Configuration property fixed at build time - All other configuration properties are overridable at runtime
Type |
Default |
whether to activate dev services or not Environment variable: |
boolean |
Override the docker image used for the Splunk dev service Environment variable: |
string |
Whether the instance of splunk can be shared between runs in DEV mode. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Determine whether to enable the handler Environment variable: |
boolean |
The splunk handler log level. By default, it is no more strict than the root handler level. Environment variable: |
Splunk HEC endpoint base url. With raw events, the endpoint targeted is /services/collector/raw. With flat or nested JSON events, the endpoint targeted is /services/collector/event/1.0. Environment variable: |
string |
Disable TLS certificate validation with HEC endpoint Environment variable: |
boolean |
The application token to authenticate with HEC, the token is mandatory if the extension is enabled Environment variable: |
string |
The strategy to send events to HEC. In sequential mode, there is only one HTTP connection to HEC and the order of events is preserved, but performance is lower. In parallel mode, event batches are sent asynchronously over multiple HTTP connections, and events with the same timestamp (that has 1 millisecond resolution) may be indexed out of order by Splunk. Environment variable: |
A GUID to identify an HEC client and guarantee isolation at HEC level in case of slow clients. Environment variable: |
string |
Batching delay before sending a group of events. If 0, the events are sent immediately. Environment variable: |
Maximum number of events in a batch. By default 10, if 0 no batching. Environment variable: |
long |
Maximum total size in bytes of events in a batch. By default 10KB, if 0 no batching. Environment variable: |
long |
Maximum number of retries in case of I/O exceptions with HEC connection. Environment variable: |
long |
A middleware to customize the behavior of sending events to Splunk. Environment variable: |
string |
The log format, defining which metadata are inlined inside the log main payload. Specific metadata (hostname, category, thread name, …), as well as MDC key/value map, can also be sent in a structured way. Environment variable: |
string |
Whether to send the thrown exception message as a structured metadata of the log event (as opposed to %e in a formatted message, it does not include the exception name or stacktrace). Only applicable to 'nested' serialization. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Whether to send the logger name as a structured metadata of the log event (equivalent of %c in a formatted message). Only applicable to 'nested' serialization. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Whether to send the thread name as a structured metadata of the log event (equivalent of %t in a formatted message). Only applicable to 'nested' serialization. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Overrides the host name metadata value. Environment variable: |
string |
The source value to assign to the event data. For example, if you’re sending data from an app you’re developing, you could set this key to the name of the app. Environment variable: |
string |
The optional format of the events, to enable some parsing on Splunk side. A given source type may have indexed fields extraction enabled, which is the case of the built-in _json used for nested serialization. Environment variable: |
string |
The optional name of the index by which the event data is to be stored. If set, it must be within the list of allowed indexes of the token (if it has the indexes parameter set). Environment variable: |
string |
The name of the key used to convey the severity / log level in the metadata fields. Only applicable to 'flat' serialization. With 'nested' serialization, there is already a 'severity' field. Environment variable: |
string |
The format of the payload.
Environment variable: |
The name of the named filter to link to the splunk handler. Environment variable: |
string |
Indicates whether to log asynchronously Environment variable: |
boolean |
The queue length to use before flushing writing Environment variable: |
int |
Determine whether to block the publisher (rather than drop the message) when the queue is full Environment variable: |
The API URL the splunk dev service listens on. Environment variable: |
string |
Additional environment variables to inject. Environment variable: |
Map that allows to tell to plug the following named handlers to the dev service It is necessary as we do not have access to runtime configuration when starting the Splunk container. Environment variable: |
Optional static key/value pairs to populate the "fields" key of event metadata. This isn’t applicable to raw serialization. Environment variable: |
Determine whether to enable the handler Environment variable: |
boolean |
The splunk handler log level. By default, it is no more strict than the root handler level. Environment variable: |
Splunk HEC endpoint base url. With raw events, the endpoint targeted is /services/collector/raw. With flat or nested JSON events, the endpoint targeted is /services/collector/event/1.0. Environment variable: |
string |
Disable TLS certificate validation with HEC endpoint Environment variable: |
boolean |
The application token to authenticate with HEC, the token is mandatory if the extension is enabled Environment variable: |
string |
The strategy to send events to HEC. In sequential mode, there is only one HTTP connection to HEC and the order of events is preserved, but performance is lower. In parallel mode, event batches are sent asynchronously over multiple HTTP connections, and events with the same timestamp (that has 1 millisecond resolution) may be indexed out of order by Splunk. Environment variable: |
A GUID to identify an HEC client and guarantee isolation at HEC level in case of slow clients. Environment variable: |
string |
Batching delay before sending a group of events. If 0, the events are sent immediately. Environment variable: |
Maximum number of events in a batch. By default 10, if 0 no batching. Environment variable: |
long |
Maximum total size in bytes of events in a batch. By default 10KB, if 0 no batching. Environment variable: |
long |
Maximum number of retries in case of I/O exceptions with HEC connection. Environment variable: |
long |
A middleware to customize the behavior of sending events to Splunk. Environment variable: |
string |
The log format, defining which metadata are inlined inside the log main payload. Specific metadata (hostname, category, thread name, …), as well as MDC key/value map, can also be sent in a structured way. Environment variable: |
string |
Whether to send the thrown exception message as a structured metadata of the log event (as opposed to %e in a formatted message, it does not include the exception name or stacktrace). Only applicable to 'nested' serialization. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Whether to send the logger name as a structured metadata of the log event (equivalent of %c in a formatted message). Only applicable to 'nested' serialization. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Whether to send the thread name as a structured metadata of the log event (equivalent of %t in a formatted message). Only applicable to 'nested' serialization. Environment variable: |
boolean |
Overrides the host name metadata value. Environment variable: |
string |
The source value to assign to the event data. For example, if you’re sending data from an app you’re developing, you could set this key to the name of the app. Environment variable: |
string |
The optional format of the events, to enable some parsing on Splunk side. A given source type may have indexed fields extraction enabled, which is the case of the built-in _json used for nested serialization. Environment variable: |
string |
The optional name of the index by which the event data is to be stored. If set, it must be within the list of allowed indexes of the token (if it has the indexes parameter set). Environment variable: |
string |
Optional static key/value pairs to populate the "fields" key of event metadata. This isn’t applicable to raw serialization. Environment variable: |
The name of the key used to convey the severity / log level in the metadata fields. Only applicable to 'flat' serialization. With 'nested' serialization, there is already a 'severity' field. Environment variable: |
string |
The format of the payload.
Environment variable: |
The name of the named filter to link to the splunk handler. Environment variable: |
string |
Indicates whether to log asynchronously Environment variable: |
boolean |
The queue length to use before flushing writing Environment variable: |
int |
Determine whether to block the publisher (rather than drop the message) when the queue is full Environment variable: |
Sets the default connect timeout for new connections in milliseconds. Environment variable: |
long |
Sets the default timeout for complete calls in milliseconds. Environment variable: |
long |
Sets the default read timeout for new connections in milliseconds. Environment variable: |
long |
Sets the default write timeout for new connections in milliseconds. Environment variable: |
long |
Sets the default termination timeout during a flush in milliseconds. Environment variable: |
long |
About the Duration format
To write duration values, use the standard You can also use a simplified format, starting with a number:
In other cases, the simplified format is translated to the