x
3.4.x, 3.3.x

latest 3.1.x


3.2.x, 3.1.x, 3.0.x

latest 3.0.x



latest 2.x


Table 3. LTS Versions
Quarkus LTS version Quarkus JMS version End of Life


latest 3.5.x



latest 3.2.x


LTS Versions that reached their End of Life
Table 4. LTS Versions that reached End of Life
Quarkus LTS version Quarkus JMS version End of Life


latest 3.0.x



To benefit from a consistent definition of the Artemis dependencies (including artemis-server often used in the tests), it is recommended to add the following BOM to your project, below the Quarkus BOM:


Once the BOM is added, simply add the io.quarkiverse.artemis:quarkus-artemis-jms extension:


We recommend to set properties quarkus.version and artemis.version to the versions you are using/need to use. We also recommend to align artemis.version with the artemis server version used.

If you are using camel-quarkus, we also recommend setting camel-quarkus.platform.version to the version of camel used.

Named configurations

As with quarkus.datasource, we can configure multiple, named configuration. If a configuration is configured under the root quarkus.artemis, then this is the default or unnamed configuration.

Default configuration

This corresponding bean is registered as the @Default bean and can be injected without additional qualifiers.

There must be some build-time configuration, otherwise the bean will not be available. Having only run-time configuration (e.g. environment variables) is not enough. Please see section Configuration detection at build-time for details.
Injection of default ServerLocator when using quarkus-artemis-core
public class MyClass {
    private final ServerLocator serverLocator;

    public MyClass (
            ServerLocator serverLocator,
    ) {
        this.serverLocator = serverLocator;
Injection of default ConnectionFactory when using quarkus-artemis-jms
public class MyClass {
    private final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;

    public MyClass (
            ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
    ) {
        this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory;

It is also registered with @Identifier("<default>"), so we can inject it with

Injection of default ServerLocator by its explicit name when using quarkus-artemis-core
public class MyClass {
    private final ServerLocator serverLocator;

    public MyClass (
            @Identifier("<default>") ServerLocator serverLocator,
    ) {
        this.serverLocator = serverLocator;
Injection of default ConnectionFactory by its explicit name when using quarkus-artemis-jms
public class MyClass {
    private final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;

    public MyClass (
            @Identifier("<default>") ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
    ) {
        this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory;

Named configurations, on the other hand, are not configured as @Default beans and must therefore be injected by name. The name of the bean is the name of the configuration, and @Identifier(…​) is used to qualify the name. So for example, if we define a configuration "named-1":

Named configuration "named-1"

we can inject it with:

Injection of named ServerLocator "named-1" when using extension quarkus-artemis-core
public class MyClass {
    private final ServerLocator serverLocator;

    public MyClass (
            @Identifier("named-1") ServerLocator serverLocator,
    ) {
        this.serverLocator = serverLocator;
Injection of named ConnectionFactory "named-1" when using extension quarkus-artemis-jms
public class MyClass {
    private final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;

    public MyClass (
            @Identifier("named-1") ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
    ) {
        this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory;
We strongly recommend the usage of @Identifier annotation instead of the @Named annotation. Some other feature rely on the usage of @Identifier. Please see section Health checks for details.

Setting properties at runtime results in a warning

When we override the properties url, username or password of a configuration at runtime - either through the implicit environment variable (QUARKUS_ARTEMIS_URL, QUARKUS_ARTEMIS__CONNECTION_NAME__URL), a custom environment variable (quarkus.artemis.url=${ARTEMIS_URL:tcp://dummy:12345}) or a runtime-provided .properties files, we will see a warning at startup similar to this one:

Warning at startup
2022-11-03 00:53:17,060 WARN  [io.qua.run.con.ConfigRecorder] (main) Build time property cannot be changed at runtime:
 - quarkus.artemis.url is set to 'tcp://localhost:61616' but it is build time fixed to 'tcp://dummy:12345'. Did you change the property quarkus.artemis.url after building the application?

This is expected. We bind some properties twice: once as build-time property, once as run time property. We do so to analyze the (run time-)configuration at build time to get a list of named connections. The overwritten configuration will take effect. The correct behaviour enforced by two different tests. The above example is taken from the logs of our tests.

Configuration detection at build-time

We took special care so the configurations behave "as intuitively as possible". This means that if no connection-related configuration (enabled, url, username, password, devservices…​, health-exclude, xa-enabled) is present at build-time, it is assumed that the configuration is not used and disabled. Therefore, if we want to use any configuration, but not configure it, we should set quarkus.artemis.enabled / quarkus.artemis."named-configuration".enabled to true to explicitly enable the configuration.

binding a property to an environment variable, like quarkus.artemis.url=${ARTEMIS_URL} is sufficient, so the extension can pick up the configuration at build-time.
If we want to configure a connection solely through the implicit environment variables QUARKUS_ARTEMIS_…​, we should enable the configuration by setting quarkus.artemis.enabled / quarkus.artemis."named-configuration".enabled to true. For example, if we want to configure connection quarkus.artemis."named-1" through the implicit environment variables, we would set quarkus.artemis."named-1".enabled=true and then configure the connection through environment variables QUARKUS_ARTEMIS__NAMED_1__…​.

Please do not try to configure a configuration purely through environment variables, without having any indication of its presence in the application’s configuration file. We specifically rely on the presence of some configuration fragment at build-time to detect configurations.

XA-capable Connection Factories

To get XA-capable connection factories, we can set quarkus.artemis.xa-enabled / quarkus.artemis."named-configuration".xa-enabled to true. We can then inject the corresponding bean as XAConnectionFactory.

To use XA transactions and integrate with a transaction manager, we recommend using the quarkus-pooled-jms quarkiverse extension.

URL as optional configuration

The url configuration property is optional. But in general, without a url property, we cannot create a connection. In case of tests with embedded resources or devservices, the corresponding annotation/service injects a url. But if the application starts up and no url property is found, the creation of the bean will throw a RuntimeException with a corresponding error message. Notice that this will happen when the bean is created. If the bean is never used (and thus never created), the exception will not occur.

Health checks

By default, all configurations are added to the health check endpoint when extension quarkus-smallrye-health is loaded.

We can disable health checks for all ServerLocator s (extension quarkus-artemis-core) or ConnectionFactory s (extension quarkus-artemis-jms) by setting quarkus.artemis.health.enabled to false.

We can disable health checks for individual configurations by setting quarkus.artemis.health-exclude / quarkus.artemis."named-configuration".health-exclude to true

Note that we can only enable health checks through the above configuration if quarkus.artemis.health.enabled is true. Otherwise, setting quarkus.artemis.health-exclude / quarkus.artemis."named-connection".health-exclude has no effect.

If we create ServerLocator- (extension quarkus-artemis-core) or ConnectionFactory- (extension quarkus-artemis-jms) beans within our application (i.e. outside of this extension), we can include them in the health check by using the Identifier annotation, e.g.:

Defining a ServerLocator-bean that is picked up automatically by health checks
public class MyBeanProvider {
    @Identifier("my-server-locator") // this annotation makes it so the bean is picked up by the health endpoint
    public ServerLocator mySeverLocator(...) {
        ServerLocator myServerLocator = ...;
        return myServerLocator;
Defining a ConnectionFactory-bean that is picked up automatically by health checks
public class MyBeanProvider {
    @Identifier("my-connection-factory") // this annotation makes it so the bean is picked up by the health endpoint
    public ConnectionFactory myConnectionFactory(...) {
        ConnectionFactory myConnectionFactory = ...;
        return myConnectionFactory;

If we do not want that beans created within our application is picked up by the health endpoint, we can set quarkus.artemis.health.external.enabled to false.

Note that ServerLocator s / ConnectionFactory s are only picked up when quarkus.artemis.health.enabled is true.

Camel support

All connection factories that are configured through quarkus-artemis-jms are automatically registered in the camel context, if the program uses camel. This allows us to reference the connection factories by name, e.g.:

Referencing ConnectionFactory s in a camel route by their bean name

In camel-quarkus, an externally defined ConnectionFactory can only be referenced by its name in a route configuration if it has either a @Named(…​) or the @Identifier(…​) annotation. However, as mentioned above, the usage of @Identifier(…​) should be preferred when using this extension.

Defining an externally defined ConnectionFactory-bean through a @Produces method
@Typed({ ConnectionFactory.class })
ActiveMQConnectionFactory externallyDefinedConnectionFactory(
        @ConfigProperty(name = "artemis.externally-defined.url") String externallyDefinedUrl) {
    return new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(externallyDefinedUrl);

We can then use this ConnectionFactory as follows:

Referencing an externally defined ConnectionFactory-bean by its name

Finally, if only a single ConnectionFactory is defined through quarkus-artemis-jms, this ConnectionFactory is always registered as @Default bean. This allows us to use this ConnectionFactory implicitly in a camel route, without setting it explicitly:

Implicitly use the only ConnectionFactory-bean defined in the application

This also works for an externally defined ConnectionFactory, as long as it is defined as @Default (remember that all beans that do not have any qualifier annotation are automatically @Default beans).

This mechanism stops working as soon as more than one ConnectionFactory bean is defined in the application.

Artemis DevServices

Artemis DevServices are automatically enabled unless quarkus.artemis.url / quarkus.artemis."named-configuration".url is set or quarkus.artemis.devservices.enabled / quarkus.artemis."named-configuration".enabled is false explicitly. And if you still want to use ArtemisTestResource in the test, you need to disable artemis devservices.

Test framework

To facilitate testing, we provide a dedicated testing framework that can start an in-memory artemis instance For the default configuration, we can start an in-memory instance of artemis by annotating our tests with @QuarkusTestResource(ArtemisTestResource.class). The embedded artemis can be configured through a broker.xml, located under src/test/resources.

To start an in-memory artemis for a named configuration, we can define our own test annotation by extending ArtemisTestResource.class:

Annotation to start an in-memory artemis instance for the named configuration "named-1"
public class NamedOneArtemisTestResource extends ArtemisTestResource {
    public NamedOneArtemisTestResource() {

We can then annotate our test with @QuarkusTestResource(NamedOneArtemisTestResource.class).

This instance can be configured by placing a broker-named-1.xml in src/test/resources. In general, for a configuration with name <name>, we can configure the corresponding in-memory artemis through file src/test/resources/broker-<name>.xml.

For an in-depth explanation of what can be configured in a broker.xml, please see the official Artemis documentation.


Examples can be found in the integration-tests module, e.g. The Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Core integration with default configuration tests module

Configuration Reference

Configuration property fixed at build time - All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime

Configuration property



Whether a health check is published in case the smallrye-health extension is present.

This is a global setting and is not specific to a datasource.



Whether configurations (org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.client.ServerLocator`s in case of the `artemis-core extension, jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory`s in case of the `artemis-jms extension) should be included in the health check. Defaults to true if not set.






Whether to enable this configuration.

Is enabled by default.

Environment variable: QUARKUS_ARTEMIS_ENABLED


Enable or disable Dev Services explicitly. Dev Services are automatically enabled unless quarkus.artemis.url is set.



Optional fixed port the dev service will listen to.

If not defined, the port will be chosen randomly.



The ActiveMQ Artemis container image to use.

Defaults to quay.io/artemiscloud/activemq-artemis-broker:artemis.2.32.0



Indicates if the ActiveMQ Artemis broker managed by Quarkus Dev Services is shared. When shared, Quarkus looks for running containers using label-based service discovery. If a matching container is found, it is used, and so a second one is not started. Otherwise, Dev Services for ActiveMQ Artemis starts a new container. Is activated by default when not set.

The discovery uses the quarkus-dev-service-artemis label. The value is configured using the service-name property.

Container sharing is only used in dev mode.



The value of the quarkus-dev-service-artemis label attached to the started container. This property is used when shared is set to true. It defaults to artemis when not set. In this case, before starting a container, Dev Services for ActiveMQ Artemis looks for a container with the quarkus-dev-service-artemis label set to the configured value. If found, it will use this container instead of starting a new one. Otherwise it starts a new container with the quarkus-dev-service-artemis label set to the specified value.

This property is used when you need multiple shared ActiveMQ Artemis brokers.



User to start artemis broker. Defaults to admin if not set.



Password to start artemis broker. Defaults to admin when not set.



The value of the AMQ_EXTRA_ARGS environment variable to pass to the container. Defaults to --no-autotune --mapped --no-fsync when not set.



Support to expose jakarta.jms.XAConnectionFactory. Is not activated by default.

Environment variable: QUARKUS_ARTEMIS_XA_ENABLED


Artemis connection url.

Environment variable: QUARKUS_ARTEMIS_URL


Username for authentication, only used with JMS.

Environment variable: QUARKUS_ARTEMIS_USERNAME


Password for authentication, only used with JMS.

Environment variable: QUARKUS_ARTEMIS_PASSWORD


Whether this particular data source should be excluded from the health check if the general health check for data sources is enabled.

By default, the health check includes all configured data sources (if it is enabled).

