Configuration property fixed at build time - All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime
Type |
Default |
Whether or not an health check is published in case the smallrye-health extension is present. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Specifies if being a standby should still return the active status code instead of the standby status code. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Specifies if being a performance standby should still return the active status code instead of the performance standby status code. Environment variable: |
boolean |
If DevServices has been explicitly enabled or disabled. DevServices is generally enabled by default, unless there is an existing configuration present. When DevServices is enabled Quarkus will attempt to automatically configure and start a vault instance when running in Dev or Test mode and when Docker is running. Environment variable: |
boolean |
The container image name to use, for container based DevServices providers. Environment variable: |
string |
Indicates if the Vault instance managed by Quarkus Dev Services is shared. When shared, Quarkus looks for running containers using label-based service discovery. If a matching container is found, it is used, and so a second one is not started. Otherwise, Dev Services for Vault starts a new container. The discovery uses the Container sharing is only used in dev mode. Environment variable: |
boolean |
The value of the This property is used when you need multiple shared Vault instances. Environment variable: |
string |
Optional fixed port the dev service will listen to. If not defined, the port will be chosen randomly. Environment variable: |
int |
Should the Transit secret engine be enabled Environment variable: |
boolean |
Should the PKI secret engine be enabled Environment variable: |
boolean |
Custom container initialization commands Environment variable: |
list of string |
Microprofile Config ordinal. This is provided as an alternative to the The default value is higher than the file system or jar ordinals, but lower than env vars. Environment variable: |
int |
Vault server url.
Example: https://localhost:8200
See also the documentation for the Environment variable: |
Renew grace period duration. <p> This value if used to extend a lease before it expires its ttl, or recreate a new lease before the current lease reaches its max_ttl. By default Vault leaseDuration is equal to 7 days (ie: 168h or 604800s). If a connection pool maxLifetime is set, it is reasonable to set the renewGracePeriod to be greater than the maxLifetime, so that we are sure we get a chance to renew leases before we reach the ttl. In any case you need to make sure there will be attempts to fetch secrets within the renewGracePeriod, because that is when the renewals will happen. This is particularly important for db dynamic secrets because if the lease reaches its ttl or max_ttl, the password of the db user will become invalid and it will be not longer possible to log in. This value should also be smaller than the ttl, otherwise that would mean that we would try to recreate leases all the time. Environment variable: |
Vault config source cache period.
Properties fetched from vault as MP config will be kept in a cache, and will not be fetched from vault
again until the expiration of that period.
This property is ignored if Environment variable: |
List of comma separated vault paths in kv store,
where all properties will be available as MP config properties as-is, with no prefix.
For instance, if vault contains property Environment variable: |
list of string |
Maximum number of attempts when fetching MP Config properties on the initial connection. Environment variable: |
int |
Used to hide confidential infos, for logging in particular. Possible values are: <p> * low: display all secrets. * medium: display only usernames and lease ids (ie: passwords and tokens are masked). * high: hide lease ids and dynamic credentials username. Environment variable: |
Kv secret engine version. <p> see Environment variable: |
int |
KV secret engine path.
This value is used when building the url path in the KV secret engine programmatic access
(i.e. Environment variable: |
string |
Timeout to establish a connection with Vault. Environment variable: |
Request timeout on Vault. Environment variable: |
List of remote hosts that are not proxied when the client is configured to use a proxy. This list serves the same purpose as the JVM Entries can use the * wildcard character for pattern matching, e.g * matches Environment variable: |
list of string |
The proxy host. If set the client is configured to use a proxy. Environment variable: |
string |
The port the proxy is listening on, 3128 by default. Environment variable: |
int |
List of comma separated vault paths in kv store,
where all properties will be available as prefixed MP config properties.
For instance if the application properties contains
Environment variable: |
list of string |
required |
Dynamic credentials' role.
Roles are defined by the secret engine in use. For example, Environment variable: |
string |
Mount of dynamic credentials secrets engine, for example Environment variable: |
string |
Path of dynamic credentials request.
Request paths are dictated by the secret engine in use. For standard secret engines this should be
left as the default of Environment variable: |
string |
A path in vault kv store, where we will find the kv-key.
One of Environment variable: |
string |
Key name to search in vault path Environment variable: |
string |
Type |
Default |
Vault Enterprise namespace
If set, this will add a Environment variable: |
string |
Type |
Default |
Vault token, bypassing Vault authentication (kubernetes, userpass or approle). This is useful in development where an authentication mode might not have been set up. In production we will usually prefer some authentication such as userpass, or preferably kubernetes, where Vault tokens get generated with a TTL and some ability to revoke them. Lease renewal does not apply. Environment variable: |
string |
Client token wrapped in a wrapping token, such as what is returned by: vault token create -wrap-ttl=60s -policy=myapp client-token and client-token-wrapping-token are exclusive. Lease renewal does not apply. Environment variable: |
string |
Role Id for AppRole auth method. This property is required when selecting the app-role authentication type. Environment variable: |
string |
Secret Id for AppRole auth method. This property is required when selecting the app-role authentication type. Environment variable: |
string |
Wrapping token containing a Secret Id, obtained from: vault write -wrap-ttl=60s -f auth/approle/role/myapp/secret-id secret-id and secret-id-wrapping-token are exclusive Environment variable: |
string |
Allows configure Approle authentication mount path. Environment variable: |
string |
User for userpass auth method. This property is required when selecting the userpass authentication type. Environment variable: |
string |
Password for userpass auth method. This property is required when selecting the userpass authentication type. Environment variable: |
string |
Wrapping token containing a Password, obtained from: vault kv get -wrap-ttl=60s secret/ The key has to be 'password', meaning the password has initially been provisioned with: vault kv put secret/ password= password and password-wrapping-token are exclusive Environment variable: |
string |
Allows configure userpass authentication mount path. Environment variable: |
string |
Kubernetes authentication role that has been created in Vault to associate Vault policies, with Kubernetes service accounts and/or Kubernetes namespaces. This property is required when selecting the Kubernetes authentication type. Environment variable: |
string |
Location of the file containing the Kubernetes JWT token to authenticate against in Kubernetes authentication mode. Environment variable: |
string |
Allows configure Kubernetes authentication mount path. Environment variable: |
string |
Type |
Default |
Allows to bypass certificate validation on TLS communications. If true this will allow TLS communications with Vault, without checking the validity of the certificate presented by Vault. This is discouraged in production because it allows man in the middle type of attacks. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Certificate bundle used to validate TLS communications with Vault. The path to a pem bundle file, if TLS is required, and trusted certificates are not set through system property. Environment variable: |
string |
If true and Vault authentication type is kubernetes, TLS will be active and the cacert path will be set to /var/run/secrets/ If set, this setting will take precedence over property This means that if Vault authentication type is kubernetes and we want to use or system property, then this property should be set to false. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Type |
Default |
Specifies the name of the key to use. By default this will be the property key alias. Used when the same transit key is used with different configurations. Such as in:
Environment variable: |
string |
Set to true when the input is already hashed. Applies to sign operations. Environment variable: |
boolean |
When using a RSA key, specifies the RSA signature algorithm. Applies to sign operations. Environment variable: |
string |
Specifies the hash algorithm to use for supporting key types. Applies to sign operations. Environment variable: |
string |
Specifies the type of key to create for the encrypt operation. Applies to encrypt operations. Environment variable: |
string |
If enabled, the key will support convergent encryption, where the same plaintext creates the same ciphertext. Applies to encrypt operations. Environment variable: |
string |
About the Duration format
To write duration values, use the standard You can also use a simplified format, starting with a number:
In other cases, the simplified format is translated to the