@InjectMock annotation

This annotation allows you to inject MockK mocks in your application.

This annotation has three parameters:

  • relaxed, if set to true, all function will return simple values. Default to false.

  • relaxUnitFun, if set to true, Unit function will be relaxed. Default to false.

  • convertScopes, it set to true, convert the @Singleton scope of bean to @ApplicationScoped. This allows to mock singleton beans


For example, @InjectMock can be used in the following example:

class InjectionMockTest {

    private lateinit var firstService: FirstService

    private lateinit var secondService: SecondService

    fun `should respond test`() {
        every { secondService.greet() } returns "test"

    fun `should respond second`() {
        every { secondService.greet() } returns "second"
        verify { secondService.greet() }

In order to mock a RestClient, you must add the @RestClient qualifier alongside the @InjectMock:

class InjectionMockTest {

    private lateinit var firstService: FirstService

    private lateinit var myRestClientService: MyRestClientService

    fun `should respond test`() {
        every { myRestClientService.greet() } returns "test"