Quarkus JDiameter Stack


Welcome to the Quarkus JDiameter documentation. The documentation will guide you on how to install, configure and use Quarkus JDiameter stack.

The Quarkus JDiameter is a fork from the Restcomm JDiameter project, and the original project can be found at https://github.com/Restcomm/jdiameter.

The documentation provided here includes the original project documentation with a new section being added covering how to use the stack in Quarkus.

Prerequisite Knowledge

The reader must have a working knowledge of the 3GPP Diameter protocol.


The Quarkus JDiameter stack is provided as is and the authors do not guarantee to be with out any faults.

If you get to a point where you need a specific feature not currently supported or the Quarkus extension is not working as expected, send me an email at eddie.carpenter@icloud.com, or even better, get involved!