Configuration property fixed at build time - All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime
Type |
Default |
Indicate if the extension should be enabled. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Indicate if Quinoa should just do the build part. If true, Quinoa will NOT serve the Web UI built resources. This is handy when the output of the build is used to be served via something else (nginx, cdn, …) Quinoa put the built files in 'target/quinoa/build' (or 'build/quinoa/build with Gradle). Environment variable: |
boolean |
Root path for hosting the Web UI. This path is normalized and always resolved relative to 'quarkus.http.root-path'. Environment variable: |
string |
Path to the Web UI (NodeJS) root directory (relative to the project root). Environment variable: |
string |
This the Web UI internal build system (webpack, …) output directory. After the build, Quinoa will take the files from this directory, move them to 'target/quinoa/build' (or build/quinoa/build with Gradle) and serve them at runtime. The path is relative to the Web UI path. Environment variable: |
string |
Name of the package manager binary. Only npm, pnpm and yarn are supported for the moment. Environment variable: |
string |
Enable Package Manager Installation. This will override "package-manager" config. Set "quarkus.quinoa.package-manager-command.prepend-binary=true" when using with custom commands Environment variable: |
boolean |
The directory where NodeJS should be installed (relative to the project root), It will be installed in a 'node/' subdirectory of this. Environment variable: |
string |
The NodeJS Version to install locally to the project. Required when package-manager-install is enabled. Environment variable: |
string |
The NPM version to install and use. By default, the version is provided by NodeJS. Environment variable: |
string |
Where to download NPM from. Environment variable: |
string |
Where to download NodeJS from. Environment variable: |
string |
Install and use Yarn as package manager with this version. This is ignored if the npm-version is defined. Environment variable: |
string |
Where to download YARN from. Environment variable: |
string |
Install and use PNPM as package manager with this version. This is ignored if the npm-version or the yarn-version is defined. Environment variable: |
string |
Where to download PNPM from. Environment variable: |
string |
The basic authentication username to use for node download. Environment variable: |
string |
The basic authentication password to use for node download. Environment variable: |
string |
Custom command for installing all packages. e.g. «ci --cache $CACHE_DIR/.npm --prefer-offline» Environment variable: |
string |
Custom command for installing all the packages without generating a lockfile (frozen lockfile) and failing if an update is needed (useful in CI). Environment variable: |
string |
Custom command for building the application. Environment variable: |
string |
Custom command for running tests for the application. Environment variable: |
string |
Custom command for starting the application in development mode. Environment variable: |
string |
Custom command for publishing the package. Environment variable: |
string |
Indicate if the Web UI should also be tested during the build phase (i.e: npm test). To be used in a Environment variable: |
boolean |
Install the packages without generating a lockfile (frozen lockfile) and failing if an update is needed (useful in CI). Environment variable: |
boolean |
Force install packages before building. It will install packages only if the node_modules directory is absent or when the package.json is modified in dev-mode. Environment variable: |
boolean |
When true, the UI Framework will be auto-detected if possible Environment variable: |
boolean |
Enable SPA (Single Page Application) routing, all relevant requests will be re-routed to the index page. Currently, for technical reasons, the Quinoa SPA routing configuration won’t work with RESTEasy Classic. Environment variable: |
boolean |
List of path prefixes to be ignored by Quinoa (SPA Handler and Dev-Proxy). The paths are normalized and always resolved relative to 'quarkus.quinoa.ui-root-path'. Environment variable: |
list of string |
Enable external dev server (live coding). If the "dev-server.port" config is not detected or defined it will be disabled. Environment variable: |
boolean |
When set to true, Quinoa will manage the Web UI dev server When set to false, the Web UI dev server have to be started before running Quarkus dev Environment variable: |
boolean |
Port of the server to forward requests to. The dev server process (i.e npm start) is managed like a dev service by Quarkus. If the external server responds with a 404, it is ignored by Quinoa and processed like any other backend request. Environment variable: |
int |
Host of the server to forward requests to. Environment variable: |
string |
When set to true, Quinoa requests will be forwarded with tls enabled. Environment variable: |
boolean |
When set to true, Quinoa will accept any certificate with any hostname. Environment variable: |
boolean |
After start, Quinoa wait for the external dev server. by sending GET requests to this path waiting for a 200 status. If forced empty, Quinoa will not check if the dev server is up. Environment variable: |
string |
By default, Quinoa will handle request upgrade to websocket and act as proxy with the dev server. If set to false, Quinoa will pass websocket upgrade request to the next Vert.x route handler. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Timeout in ms for the dev server to be up and running. Environment variable: |
int |
Enable external dev server live coding logs. This is not enabled by default because most dev servers display compilation errors directly in the browser. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Set this value if the index page is different for the dev-server Environment variable: |
string |
Quinoa deals with SPA routing by itself (see quarkus.quinoa.enable-spa-routing), some dev-server have this feature enabled by default. This is a problem for proxying as it prevents other Quarkus resources (REST, …) to answer. By default, Quinoa will try to detect when the dev server is answering with a html page for non-existing resources (SPA-Routing) in which case it will instead allow other Quarkus resources (REST, …) to answer. Set this to true (direct) when the other Quarkus resources use a specific path prefix (and marked as ignored by Quinoa) or if the dev-server is configured without SPA routing. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Runs package manager publish command. This is handy when the using justBuild() option to publish built web module or component to a registry. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Environment variables for install command execution. Environment variable: |
Environment variables for ci command execution. Environment variable: |
Environment variables for build command execution. Environment variable: |
Environment variables for test command execution. Environment variable: |
Environment variables for development command execution. Environment variable: |
Environment variables for publish command execution. Environment variable: |